But Noah didn't care about his words and deeds at all. He was smiling almost anytime and anywhere, and lived happily.

Isn't this very strange?

"...Wait a minute, am I envious of him?...No, it's impossible, absolutely impossible. The goddess will not recognize the kind of free and unrestrained way of life. Yes, abstinence is the right thing. How can humans indulge their desires at will?"

Because she felt that something was wrong in her heart, Clothier thought carefully and denied her envy of Noah.

Even if it was true, she would not admit it now, otherwise it would be no different from betraying the church.

And just to prove that she was right, Clothier immediately returned to the cathedral and began her duties as a nun.

Because only by doing things that are in line with the identity of a nun can she temporarily forget the things that made her confused and troubled.

The confessional is very small. There are two rooms that can be entered separately. There is an open partition between the two rooms. When they are closed, they cannot see each other's faces. They can only hear each other's voices and see a little bit of clothes through the round hole on the partition.

This is a place for people with troubles and sins to confess to the goddess. It is specially used for believers who cannot feel at ease with ordinary prayers and must let nuns or priests listen to them to feel at ease.

In general, it is rarely used, so there is no need for priests or nuns to sit in the room and wait.

When she returned to the cathedral just now, she happened to see Bishop Horace asking other nuns if they were free to go to the confessional to listen to the confessions of believers, so she took the opportunity to enter the confessional instead of other nuns.

It must be said that in this sacred and small space, Clotil can get a rare sense of peace.

It seems that only here can she forget her sins, just like an ordinary nun.

She sat up straight, gently folded her hands on her legs, closed her eyes and waited quietly for the believers to come.

About two or three minutes later, Clotil heard footsteps.

It was the sound of high-heeled boots hitting the ground.

Judging from the crispness of the sound, the heels of the high-heeled boots were not particularly thin, and they were not the kind of shoes worn at upper-class dinners. People who usually wear such shoes are likely to be adventurers.

Judging from the frequency of the footsteps, the other party's height is above the standard, and the footsteps are very light. The other party should be a very young female believer.

And judging from the fact that the sound is much lighter than normal, this young female believer is probably a very polite person.

…Is it because of guilt for killing too many monsters during the adventure?

Obviously, there is no need to care, because all monsters deserve to die, and even the existence of alien races is wrong.

Before the other party entered the confessional and sat down, Clotil had already started thinking about how to help the other party solve his troubles.

In the goddess's doctrine, humans are the noblest and most noble creatures, while monsters are completely the opposite, lowly and despicable, and alien races that are in the middle state and do not believe in the existence of the goddess are considered inferior races.

The existence of these inhuman creatures is said to be the trouble left by the evil god who disobeyed the goddess before being sealed.

Hum, evil god, it's really a name that makes people frown just by hearing it.

Because she accidentally thought of the evil god, Clothier couldn't help but feel disgusted subconsciously.

Fortunately, the believer had already walked into the confessional and sat opposite the partition, so Clothier hurriedly sorted out her mood and returned to the state she should be in.

"... Please start your confession, confused lamb, as long as you sincerely repent and repent and don't commit the same sin, the great goddess will forgive your sins and pardon your crimes."

Unlike her frequent failure in front of Noah, in front of outsiders, and in the confessional full of holiness, it can be said that Clothier's nun temperament has been greatly improved.

It is simply an excellent level that can be used as a role model by other nuns. Whether it is the lightness or slowness of the voice, it is impeccable. It does not give people a feeling of being too harsh and terrible, nor does it give people a feeling of being too weak and loving.

Even Sister Belinda, who had been a nun for a longer time than her, could not be so perfect.

Clothier was impeccable in both combat training and ordinary nun training. It was no problem to say that she was a nun that the church was proud of.

Under normal circumstances, no matter what sinful things the other party said, Clothier would not be unable to hold back and break down.

But unfortunately, today was not an ordinary situation.

Because the first sentence after the other party sat down stunned Clothier.

"... Sister Clothier, when you said this, didn't you feel ashamed?"

It was a young female voice who was suppressing her anger. Not only did she call out her name right away, but she seemed to know something.

This made Clothier, who could handle everything perfectly as long as it was within the rules, but could not cope with it immediately as long as it was outside the rules, immediately feel flustered.

Huh! ? What did she mean by this sentence?

"... What do you mean?"

Because she couldn't think of an answer, Clothier had to give up the sin of simply listening and took the initiative to ask the other party why she said this.

"Don't pretend to be confused! Sister Clotier! I heard everything just now. You actually said such shameless things to a priest! Are you considered a nun like this!"

But she didn't expect that her confused questions would make the other party burst out with suppressed anger. Even through the partition, one could imagine how angry the other party was.


But at this time, Clotier was not in the mood to calm the other party's anger, because she was already so disturbed by the other party's speech that her whole body seemed to have been hit by lightning magic, and her whole body froze in her seat.

Oops, terrible! ! ! ! !

The sinful conversation between her and Noah was overheard by the believers! ! ! !

160. Some gods are anxious and I won’t tell them.

Clotier panicked.

Of course I panicked, but how could I not panic?

But at that time, she really forgot about the possibility of exposure, and only thought about refuting Noah. She didn't expect that someone would hear the conversation between the two of them nearby!

And now there are the Noahites! Let’s save her!

Didn't he agree to help her hide it from others? !

This made the nun so anxious that she was sweating coldly on the other side of the partition. Her expression was stiff, her limbs were cold, and even her brain was confused for a while.

Cold, cold, calm down Clothier! We’re not at the end of our rope yet!

Fortunately, the two of them were not sitting directly face to face at this time, so Clottier's blood tank had not been completely emptied.

She bit her lower lip, clasped her hands and subconsciously made prayer movements, but she was not thinking about the goddess giving her a miracle, but thinking desperately about what words she could use to deceive the other party.

In such a situation, she actually came up with an explanation.

——By the way, if you recall carefully, the conversation between her and Noah did not clearly say what they were doing in the cathedral! It works! Just explain it to this place!

"Miss, you have misunderstood. The two times I talked to the priest refer to the two times of combat training inside the church. In fact, I am a special nun, and I am also responsible for fighting against heretics. I am in the holy church. It is indeed disrespectful to fight fiercely in the cathedral, I admit that, but this is my personal peculiarity, please understand... Doesn't this statement convince you? "

Although Clotier seemed quite calm when she said this, in fact, she was so nervous across the partition that her heart was about to explode.


Especially the silence of the other party made Clotier never feel that time passed so slowly and heavily.

It was as if the surrounding air had materialized and was pressing down on her, so heavy.

"...I know, I just believe you."

And when the other party's voice calmed down and was no longer so full of annoyance.

Clotier was really relieved, and his clenched hands lost some strength, and his expression relaxed a lot.

"Do you think I would say that! You heretical nun who betrayed the goddess!"


However, what Clotier didn't expect was that the other party actually said that on purpose.

The purpose was to force open the partition between the two rooms from the opposite side while she was relaxing, and to show her an angry look.

Clotier was indeed taken aback by the other party's sudden action.

But what shocked her the most was the identity of the other party.

There is a layer of pink highlights in the front of her long pure white hair, which is also very long, almost covering up a strange light pink eye. Her pretty and delicate face is full of anger, and looking down, she is dressed in a... A special nun's dress with side slits all the way to the waist.

Yes, Clotier knew the other person.

Mainly I saw her when I looked in the mirror.

"Eh!? Me, me?!"

Looking at his other self, Clotier opened his eyes as wide as possible.

——No, that’s not right! How could there be another me? There must be something weird in this! You must get out of the cramped confessional!

Although she was shocked by the appearance in front of her, her natural fighting instinct still made her feel bad. She immediately rushed out of the confessional room and performed physical combat movements.

But something even more surprising happened, because the other party actually rushed out at almost the same time, and made the same movements as her like a mirror image.

This bizarre situation really shocked Clotier.

"Yes! That's right! I am you! I am Sister Clottier! I am the goddess who came to this world from other worlds to correct your mistakes!"

But Clotier's surprise was far from over, because the other party directly said the shocking facts while rushing towards her.

——Hey! ? Female, goddess! ?

Because she heard something even more bizarre, Clotier had no time to react before she was pounced upon by the other party. Moreover, the other party skillfully lifted up the front skirt of her nun uniform, exposing her tattoos carved by the devil directly. Exposed inside the cathedral.

"Look! This pattern is full of sin! You can still calmly say that you have not committed a crime! There are obscene tattoos on your abdomen and you still shamelessly say that you have not done it. What is this but a heresy! Show me your shame Okay!"

Another nun who claimed to be Clotier also showed an expression full of disgust and hatred the moment she saw the tattoo. She even looked up at Clotier and asked her why she wanted to hide it.


Unfortunately, the situation was so shocking that Clotilde didn't catch up at all.

She was suddenly pushed down by another self in the cathedral?

And the other party claimed to be sent by the goddess?

Then who is she?

Is she someone else who thinks she is Clotilde?

Clotilde, whose brain was in a mess, had no time to react at all, but looked at the other nun subconsciously with a confused face.

But this made the other nun angry.

Gu! What a shameful reaction! I didn't expect that the self in this world would degenerate into such a shameful state! Sure enough, I should just use the purification magic!

For the other nun, the current situation is also very exciting.

Because for this self who has not yet lost to the lust/demon, it is impossible for her to be forcibly engraved with the lust/mark.

It must be that the self in this world took the initiative to degenerate. In this case, in order to eliminate the root cause of her own degeneration, that is, the lust/mark.

She placed her palm on Clotil's lower abdomen, exerting the purification magic to the maximum extent through direct contact, and was bound to purify the damned lust/mark.

But this was the lust/mark that she could not get rid of in her life. If purification magic could purify it, Clotil would have done it long ago.

"Wait, wait a minute?!?——!?"

In fact, the lust/mark is not only immune to purification magic, but it will even be activated actively due to the stimulation of purification magic.

Although she didn't understand the current situation, Clotil, who felt that the other person was going to do something stupid, immediately spoke out to try to stop it.

However, it was too late. The lust/mark stimulated by the purification magic directly activated the defense mechanism and reached its maximum.

This made Clotil stick out her abdomen and couldn't help but make a seductive sound from her mouth.

"Hey! Don't scream so obscenely! Hold it in for me! Aren't you a nun!"

The other nun thought that the lust/mark was lit because it was about to be purified, and didn't care about her obscene voice.

Instead, she continued to use purification magic, and even pressed her lower abdomen with her hands to force Clothier's raised body back to the floor.

But she didn't know yet that this would bring her regret.

If Noah wasn't paying attention to the victim and the yellow-haired man, he would have advised her not to do that.

But unfortunately, Noah was a little busy in the capital today and couldn't care about what was happening here.

Instead, the one who saw this scene was the princess who had already made an appointment to confront Clothier in the confessional.

At this time, Valentina, who had changed her clothes, was standing at the door with a black parasol. She wanted to ask Clothier about her last words in this nun's favorite place, and then send Clothier to the goddess.

As a result, as soon as she came in, she saw two nuns with the same appearance entangled in a strange and ambiguous posture.

Her Highness was stunned for a moment.

...Huh? What's going on! ?

Could it be that one of the 'Clotil' is her god? !

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