Although Noah was not really a sadistic person, he had to admit that Valentina looked much more pleasing to the eye when she turned into a dragon than when she was with the yellow-haired guy.

"What a joke! How can I meet Clyde like this!"

Realizing that she had really turned into a half-dragon, half-human 'monster', some kind of emotion in Valentina's heart finally overwhelmed her fear, making her tough again and fiercely questioning the evil god who turned her into a monster.

"Who is Clyde? Is he your lover? Isn't it better to just confess directly? Anyway, your lover can't accept seeing you become a monster, so break up as soon as possible."

Noah replied casually in a frivolous tone that didn't care about his own affairs.

But he actually knew that Clyde was the victim of this game world. Although there were many yellow-haired people, he was always the only victim.

When Noah first started playing, he thought he was also miserable, but his cowardly character really made people feel that he deserved it. No matter how miserable he was, could he be more miserable than Valentina herself who was played by others?


Valentina was speechless for a moment by the evil god's answer.

Although she had not been with her childhood sweetheart Clyde, she did have a good impression of him, so she subconsciously thought about how to meet him now.

Unexpectedly, she got this answer. What Valentina could not accept the most was that she felt that what Noah said actually made some sense.

This idea of ​​identifying with the evil god made Valentina shudder. Was it not just her body, but also her soul that was tainted!

No! There is no such thing!

Even if her body was tainted, her soul would not succumb to the evil god! Never!

3. Sorry, Your Highness, I don't have a health bar

Valentina is a princess with a good personality. Although she has the elegant temperament of an aristocrat, she is not arrogant. She is not only approachable but also very kind.

Even if her half-brothers and sisters are weird to her, she feels that quarreling will make others laugh at their entire royal family, so she chooses to tolerate it.

Because she didn't want to make others worry, when facing close people, Valentina would choose to smile as if nothing had happened.

It was basically difficult to make her angry.

However, she did not have no negative emotions, but she just suppressed them in her heart.

Now, this long-suppressed negative emotion finally broke out when she met the most evil existence she had ever met in her life.

"I don't need you to point fingers at my affairs! What do you know about me!"

Although she rationally felt that what Noah said made some sense, she didn't want to admit that she agreed with the evil god's words emotionally.

Therefore, Valentina, who had always chosen to endure, chose to burst out for the first time in her life. Her dragon pupils, which were originally in panic, suddenly became thin and long, looking full of aggression.

A rare angry look also appeared on her delicate face, and the wings she had just obtained behind her also spread out greatly, like a cat whose tail was stepped on.

"Heh, maybe you know a lot by accident?"

Noah would normally reduce the conflict when facing an angry woman, but that was not the case with Valentina. He had to let Valentina know the dangers of men so that she would be more careful with men in the future.

Especially her yellow-haired private teacher, who approached her with the intention of taking her away from her victim Clyde from the beginning.

So Noah not only did not apologize, but even said in a tone of "I know you very well".

Even though in Valentina's eyes, Noah was just a group of unclear black shadows, but this attitude of knowing him was enough to annoy the adolescent girl.

"Don't act like you know me very well! You are just an evil god who likes to play with other people's lives at will! Hurry up and restore my body to its original state!"

Valentina, who was successfully enraged, tried her best to deny the evil god in front of her.


But she was soon frightened by her own actions.

Because she just wanted to stand up, but she flew out directly.

Although the wings had just grown, she flew into the air easily as if she had known how to use them.

Even her chest, which had to be covered with arms horizontally before to avoid being exposed, was now covered with a layer of black and purple covering similar to dragon scales. Although it looked like the erotic dress used by prostitutes in custom shops to attract customers, it was better than nothing in this case.

Not only that, she felt that her condition was better than ever before, and the power kept surging from her body, as if she could easily do anything that she couldn't do before.

This novel experience almost made her forget her anger towards the evil god.

Until Noah noticed that she was surprised by her body, he said in a teasing tone:

"What's wrong? Princess, why are you suddenly in a daze? Do you still like the new body I gave you? I think it's very good? Your pair of rabbits is really the best. I really want to strangle their throats and play with them~"

That was the most standard sexual harassment. Even Valentina, who had never experienced the world, could hear the obscene feeling.

This successfully made her focus back on Noah.

"Who likes this kind of body!"

Valentina, blushing with anger, immediately expressed strong denial.

If she could throw it away, Valentina really wanted to throw the pair of dragon tails that were so thick that she was disgusted at Noah's face.

Wait...why don't you really do this?

Anyway, she has already turned into this ugly posture, is she still afraid of death?

Since she no longer has the face to see anyone, she might as well do everything she can to kill the initiator here! Maybe she can really do it now!


Thinking that she had no way to return to human society, Valentina was completely defeated. She actually drew a beautiful arc in the sky, like a real dragon, from the air towards Noah on the ground. Attack.

Even without the external long sword, her long and slender nails that became like dragon claws can easily tear apart flesh, and her thick and powerful tail can easily break human spines.

Although she has completely transformed into a half-dragon, she is no longer a human, but she still retains some of her appearance as a real dragon from her human days.

No one can defeat the evil dragon easily. Even the great hero in the dragon-slaying legend widely known in the kingdom had to fight to the death to win.


But it is a pity that no matter how strong the evil dragon is, it still has a health bar. A hidden BOSS like Noah, which does not show a health bar at all in the original work, cannot be defeated even if there are ten Valentinas.

Noah deliberately let Valentina get used to her new body and played with her for a few minutes. Then he easily caught the tail that she was trying to throw at her face and threw her away.

Unable to release her power at all, Valentina smashed several pillars of the ruined temple before stopping.

Although she was probably not injured, the pain in her back still made her make cute pain sounds.

Damn it! What exactly does this evil god want to do? If you want to kill her, do it quickly! Is it so interesting to play with her life!

Valentina, who wanted to prop up her body and continue to attack, tried to stand up from the cold ground, but found that she could not stand up no matter what, her body was as heavy as a lead weight compared to before.

"Oh, you mastered the ability to put away the dragon's characteristics so quickly. It's surprising, your highness."

That annoying voice came closer from far away at some point.

But this time Valentina was more surprised by her own state than she was retorting.

She subconsciously touched the top of her head, but did not feel the cold and hard touch, and the feeling of her tail and wings also disappeared.

Can it be taken back?

Realizing this, Valentina's pupils immediately became brighter. After all, this way she could return to human society.

" turns out that I was forced to put it away because I denied my dragon identity in my heart. Then this situation will only last for one day at most. It just so happens that it ends tonight. Let's see you tomorrow, Your Highness."

"What!? Wait, wait! What do you mean by that! Don't, don't leave! You annoying evil god!"

Valentina, who heard the words of the evil god, could not pretend that she had not heard the words. Although she anxiously stretched out her right hand towards the black shadow in front of her, she did not receive any response.

By the time she realized it, the scenery around her had changed back to the familiar night scene of the royal capital. The weird and eerie ruined temple and the black shadow that annoyed her were nowhere to be found.

"...Yeah, yeah, yeah, she deserves to be the protagonist of this world. The look in her eyes just now was that she really wanted to die with me. Sure enough, in the original work, in most cases, she didn't resist because she didn't have the ability to resist. Once she is given the power, she will It’s really capable of doing scary things.”

Noah, who was still in the alien temple, looked at the magic circle in front of him that reflected Valentina's figure, and couldn't help but murmur to the confused and inexplicably lost figure.

Although I probably didn't notice it, Valentina, who had just launched a fierce attack on him, seemed to have degenerated into a dragon not only physically, but also internally.

How should I put it, her temperament suddenly became mature and dangerous, as if she had really transformed from a confused princess into the villainous evil dragon sister.

Moreover, there was a weird smile on her lips that I was probably not even aware of.

Although I seem to hate evil dragons now, if she accepts the identity of evil dragons, her soft and cute character who likes to give in will become very strong.

If Noah was really defeated, Noah felt that he might even be eaten by her.

Fortunately, Noah was more skilled, otherwise it would be really ridiculous to be eaten by the princess whom he had fallen under.

4. The one who protects Her Royal Highness from Huang Mao is another Huang Mao

Valentina has completely lost sleep tonight.

This time it was not because of excitement, but because of confusion and panic about the future.

The vision and enthusiasm she had for the future a few dozen minutes ago had vanished, leaving her with only uneasiness.

She couldn't fall asleep, no matter how much she tossed and turned.

She was afraid that after she fell asleep, her dragon characteristics would appear again, and that she would be regarded as an evil dragon by the people around her and be hunted down.

She is a bit sensitive due to her original identity, so she will definitely be treated as a monster and eliminated.

"It's all that guy's fault. Why should I be treated like this..."

Taking off her pajamas, the beautiful silver-haired princess looked at her white back in the mirror, trying to see if there were any traces left where the dragon wings and tail once grew.

Although no abnormality was found, and it was a completely graceful body of a human girl, the girl herself lowered her eyes in a depressed mood, and could not help but softly curse some hateful evil god that made her uneasy.

Now she really regretted why she went out to catch the thief in the middle of the night, when she should have just slept.

As a result, things turned out well. I provoked an extremely strange being and was cursed by an evil dragon.

She originally dreamed that one day she could accomplish the feat of slaying a dragon and become the first female dragon slayer in the history of the kingdom.

Alas, it is really easy to become a dragon slayer now, all you have to do is commit suicide.

So why did she receive such unfair treatment?

The more she thought about it, the more uneasy she became.

"...No, I have to cheer up. How can I let that evil god control my life!"

But Valentina's depression didn't last long, and she cheered up on her own.

She slapped her cheeks with both hands and looked at herself in the mirror who seemed to be a little more energetic. Valentina couldn't help but cheer herself up in the mirror and said:

"It's no big deal, Valentina, it's just a curse from the evil god. You will definitely be able to overcome it. Don't you want to protect this country where Clyde can live a stable life? Why don't you admit defeat so soon!"

A person may actually feel scared and uneasy.

But when Valentina thinks of her childhood sweetheart who treated her very tenderly, her uneasy mood will be relieved.

She loved to see Clyde smile the most.

That's why she wanted to become stronger and be able to protect Clyde's smile.

This feeling was enough for her to overcome her uneasiness and fear.

Let her calm down and think about future countermeasures even if she can't sleep.

And the conclusion she finally came to was - in short, she first went to the largest library in the royal capital to investigate what the hell the evil god was.

It would be best if you could find its weaknesses.

So at eight o'clock the next morning, after having some breakfast, Valentina went straight to the historical area as soon as the Wangli Library opened, hoping to find records about evil gods in ancient books.

The source of all fear comes from the unknown! As long as she knows, there's nothing to fear!

With this optimistic thought in mind, Valentina looked through almost all the books in the library that seemed to be able to record records of evil gods.

"...Oh, why are there no detailed records in all the books?"

But as time went by, the optimism on Valentina's face gradually faded.

From the sunny smile on his face to gradually becoming less happy.

She read dozens of related books, but all the records about the evil god were like, "There was once an evil god who was defeated by a goddess."

There is no more detailed content at all. It is almost as if it is completely unimportant and has been brushed aside by various historians in an understatement.

No one seems to care about its existence, and even books specializing in ancient culture even suggest that the ‘evil god’ may not exist at all.

But the problem is that she really encountered it! What else could it be than an evil god that can turn humans into evil dragons?

Oh, I feel so tired...

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