
PS. Today's three chapters are over. I will continue tomorrow!

(Currently, the monthly votes are 563, which is 56-13. I still owe 43 chapters. It's okay. I can accept it.)

91. Noah: It's really tiring to pretend to be comfortable when you are not feeling well

In order not to be noticed by others, Valentina's ambiguous smile on her face disappeared in an instant, and she turned to look at Alan next to Noah and started talking.

"By the way, Mr. Alan, what do you think of those demons?"

Valentina's face was full of seriousness, and her voice was very serious, as if she was really just asking a question.

"Huh? Me, well, it turns out to be this way..."

Originally, Alan was curious because Noah's hand suddenly stopped eating, but because of Valentina's question, he also refocused his attention on Valentina who was diagonally opposite.

After all, the topic of demons is not a casual topic. If you answer it wrongly, you may be suspected. It has been so much acting, and Allen does not want to reduce his Minotaur experience at the most critical moment.

So the princess and Allen temporarily forgot about Noah.

Of course, this is only on the surface.

Because just under the table, Valentina's restless little feet are doing something evil.

She didn't know when she had taken off her shoes and stepped on Noah's third leg with her feet wearing black pantyhose.

As a princess, Valentina naturally cannot have only one set of equipment. The style of underwear can be changed, and the usual combat uniforms naturally have different styles.

In fact, Valentina is wearing high-heeled combat boots today, so she can take them off easily.

This is something that is absolutely impossible in the original work. It is impossible for Valentina to take the initiative.

Because she does not have such a strong personality at all.

In the original work, her strength is only reflected in the intense reaction at the beginning of the defeat play, but she has never taken the initiative to play with others.

But now it really happened. Although she was a little immature and couldn't even take off her pants, it was obvious that her skills and flexibility still had room for improvement, and her strength control was not very clever, but she was indeed doing this queen-like behavior.

And she was still pretending to be a serious person, chatting with Allen who had feelings for her.

Just looking at her serious expression on the table, even Allen would not notice her current dark behavior.

So in order to make Allen aware of this fact, Noah, who actually felt ordinary, deliberately pretended to be patient.

While he was reluctant to move the spoon, his expression was also very uncomfortable.

"Huh? What's wrong, Clyde, is your body uncomfortable?"

Her Highness, pretending to know nothing, cast a worried look at Noah, but at the same time, the movement and rubbing of her feet did not stop.

"Is that so? Clyde, you must have eaten a little too much."

As Valentina turned her attention to the boy, Allen naturally looked over, but because of the table's obstruction, he couldn't see what was happening below.

What's more, the innocent Valentina in his heart would not do such a bold thing.

"Uh, well, I'm fine, sorry, I can still eat, please leave me alone."

If Noah was still himself at this time, he would definitely hold the princess's feet tightly with one hand, and tickle her soles with the other hand to make her regret such a provocative behavior.

But because he was playing the victim Clyde, and he was also the victim to make Allen aware of what they were doing.

So Noah was like a real victim, afraid that what he and Valentina were doing would be exposed. After a few awkward smiles, he hurriedly continued to eat, pretending that nothing had happened.

As for Noah, he clearly wanted Allen to find out that the "victim" and Valentina had such a close relationship, and dared to play so big in broad daylight, why didn't he just show his cards?

That was of course because the victim's personality limited Noah's performance. With the victim's personality, he would definitely not let Allen find out what was happening now.

All this Noah did was just to play the victim and fool Allen.

But for Valentina, this is simply a godsend! She can finally teach this evil god who always teases her for fun a lesson!

When she thought of the evil god who had teased her and made her grit her teeth, she must be upset because she took advantage of the chaos to make trouble, and Valentina felt very comfortable!

It’s just a pity that the evil god’s appearance is her childhood sweetheart. Although she is happy, she can’t hold her expression.

Ah… When can she do this to Noah who is not pretending to be Clyde?

If the other party is the real Clyde, then she really has no interest at all.

… Is this really the evil god? Could it be that it is really her childhood sweetheart Clyde who disappoints her and says one thing in front of her and another behind her?

In fact, Valentina also knows that the other party is Noah, but because Noah’s performance is too much like Clyde.

Especially the "gentle" look of eating crazily because he is afraid of being discovered by Allen.

Her Royal Highness the Princess couldn't help but start to doubt... or rather worry whether the person in front of her was the evil god she hoped to touch.

So in order to test this, Her Royal Highness could not help but put more strength on her feet.

The next moment, Valentina immediately felt a fierce look full of strong dissatisfaction and even vaguely murderous.

The 'Clyde' who was sitting opposite her and seemed to be able to endure being stepped on by her was glaring at her fiercely.

The eyes full of strength and determination, as if saying 'You wait for me! ' The vengeful eyes made Her Royal Highness's worries disappear instantly.

Even just because of being glared at fiercely by the other party, she felt a burst of electricity flowing through her back, and a sense of security and happiness arose spontaneously.

Ah... It's so good, it's really good that it's not Clyde...

It was obviously the one who gave the stimulation, but Her Royal Highness felt it first.

The feeling of being stared at fiercely by Noah made her expression almost unable to remain calm, and she hurriedly ate a few bites of dessert after dinner to cover it up.


At the same time, Noah, who had taken advantage of Allen's inattention to glare at Her Royal Highness the Princess, also pretended to be a weakling and said, "Ah, no, Her Royal Highness the Princess's black silk jailer is so exciting!" He shrank forward suddenly.

His reaction was so intense that he even dropped the spoon in his hand, and his expression was as embarrassing as if he was about to lose his patience.

"Clyde-kun!? You..."

Noah's reaction was so strong that even Allen, who originally thought that such a thing was unlikely to happen, noticed something unusual.

"Sorry, both of you, I feel a little uncomfortable in my stomach, I'm going to the bathroom first!"

Noah then deliberately blocked the two people's sight with his body, pretending to be Boki and trotting into the bathroom in the restaurant with his waist bent.


If he was still half-believing and half-doubting just now, then Noah's performance just now has completely convinced Allen of his speculation.

The progress of these two people's relationship has actually developed to the point where they are still playing this exciting play when there are outsiders on the scene? !

Hahaha! It turns out that they are pretending to be at odds with each other, but in fact they are super close!

Otherwise, how could the conservative Valentina do such a fierce thing!

Ah! No! I can't laugh out loud! Hurry up and eat a few bites to cover it up!

Just like Valentina who is also happy but has to pretend to be unaware.

Alan also pretends to know nothing and lowers his head to continue eating.

"This dessert is not bad, Mr. Alan~"

"Haha, that's what I said, Tina."

The princess, who didn't care whether Alan had noticed it or not, was just looking forward to the revenge that the evil god would take on her later, and smiled brightly.

And the yellow-haired Alan, who thought that the princess's smile was just to cover up everything just now, and pretended not to notice it even though he had noticed it, also smiled happily.


Only Noah, who was in a state of neither up nor down, looked unhappy in the bathroom.

He really sacrificed too much to let the heroine take revenge on the yellow-haired!

92. Princess, what she is doing now is really S and M

Maybe some people cannot accept being stepped on, even if the other party is a beautiful girl or a beautiful woman.

But Noah can accept it, he doesn't dislike being stepped on simply for flirting.

If it is the kind full of malice and humiliation, as long as the target is not Noah himself, he can accept it.

You know, Noah is an omnivore, as long as it is not too bizarre XP, he can accept it.

Compared to the gameplay of armpits and popliteal fossa, stepping is surprisingly common in books and butter.

What's more, this time it happened to him through his pants.

Just now, when Noah left, he deliberately blocked his sight with his body. In fact, he was not hiding that he had set up a tent, but that he didn't set up a tent.

After all, if it was the victim at this time, he would have set up a tent 100%, and Noah had to do this if he wanted to make Allen fall for it.

The black silk foot massage of Princess Her Highness can't be said to be completely ineffective for Noah, but it can only be said that the effect is average.

Noah didn't even need to solve it himself, and he had calmed down when he walked into the bathroom.

Noah's evaluation of this is that after all, the princess is still a virgin. No matter how much she degenerates into a bad woman, as long as she has no experience, she will still be immature and cruel.

"... But the fact that she took the opportunity to fight back against me is indeed commendable."

Looking at the unhappy self in the mirror, Noah suddenly smiled with relief.

Although the effect is not very good, this revengeful desire to resist the "evil god who is as chaotic and unpredictable as a storm" is indeed worthy of Noah's recognition.

In this incident, Noah simply thought that Valentina did this to embarrass him.

He didn't know that this matter itself was also very meaningful to the princess.

Although in fact, the stimulation was not enough, it was not as great as the stimulation of the nun who was reluctant but had to generate electricity under Noah's gaze.

But in order to make Allen think that "Clyde" solved it himself in the bathroom, Noah had to stay for a while.

"Clyde, are you okay? Is your stomach feeling better?"

Seeing the brown-haired boy coming back from the bathroom deep inside the store with a 'tired face', Valentina quickly stood up from her seat and walked out with a concerned look on her face.

Needless to say, she had already put on her shoes.

"Um, um..."

Noah's performance was slightly embarrassed and shy. He turned his eyes away and dared not look at Valentina's face, but his eyes could not help but look at Valentina's right foot.

He showed the miserable and ashamed but unsatisfied attitude of the victim, the Muttsulin pervert.

It also made the yellow-haired Allen's eyes shine.

That's right! This is what he wants! The more the boy and girl love each other, the stronger his desire and sense of accomplishment to destroy this beautiful relationship!

The failure of the four demons must be simply because one of the idiots did not act according to the plan, and then underestimated the enemy and was killed!

The original plan continues!

Allen was originally very suspicious whether there was any accident in Valentina and Clyde's relationship, but now it seems that he was completely overthinking. No matter how you look at it, they are in love!

Therefore, when the two young people walked back to their seats, Allen still joked to "Clyde" with a gentle smile on his face.

"Clyde, you really work hard, but it doesn't matter if you don't work so hard, Tina will tolerate you no matter what, right?"

Hmph, he got so excited after learning that the heroine and the victim had made progress. He is really a yellow-haired man who is very persistent to both of them.

Looking at Allen's hypocritical concern and actual excitement, Noah wanted to kick him in the face directly, so that Allen would often step on him.

"Is that so?"

But in order to satisfy his own emotional value, Noah still resisted his intention to teach the yellow-haired man a lesson at this time, pretending to be a young boy, and looked at Her Royal Highness the Princess.

"Then it's natural, because the other party is not someone else, but 'you'~"

Her Royal Highness responded with a beautiful smile as if she had just learned what love is and was in love for the first time.

Noah, of course, sneered at this, thinking that this was just Valentina deliberately speaking the opposite to retaliate against his great lack of virtue.

Not knowing that this did contain Valentina's sincere feelings.

If the other party was Clyde instead of Noah, she would never do this.

"Hahaha, being young is good. Excuse me, waitress, can you bring some more desserts? By the way, Clyde, can you still eat more? I'll treat you."

Seeing the beautiful love between the boy and the girl, Allen, in a good mood, even ordered a few more desserts and planned to treat them.

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