
After two days of fermentation, Aida Jing's negative information caused an uproar on the Internet. It has become known to everyone and is notorious.

The programs under his name have made announcements to stop broadcasting, and the relevant advertisers have also promptly issued notices of termination. Whether it is mainstream media or self-media accounts, they are all criticizing each other, and it has even been revealed that Aida Jing has previously published in the program. Many inappropriate remarks were made, and the ugly face of advocating foreign things and favoring foreign countries was fully exposed, which aroused the indignation of the Chinese people.

Born into a scholarly family and a well-known family, he graduated from one of the top universities in the country. There is no doubt about the talent of this great scholar.

But even though he is very talented, he still cannot learn the word "loyalty".

In order to flatter the United States and lick Japan and South Korea, they did not hesitate to tamper with history and make false claims. In the face of their own country, they pointed fingers, ridiculed, ridiculed and ridiculed their own country.

Yes, our country must face reality. There is indeed a big gap between the level of science and technology and developed countries.

But why don’t you think about it? How many years has it taken us from expelling foreigners to not having enough to eat to our current living standards?

The country is sparing no effort to develop, and development requires the dedicated contributions of generations of pillars, not the advice given by so-called public intellectuals, let alone the incitement of ulterior motives!

To put it bluntly, putting aside the past of these inappropriate remarks, the mere crime of him visiting J Country S Society is enough to send him to the eighteenth level of hell!


In the evening, Chu Yuxuan called his second son to ask about the injury, and then mentioned the mysterious man with a tattoo on his arm.

It has been ten years since that incident, and it will definitely not be easy to investigate. Although Chen Hong is very sure that the man is a native of Jiangcheng, no one can guarantee that he is still in Jiangcheng today.

In this regard, the second child can only say that he will do his best to investigate.

Chu Yuxuan understood that the hope of finding a needle in a haystack by Lao Er alone was slim. However, apart from Lao Er, the other three brothers were not familiar with Jiangcheng, and including himself, they did not have any useful connections. , therefore, he placed more hopes on Chu Zhiqing and Chu Muhan, hoping that the father and daughter could give some help.

After hanging up the phone, Chu Yuxuan looked at the time. It was almost time to have dinner. When he saw Zhao Yanan in the morning, the ice beauty's complexion had completely recovered. It seemed that the cold was almost gone. It would be okay to have dinner together. Not big.

Thinking about it, he changed his clothes and went out towards Zhao Yanan's house.

However, just halfway through, Zhao Yanan also opened the door and walked out, neatly dressed and carrying a bag in her hand. It seemed that she had something to go out.

The two looked at each other, Zhao Yanan paused slightly, then turned around and locked the door.

"What are you going for?" Chu Yuxuan asked.

"There's something wrong." Zhao Yanan walked towards the elevator without any enthusiasm.

Chu Yuxuan pondered for a moment and said, "Did you forget something?"

Zhao Yanan looked at him sideways and gave him a confused look.

"Today is the weekend." Chu Yuxuan smiled lightly.

Zhao Yanan thought for a moment and then remembered that she had made an appointment with Chu Yuxuan to have dinner together on weekend nights.

But now, she has made an appointment with Zhou Xiaoruo for psychological treatment...

"I...I have something to do tonight."

Chu Yuxuan's expression remained unchanged and he smiled: "Okay...where are you going? Shall I see you off?"

Zhao Yanan shook her head: "No, I'll drive it myself..."

At this point, she suddenly realized something and frowned: "You won't kill my tires again, will you? Chu Yuxuan, I have already changed three tires!"

Chu Yuxuan was amused for a while, and hurriedly waved his hands and said: "No, no, I'm not that shameless... Also, it was the big fat guy who did it in the past. I have educated you on it, and I guarantee that he will not dare to do it again."

Zhao Yanan glared and said nothing.

"Nan Nan, drive yourself and pay attention to your safety."


Zhao Yanan responded, and the elevator door opened just in time.

Watching his wife enter the elevator, Chu Yuxuan waved his hand, and when he turned around, a trace of disappointment flashed in his eyes.

He had just taken two steps towards his home when the elevator door behind him opened with a "clatter".

Chu Yuxuan stopped and turned to look. Zhao Yanan leaned half out of the elevator, stared at him, blinked, and said seriously: "How about we have supper together tonight?"

Chu Yuxuan nodded happily: "Okay."

Zhao Yanan hummed, paused, and explained inexplicably: "I have to attend a charity auction party next weekend, so I think it's better to fulfill my promise tonight."

Chu Yuxuan smiled miserably: "Nannan, why do you need to explain?"

"I..." Zhao Yanan opened her mouth, looking a little unnatural. Then she returned to the elevator, pressed the door button, glanced at the corner of her lips and muttered secretly: "Yes, why do you need to explain? I am really sick. !”

It was exactly nine o'clock when I finished the treatment at Zhou Xiaoruo's place. Zhao Yanan thought to herself that it was a midnight snack anyway and she had plenty of time, so she chatted with her best friend for a while until ten o'clock sharp before heading back home.

On the way back, on the outer ring road, a black SUV suddenly changed lanes and cut in front of her Maserati.

Fortunately, the beautiful CEO concentrated her attention and changed direction in time, changing to the next lane. Although she avoided a car accident, she was still frightened. Her heart was pounding, and she didn't know where the car was. What's wrong with the car owner? Either he is mentally ill or he is drunk!

Just as he was getting angry, who would have thought that the SUV caught up with him again, and after passing him, he got in front of Zhao Yanan's car again and slammed on the brakes!

Zhao Yanan was caught off guard, subconsciously stepped on the brakes, held the steering wheel tightly with both hands, and her heart suddenly rose to her throat!

Fortunately, the distance was just enough. When the Maserati stopped, its front face was less than ten centimeters away from the SUV's taillight.

Zhao Yanan's face turned pale, she was breathing heavily, and her mind went blank.

At this moment, the door of the car in front suddenly opened, and three angry men came out.

Although Zhao Yanan didn't know what these people were going to do, driven by instinct, she hurriedly locked the car door and looked at the three of them cautiously.

But strange to say, the three people had fierce looks on their faces when they first got out of the car. After taking a step forward, they all stopped and looked straight at the car coming from behind, looking at each other.

Zhao Yanan was frightened and confused. She didn't know what these three people were going to do.

Unintentionally, she caught a glimpse of a police car in the rearview mirror, approaching quickly with its lights flashing.

After a while, the police car stopped behind the Maserati. The traffic policeman in the co-pilot opened the door and got out of the car. He said angrily: "Why are you parking here? I don't know this is the outer ring road? Can you park at will?!"

The traffic policeman knocked on Zhao Yanan's car window: "Driver's license!"

Zhao Yanan breathed a sigh of relief, and while taking out her ID, she said, "Officer, they forced me to stop. I don't know what they were going to do."

The three men pretended to be calm, and the two returned to the car. The remaining one dealt with the traffic police. He smiled reluctantly and said, "Officer, she stopped our car just now. We were just impulsive..."

After checking Zhao Yanan's ID, the traffic policeman walked up to the SUV and said sternly: "Driver's license!"

After checking the IDs, he scolded the men: "Driving a fighting car with a girl, you are lucky enough to be able to do it! Leave now!"

After driving away the SUV, the traffic policeman criticized and educated Zhao Yanan again: "Be careful when driving in the future, and don't get angry with others. There is no surveillance on this stretch of road, and it's hard to explain the scratches... Go quickly, don't Affecting traffic!”

Zhao Yanan thanked her, started the car and left.

Regarding this matter, she didn't take it seriously, just pretending that she didn't pay attention to others.

How did she know that if the police hadn't unexpectedly appeared, the consequences would have been disastrous...

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