"Veronica! I heard that you and Valentina were very friendly bathing together. What's the matter? Do you want to embarrass us?"

Delia was extremely dissatisfied with her sister for getting along with her other sister behind her back.

She scolded Veronica fiercely.

"Yes, I'm sorry..."

The frightened little princess stood on the floor of her room with her two bare feet turned inward like a child who had made a mistake. Her cute little face was full of anxiety and fear.

"What's the use of saying sorry? Veronica, you don't think that I don't take me seriously just because I lost to Valentina once! I didn't see that you are still a fence-sitter! You think you are great just because you are a little taller and your breasts are a little bigger recently!"

Veronica's cowardly appearance did not arouse Delia's sympathy. Instead, she redoubled her scolding of her own sister.

The little princess, who had no other choice but to apologize, just kept shaking her body and didn't dare to talk back.

This is no wonder. The original Little Princess has such an introverted personality. She is 13 years old, a dreamy age. The reason why she looks younger than her peers is because she is too strictly controlled.

As the youngest royal family, she has been suppressed by Delia, the oldest royal family. The age difference between the two is a full ten years. For Veronica, it is impossible not to listen to what Delia, the elder sister, says.

To be honest, Noah is indeed a little unhappy, but this kind of thing can be solved as long as Valentina completely defeats Delia, so he just watched.

"…Alas, it makes me seem like a bad guy. Listen to Veronica. We are sisters connected by blood. Valentina is just a bastard. You just wait for your sister and I to eliminate her. I am doing this for you. Do you understand? You can't grow up to be as noble and excellent as me if you are with that kind of bastard."

But fortunately, Delia did not treat Veronica as a sister. After a fierce reprimand, she began to comfort Veronica who almost cried helplessly.

After Veronica nodded habitually, Delia assured her to go to bed and then went to take a bath again.

"…Sisters connected by blood, hum, that's a good point, Princess. Because of this, you can't get rid of Valentina. You have to accept it anyway. I can already imagine the shame you have to admit."

On the other side of the monitor, Noah also showed an ambiguous and sarcastic smile to the beautiful back of the princess.

Noah knew about the relationship between the two for a long time, so he was not restless.

He was just looking forward to it, looking forward to the day when the princess had to accept reality in the future.

For nearly an hour and a half, Noah continued to observe.

Alan was still very weak because he had just been resurrected, and he really couldn't find his demon companions, so he had to rest first.

Delia also took a bath with the help of six maids and returned to her room to prepare for bed.

Valentina and Clotilde, the two heroines, also fell asleep.

At this time, Noah also decided to find a hotel to rest.

But just when he was about to turn off all the magic circle monitors, Delia suddenly did something strange in her own room.

Specifically, she stacked a lot of pantyhose on the bed, and then she began to pray to those pantyhose with clenched hands, and said that she hoped that the gods would bless her to defeat her sister Valentina.


This really made Noah look questionable.

What? So the goddess also likes to wear pantyhose?



PS. Four updates today, continue tomorrow!

(I have returned 3 more updates in the past two days, which means 52-3=49 updates. Very good, it starts with 4, and I will definitely be able to return it this month. Thank you for your support, readers! I'll finish typing!)

142. Noah, who must have a serious illness

Noah doesn't quite understand what Delia is doing there.

Anyway, there is definitely no such setting or development in the original work.

So Delia's white royal dress is also white pantyhose?

She is just a typical vicious female villain, but she understands people's hearts.

Dressed like this, it makes people want to defile her. I'm afraid she is setting a flag for herself again.

Noah can even imagine Delia, who has some cleanliness obsession and wears all white, being defeated again, and then being thrown into the mud pit by Valentina, who has completely fallen from the devil, with an uncomfortable expression on her face.

As Delia was also preparing to rest, Noah also gave up observation and found a hotel to rest.

He didn't take this matter too seriously, after all, he thought it had nothing to do with him.

Compared with that kind of villain, he still has two heroines to worry about, so how can he care about it.


Two days later, in the cathedral of the water city.

Clotil felt that she was going crazy.

In fact, just this morning, she went through a hard battle to purify a certain monster lurking in the water city.

At that time, she was relieved because the lust/mark did not activate.

Who would have thought that the moment she had to enter that office because of something, she felt that the lust/mark began to react.

No? Why! She just thought about the situation at that time for a moment because she couldn't help it!

Clodier was already familiar with the feeling of vaginal discharge, so she could tell that it was definitely starting to get brighter even without taking off her nun's uniform.

According to the situation, she should be able to persist for 15 minutes at most. If she exceeds 15 minutes, her rationality will be swallowed up by desire.

But because that devilish priest was not around, she could only take the toys and find a place where no one was around to relieve herself first.

Clotier originally thought so, but she never expected that just when she reluctantly picked up the toys on the shelf and was about to leave the room and the church quickly, the door to the room was pushed open.

Clotier, who thought the other party was Noah, was about to say harshly, ‘You’re really lucky to have come! Mr. Noah! ’, but ended up swallowing all the words that came to his lips because the other person was not Noah.

"Sister Clotier, my dear child, it was really hard work to eliminate heretics this morning. Do you have time now? In fact, I want to talk to you."

Because it was not Noah who entered the room, but Horace, the Water Metropolitan.

He had a kind face and radiated kindness like a true priest. No one would doubt his character.

Neither would Clotier.

Normally, Clotier would welcome the bishop to talk to her, but now she found a situation where she really couldn't welcome him.

Her sexual desire had just started to activate, and when she appeared with the wooden box containing the small toys in her hand and was about to leave the church, Clotier only felt that her luck was a little too bad?

Otherwise, how could he be so unlucky?

"Hehe... Bishop Horace, you are so polite, but I'm sorry, I'm a little busy right now. Can we wait until I get back to talk?"

Because suddenly letting go at this time would arouse suspicion, so Clotier quickly picked up the small wooden box on the shelf, pretended that it was just an ordinary box, laughed with Horace, and tried to find a way to escape.

After all, in her eyes, Bishop Horace is a very respected cleric. If he discovers her current behavior, she will definitely be doomed!

I'm afraid that he might just be imprisoned as a monster turned into a pervert/devil!

Clotier's seemingly calm smile was actually extremely nervous.

"Oh, if you're really busy, Sister Clotier, that's okay... eh?"

Horace had nothing special to say, he just wanted to get acquainted with each other, but he always felt that the nun in front of him seemed a little different from usual.

Specifically, he wasn't as calm as usual, as if something was urgent.

And what happened to that little box? Is it a box containing some kind of decoration?

Horace did not suspect that Clotier was in a bad state. He simply felt that Clotier was a little panicked now, so he couldn't help but become curious about what was in the small box that Clotier held in his hands.

This sight made Clotier, who was already feeling guilty, even more nervous, fearing that Horace would ask to open it for him to see.

At this time, the nun had never felt so nervous. Before, she was worried that Sister Belinda would find out that there was still a door, but now there is no door. If Horace notices that something is wrong with her, she will be doomed!

What on earth is that annoying man thinking when he doesn't show up at this time to help her! ?

Didn't you agree to help her hide the secret?

Clotier had never longed for Noah's presence so much.

The nervousness of being afraid of being exposed actually stimulated the onset of wrinkles, causing her skin to quickly turn a bright pink color. She couldn't bear it for even three minutes if this continued!

"Sister Clothier, haven't you finished taking your things? Oh, isn't this Bishop Horace? I'm sorry, Sister Clothier is helping me complete my task."

At this moment, Noah pushed the door in as if he had hit the right time, smiling and cooperating with Clotier to cover.

"Oh oh oh, that's it, that's it. It turns out it's a favor for Father Noah. Let's talk about it later."

Out of his almost unconditional trust in ‘Father Noah’, although Horace felt a little suspicious, he still chose to give up thinking, smiled, got out of the way, and sent Clotier away.

When Clotier tried his best to pass by Horace as if nothing happened, Horace still had a kind smile on his face.

But when Noah and Clotier all left the room, Horace immediately showed a sinister expression.

"Sure enough, no matter how many times I look at that figure, she is still perfect... How could I let such a good woman go when she comes to my territory? I am not a bishop just to experience happiness that others cannot experience, otherwise this is a crap job Who can do it?"

As one of the cancers in the church, Horace liked women very much, and nuns were no exception. Just seeing Clotier's gentle and reserved holy face, he felt like he was so tough!

But what Horace would never have imagined was that his ugly posture had actually been exposed long ago. As soon as Noah walked out of the room, he immediately started to use the magic array monitor to observe his ugly posture.

Noah completely saw his obscene appearance, but he just smiled.

"G-give it to me quickly!"

Because Horace didn't know that the current Clodier was neither holy nor gentle nor reserved.

Clottier, who had been tortured by the lewd tattoo and was breathing rapidly and blushing, was now in another room casting a very passionate look at Noah.

Although it was a passionate look mixed with strong shame and unwillingness, you can tell me whether it was hot or not.

Therefore, Noah would just say lightly:

"If you want it, you have to come and get it yourself. You should understand this rule, Miss Nun."

143. It is impossible not to be a nun

After experiencing a very bad experience, Clottier's brain gradually calmed down and her body was no longer hot.

"Gu, this kind of thing..."

The Miss Nun stood up from the ground and looked at the white on the ground. She immediately stepped on it with her high-heeled boots with a look of disgust, causing the white that represented filth to fly everywhere, and then it was destroyed by her cleaning magic in mid-air.

Noah looked at her behavior of stepping on it as if to vent, and he didn't feel uncomfortable, but felt it was really erotic.

Anyway, no matter how much the nun disliked the eroticism itself, it couldn't change the fact that she was really erotic when the erotic tattoo was activated just now.

However, it would be bad to say nothing here, so Noah still straightened his priest robe and said casually:

"You don't have to be so disgusted, you see, even if it happened, it's no big deal, right?"

Noah's tone clearly showed that he didn't care.

However, this sentence made the nun very excited, and she turned around quickly and showed her anger to Noah.

"It's a big problem, okay! How can a guy like you who has no faith understand it! I did something that I absolutely couldn't do! And it was in the cathedral dedicated to the goddess!"

Clotil clenched her fists desperately because of anger, and her expression was more painful and sad than pure anger.

How she wished that she was actually just violated by Noah, because then she only had to hate Noah.

But the truth is not that simple.

Although she hates Noah now, she also hates herself.

Why can't she hold it back?

Not only did she make mistakes again and again, tarnishing her identity as a nun, but she also made Noah, a priest, make mistakes with her.

She was simply sinful, and it was not wrong to say that she was a heretic among the clergy in the church.

Rather than saying that she was angry at Noah, it would be better to say that she was angry at herself.

"... If it's so painful, why don't you give up your faith?"

Noah, who saw this, said something shocking in a frivolous tone that stunned Clotilde.

Give up your faith! ?

How could such a thing be possible! ?

She has been a nun since she was old enough to understand, and now you are going to let her give up? !

What a joke, although her body is engraved with ugly emblems, her spiritual faith has not been shaken, okay!

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