After talking with Clotil who felt she was fooled for about 20 to 30 minutes, Noah stood up and walked out the door, telling her not to care about him so much.

"Humph, it's just talk, right? How can you really help me? Isn't it to see more of my ugly face?"

Clotil had been completely deceived by Noah and thought that Noah was an artist with a problem in his head.

At this time, her cold eyes also moved with Noah's movements. From her words, it can be heard that she has a big opinion of Noah.

It is very easy to increase the favorability. Just say a few good words here to ease the atmosphere between the two. Noah himself knows that the nun is still very friendly to the existence other than evil.

But who said Noah is the evil itself that she hates?

Therefore, Noah would only raise his chin frivolously and deliberately say with a sarcastic smile:

"Yes, that's right, but you should blame yourself for turning a deaf ear to other people's advice. If you had listened to my advice at that time, would it be the case now?"

"That, that's right!"

When her mistake was mentioned again, Clotil wanted to refute excitedly, but she actually knew that she was not right, so she couldn't refute anything.

"What is that? Give me your quibbling, I'm waiting."

Knowing that Clotil couldn't say anything, Noah deliberately continued to provoke her here, which made Clotil's expression more ashamed and ugly.

But Noah didn't intend to force her to the end. It would be a loss if she didn't plan to find him when the lewd/mark was activated because of her low favorability.

So when Noah saw that the nun couldn't say anything, he left the room after leaving a word.

"Because my time is precious, please tell me the excuses you can come up with next time we meet, the nun who was killed by the demon."


For Noah, who made her very upset when she left, Clothier felt that she seemed to have encountered a more difficult existence than the demon.

Because the demon is undoubtedly evil recognized by the church, just find a way to destroy it.

But this man is the kind of person who is annoying but not to be destroyed.

It's like stepping on the maximum tolerance limit of the rules.

If Noah is said to be greedy for her body, Clothier will find a way to kill him, because this is obviously a sin of lust.

But if you just want to see her reaction when she is tortured by the demon, it is annoying, but not to the point of being unacceptable.

After all, compared to cooperating with Noah, she hates herself more for becoming a shameless woman like the demon, who can do it with any man at will.

Although theoretically she had lost her qualifications as a nun by breaking her vows and having sex with a man, Clothier still felt that it was better than not being able to be a normal woman and becoming a slave to the **.

"But, but the novel is absolutely not allowed! He must not write me as the prototype of the heroine in the novel! I can't embarrass the church and the goddess again!"

By imagining the worst result to make herself accept the less bad result, Clothier gradually accepted the fact that she became Noah's observation object.

But she also made up her mind that even if she could accept being treated as an observation object, she absolutely could not be the heroine of the prototype of the novel.

If Noah insisted on writing her story as a novel, she would burn Noah's manuscript and imprison Noah at the same time!

As long as the two parties knew about this matter, it would be fine!

Clothier, who had no idea that Noah had never planned to write a novel from the beginning, began to pray to the goddess in her heart with her hands on her chest because she felt uneasy about the future.

"My merciful and great goddess, please forgive my sins. It was not my intention to overlap my body with a man as your servant. All this was the fault of that evil demon. I swear to launch a sacred punishment against that demon. Please forgive me for my deep sins..."

"...I don't know if the goddess heard it, but the evil god did hear it. I will forgive you, provided that you can overcome the lust mark and become the lust demon queen who can freely control the power of the lust mark."

In fact, Noah, who deliberately disappeared and returned to the room, quietly looked at Clothier who was praying, and could not help but respond to her prayer without authorization, which would cause a big reaction if heard by her.

Unlike the series of unreliable performances in front of Noah before, Clothier, who closed her eyes and prayed at this time, really felt like a nun.

That kind of sacred and inviolable solemnity really seemed like the real thing.

If Noah hadn't seen dozens of CGs of her defeated and undefeated but mosaiced, Noah would have really thought that she could resist the effect of the Lust Mark just by praying devoutly!

Laughing to death! It seems that praying to the goddess is completely useless!

It's better to convert to this evil god!

Although the result is not to make Clotil eliminate the Lust Mark, but to make her become the Lust Demon Queen to control the power of the Lust Mark, but you can tell whether it is resisted!

35. The sadistic princess

After successfully defeating the python-shaped mutant monster, Valentina's already good reputation among the people has been further improved.

The leaders of the Knights, who previously thought that the princess was just playing house and had no real skills, began to actively invite Valentina to be a special coach for their Knights.

However, even if the schedule is sometimes very full, Valentina will take time to see her childhood sweetheart Clyde who is working hard.

The time she spends with her childhood sweetheart is one of the few moments she can relax, so she cherishes it very much.

Although her pressure has increased recently, she feels that she can still bear it.

Moreover, Allen, the private teacher who teaches her history and magic courses, often talks to her privately. It can be said that she has no dissatisfaction with the current situation.

…No, if you insist, there is still some. In fact, it has been nearly a week since the fight against the snake's mutant monster, but the evil god has suddenly settled down and no longer suddenly appeared in front of her.

This made her feel a little inexplicably uneasy in her heart.

She didn't quite know where this uneasiness came from.

At first, she thought that she was worried that the evil god would suddenly appear and mess up her life again, such as telling the world that she was actually a fake princess transformed by a monster and the real princess had died long ago.

Although it cannot be said that there is no worry at all, it seems that it is not entirely out of this worry.

Is she worried that the evil god will be destroyed by someone?

No, that guy should be defeated by no one except the goddess.

Then is she worried that the evil god deliberately does not appear, but is secretly enjoying her anxious scene, and feels uneasy about becoming a toy of the evil god?

Maybe there is, but I always feel that it is not just that.

It’s really strange... What exactly is the reason for her to feel uneasy?

Because there is no way to talk about the evil god with anyone, even Clyde and Allen, Valentina will only worry and think about the evil god when she is alone.

In the past few days, she only occasionally thought of the evil god, but in recent days, she has been absent-minded more and more.

Now, in the palace corridor where Valentina, wearing a light blue battle dress, was walking and looking at the scenery outside the window after the usual visit to the king and queen and preparing to leave the palace.

She seemed to be enjoying the beautiful scenery, but in fact, she was thinking about the evil god.

Because this was in the palace, it was not strange to meet other princes and princesses.

In fact, the second prince Mori, who happened to be called by the queen for something, met Valentina at this coincidence.


Prince Mori, who was still showing an impatient attitude towards the noble son who was flattering him, immediately became ugly after discovering that it was his half-sister Valentina who was walking towards him.

Like a person bitten by a snake, Prince Mori's whole body immediately tensed up.

Why, why did I meet this woman? I have been deliberately avoiding her recently!

After being severely punished and seeing the terrifying side of his sister, Prince Mori has been a lot more honest recently and does not look down on others as much as before.

From this perspective, his personality has been corrected to some extent, but his fear of his sister is also engraved in his heart.

It is too late to avoid it now. Fortunately, Mori found that the terrible sister seemed to be thinking about other things as if she had something on her mind, and did not notice him for the time being.

Very good, just walk along the inner wall as quietly as possible, and never let her notice...

Prince Mori was as cautious as a fledgling adventurer in front of a sleeping dragon, trying to walk by carefully and try not to make any footsteps.

If it were only him and Martina, the maid who understood him completely, then naturally nothing would happen.

But unfortunately, there are not so many things that go as you wish in the world, it is better to say that eight out of ten things are not as you wish.

"Oh, isn't this Her Highness Valentina who is regarded as a hero by the common people? You are still as barbaric and rude as before. Why don't you just change your job to an adventurer? After all, you seem to be more suitable to be with monsters than humans!"


Because the other princes and princesses all responded to Valentina with hostile attitudes, of course the son of the nobles who stood on their side also maintained the same attitude.

The son of the nobles, who thought this was an opportunity to show off, immediately made a high-profile voice to actively draw Valentina's attention to them.

It is not known whether his ridicule was useful to Valentina, but it did make Prince Mori, who was carefully trying to avoid Valentina, change his face.

"…Hmm? Ah, isn't this Brother Mori and Mr. Raymond, the third son of the Marquis Clemens? Hello, everyone. So what were you talking about just now? Sorry, I didn't hear it."

Hearing someone calling her, Valentina turned her head and looked at the three people coming towards her, but because she only realized that someone called her and didn't hear the content, she politely asked what the other party had just said.

"Huh? Ha, hahaha, oh my, oh my, I didn't expect it to be like this, Your Highness Valentina, you are really amazing, just like... eh?! Your Highness Mori?"

Thinking that Valentina deliberately pretended not to hear, the third son of the Marquis, Raymond, was almost broken.

Because he felt that he, who was born in an orthodox family, was looked down upon by the ostracized illegitimate princess, he couldn't stand it!

But fortunately he held back and planned to organize his words to continue to retort.

However, Prince Mori, who reacted this time, of course did not continue to let him finish, but directly stepped on Raymond's left foot to force him to shut up.

Raymond was stepped on hard and he immediately felt burning pain. He looked at Prince Mori at the side in confusion, only to find that the other man was obviously angry.

Now he was even more confused.

Why, could he have made a mistake somewhere? Didn’t the former Prince Maury like to see them laughing at Valentina together?

"No, it's nothing, just saying hello. Don't worry about it, Valentina. Well, Brother Yu, I still have something to do, so I'll take the first step!"

Prince Mori, who now wished he could just push Raymond to the ground and beat him up, suppressed his anger, immediately smiled at his sister, and then quickly disappeared at a walking speed that could barely run. In front of this sister who scared him.

Afterwards, Raymond, who had no idea what was going on, also caught up with Prince Mori's maid Martina.

The maid Martina, who was once instantly killed by Valentina, did not mind the past at all, and bowed deeply to her to show respect and gratitude when she left.

After all, although it left a deep psychological shadow, in terms of results, the bad behavior of her master was indeed forcibly corrected, for which the maid Martina was very grateful to Valentina.


But when the three left, Valentina didn't realize that she had been provoked, nor did she realize that Prince Mori was afraid of her.

Although I was somewhat aware of the maid Martina's gratitude, I didn't know what the specific content of her gratitude was.

Could it be that she was grateful for not continuing to cause trouble for Prince Mori?

Please, that kind of embarrassing guy is just like the spineless wild dog on the roadside. At best, it is a wild purebred dog. She will not just kick it when it is idle.

But if the wild dog still dares to show his teeth to her, haha, then it’s not impossible to completely crush his spine next time~

Under the influence of Noah, Her Royal Highness the Princess, whose character has become somewhat mature and tough, looked back at Prince Mori who had run far away, and could not help but twist the corners of her mouth upward, gradually revealing a sadistic smile.


This made Prince Mori, who was already more than 20 meters away, feel an inexplicable chill, and he hurriedly ran away from the scene.

At this time, Her Royal Highness the Princess has not noticed that she is already a little different from people's impressions of her.

Whether this is a good thing or a bad thing depends on the person. At least for Noah who is watching all this, there is no doubt that it is a good thing.

It seems that his training has had a certain effect, but it is not enough. It is time to continue the training journey.

Therefore, after Noah deliberately played for nearly a week, he suddenly appeared in front of Her Royal Highness the Princess again.

"You are really smiling happily, Your Highness, did something good happen? Tell me quickly. If you don't tell me, I will make fun of you. For example, tell the world that the real you is dead. Now You are a fake or something like that.”

36. Your Highness the Princess is really bad.

"You are really smiling happily, Your Highness, did something good happen? Tell me quickly. If you don't tell me, I will make fun of you. For example, tell the world that the real you is dead. Now You are a fake or something like that.”

When Noah's malicious voice that couldn't tell whether he was serious or just joking sounded behind him.

Valentina immediately lost her slight interest in Prince Mori and quickly turned around as quickly as possible to look in the direction of the source of the sound.

At the end of the spacious and bright corridor, only the location of the evil god was filled with a strange feeling that was incompatible with the surrounding environment.

The strange young man whose upper half of his face could not be recognized had a playful smile that was either serious or playful, existing there like a shadow.

Even if he took the initiative to talk in Valentina's direction, the two guards standing guard near him showed no reaction at all, as if he didn't actually exist there.

Generally speaking, normal people would definitely feel scared when they meet such a weird man.

But Valentina felt relieved to see that figure again after a week, and her expression almost softened.

However, she quickly realized that she was doing this as if she was expecting to meet the evil god. She tightened the serious expression on her face again and sneered at the evil god who treated her as a toy:

"Until just now, good things have been happening. After all, how can you not be happy if you don't see an evil god doing whatever he wants for a week? It's a pity that the happy time seems to have ended here."

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