"Valentina, you..."

I don't know if Agatha saw through her thoughts, Agatha's expression quickly turned cold, and even her voice became full of murderous intent.

Damn! Are we going to fight?

Valentina, who suddenly felt something was wrong, could not care so much, and her face immediately became serious.

However, Agatha's actions were one step faster.

With obviously more skilled skills than Valentina, she drew her sword and slashed at Valentina's...back.


Agatha's speed was very fast. Valentina's hand was still on the hilt of the sword, and Agatha pulled her towards her and swung the long sword.

At this time, Valentina realized that someone had launched a long-range attack on her, and Agatha blocked it for her.

"Hmph, so they are the demons that were once driven out of the continent. How come four of you can defeat us two sisters?"

Agatha easily deflected the magic attack with the famous sword passed down from generation to generation in the royal family, and directly aimed the tip of the sword at the four demons who had removed their human mimicry.

The face of the dragon-slaying princess was full of the calmness of a senior adventurer.

"Uh... There are two princesses? And they are not Delia?"

"What's going on? Is the information false?"

"Idiot, blame you for being so anxious to take action! Can't you wait a little longer!?"

"Wait for nothing! You bunch of cowards! Who cares if she has one or two princesses! Isn't it our usual practice to conquer and ravage directly!"

The four demons who had originally come to fight a preliminary battle with Valentina according to Allen's orders were also confused by the strange situation at the scene.

Only Valentina vaguely noticed something was wrong.

She always felt that... things didn't seem as simple as they seemed.

78. World famous painting: Noah is enjoying the after-hours

It is a coincidence that there is no one on this originally not prosperous and even quaint street.

There are only six of them.

The two princesses of the kingdom, Valentina and Agatha, and the four demons are fighting passionately, which is really chaotic.

"What's wrong! Is this all you can do? Come on! Face me head-on!"

In the melee, Valentina also found that Agatha, the dragon-slaying princess, is more warlike than in the novels and biographies.

Although she is not as warlike as a madman, she is quite direct. She wields the famous sword and rushes directly towards the two strongest and largest ones.

It's okay to pick a fight with the strong, but she keeps provoking them.

Although Valentina thought that no one would be fooled by such provocation, it turned out that someone really did.

"Little girl, you dare to say that! I will beat you so hard that you can't move and I will ruthlessly violate you!"

The demon male, who was about 2 meters tall, was a warrior who didn't know how to think. He was so angry that he rushed towards Agatha without caring about the other three teammates.

Seeing this stupid teammate was so reckless, the other three demons could only sigh helplessly.

Originally, the three of them could still control the stupid teammate.

Then according to the plan, as long as Valentina was defeated and Valentina felt powerless and confused, Allen would appear by chance and help her in front of her.

So Allen began to practice his Minotaur behavior.

But they didn't expect that the other side also had a martial arts faction. Now, the two martial arts factions got together and didn't care about any plan. If they didn't take action, the stupid teammate on their side would probably be hacked to death.

How can they say it's a stupid teammate? They can't even see such an obvious gap.

The flat-chested blonde princess over there is obviously stronger. It feels that their leader Allen himself can only be a 50-50 match.

But even if the demons gave up their plan and fought Agatha and Valentina with all their strength.

But in less than ten minutes, the battle was over.

"Huh! A bunch of trash, you want to attack human towns with this level?"

Valentina looked at the bizarre scene in surprise.

Her ancestor was majestically pointing his sword at a seriously injured demon with a chopped arm, and the other three demons were so close to death that they couldn't even speak.

Why is it bizarre? That is, at the beginning she helped to share the burden of two demons, but somehow it became four against one, and then she watched the show from the side.

Even if she planned to join the battle, Agatha asked her to just watch.

That's why she thought this scene was bizarre.

Is this the strength of a dragon-slaying hero?

Can I become like this in the future...

Valentina, who could barely beat three and was basically defeated against four, had a stronger admiration for Agatha who easily defeated four demons.

The eyes looking at the ancestors could not help but become blurred.

Her Highness even thought that if she had this strength, could the evil god praise her seriously for once?

"Gu, damn it! Are you really a human? You are a monster!"

The only one who can still move is the fighting male demon with high health and high defense.

The other three demons were in their last moments because of the huge wounds cut by Agatha.

Looking at his teammates dying one by one, the male demon pressed the wound on his broken arm and roared at Agatha with reluctance.

Valentina originally thought that Agatha could only refute that the demon male monster was them.

But what Agatha said next made Valentina's adoring eyes look at her much clearer.

"Huh? I'm a monster? So you inferior races are really shameful! Humans should have such strength! It's your existence that keeps most people restricted, okay!"

Agatha, who originally had a look of disgust written all over her face, now turned into hatred, looking at the demon male as if she were an unforgivable murderer of her father.

"...There's nothing wrong with your mind, right? It's you humans who are the inferior race. You are the only exception. How could it be related to us demons?"

Agatha's overly excited reaction was like stepping on a landmine, which made the demon male show an incredible expression.

"How could it not matter! It's all the fault of you ugly and inferior beings! Human beings have always been so weak! My mission is to kill all of you inferior creatures! Whether it's dragons! Or you demons !”

Agatha spoke with a ferocious expression like a fanatical believer.

Now not only the demon men, but also Valentina began to wonder if Agatha was a little too strange.

However, Valentina wisely chose not to say anything and continued to watch everything from the sidelines.

It turns out that this is right, because she is just a bystander now, and even if she doesn't say anything, the demon male will continue to speak.

"Ha, hahaha! I know! You are a human supremacist, right? You think that all non-human races are inferior races, and the powerful races should be eliminated, and the inferior races should be enslaved, right! For example I’m right in destroying the dragons and us demons, and using the relatively weak beasts and elves as toys to please humans!”

Sure enough, after being stunned by Agatha's speech for a moment, the demon male suddenly held down his severed arm and laughed heartily.

But at the end of the laugh, the flames of hatred ignited in his eyes, and he glared angrily at the real monster princess in front of him.

"Yes, that's what I thought. What's your problem?"

Agatha faced the angry look head on, neither denying nor flinching, she just admitted it all so lightly.

Now Valentina on the side didn't dare to cast admiring glances at Agatha anymore. She might as well frown.

Huh? Are her ancestors so radical?

No matter what, she wouldn't go to war with all non-human races. There are also many non-humans occupying key positions in the kingdom. Will she really not destroy the kingdom by doing this?

Could it be that historically her untimely death was not due to an accident, but that she was actually too radical and had to be dealt with secretly?

Valentina felt as if she had unexpectedly found the truth of the matter.

"Problem? Oh, no, I don't have any problem. If you want to do it, go ahead, but in my opinion, you are more like a demon than us."

Agatha's performance made even the radical male demons feel that it was too radical.

Presumably Agatha is a so-called conservative, or a conservative among conservatives.

But he was sure that this human princess, who was even more reckless than himself, would self-destruct sooner or later.

Therefore, the demon male gave up the last struggle and at least sprinkled his blood on her beautiful face.

Because that face is already very ferocious and terrifying.

"Shut up, Zayu. Now that you've finished speaking, it's my turn to ask questions. Where is the evil god?"

Agatha didn't change her beliefs because of the demon male's words. She just remembered her true purpose of coming here and coldly questioned the loser.

...Huh? Evil God?

Valentina's body trembled slightly because she heard a sound that she couldn't pretend she didn't hear.

79. Now Her Highness the Princess has really become yandere.

"Evil God? What nonsense are you talking about? We are demons. Of course we believe in the Demon King...well, we believe in the strong. What does that idiot who has lost to the goddess long ago have to do with us."

The demon male felt very puzzled. This human woman was really not in her right mind. Otherwise, why would she suddenly mention the evil god?

"Oh? You mean that the evil god has nothing to do with you, right? Huh, you are so tough-talking. Do you dare to tell me who is behind you? I think you are a coward and you don't dare to tell me, because you said it That means I will kill him."

Of course, Agatha thought the demon male's reaction was that he was pretending to be stupid, so Agatha sneered disdainfully.

But at this time, she finally showed her smart side, and she knew how to use provocation.

"Who are you calling a coward? A monster like you can't kill Master Allen! Even if the hard power is the same, the master's scheming is not something you can compare with!"

Only this time it was the demon male's turn to be stupid.

After all, he is still a muscular person, even less patient than Agatha.

As soon as he heard that he, who was so brave, was called a coward, the demon male's central processing unit immediately started to smoke, and he mentioned a certain man's name with an angry roar.


At this moment, Valentina, who was still standing aside, couldn't hold back her inner surprise after all, and made a sound of astonishment.

Why does Mr. Allen's name appear in this place?

1. It must be a coincidence, right?

Anxiety and strong uneasiness were emerging from the depths of Valentina's heart, and she instinctively denied this terrible idea.

However, Agatha's speech, which was unconcerned with others, completely shattered Valentina's fantasy.

"What is the scheming Lord Allen? He is the man who disguised himself as a human scholar to deceive the princess and tried to take away this country, right? Sorry, you are a lower race, the goddess has told me about him a long time ago."

"What did you say!!!?"

The demon male stared at the dragon-slaying princess in front of him with his eyes wide open with black irises.

"I didn't expect it, idiot! The goddess has noticed the matter about Lord Allen and the evil god you mentioned a long time ago, so she sent us here to eliminate the hidden dangers! But then again, which incompetent descendant of mine would be deceived by a man disguised as a demon."

Agatha was very satisfied with the embarrassing expression of the demon male, so she couldn't help but laugh complacently.

For her, a loyal believer of the goddess, what the goddess said was everything, and the goddess's orders were absolute.

It was natural for the male demon to behave so shamefully, after all, his enemy was a great god.

Agatha was speechless when she heard that a princess was deceived by Allen.

It must be one of Valentina's sisters. She was deceived by the disguise of the demons. It was really outrageous. Could she be considered the descendant of the dragon slayer?

Agatha, the goddess' messenger, and the male demon under Allen's command, although they had different positions, were surprisingly in sync. When they talked, they didn't notice anyone else at all.

There was nothing they could do about the three demons who were really pissed off by their pig teammates.

They didn't notice the abnormality on Valentina's side either.

In fact, Her Royal Highness had heard everything by listening in.

At this time, because she was deceived by the person she trusted the most, she silently lowered her head and hid the upper half of her pretty face in the shadow of her hair.

Ah… Really? Mr. Allen is also a liar…

Ha, haha, what? So no one is on my side…

After learning that Allen was actually a demon, Valentina just wanted to smile bitterly.

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