They were not familiar with magic and could not know.

But out of caution, they decided to wait for half an hour to see the situation, and arrange for residents to return to the streets after there was no abnormality.

Of course, this was from their perspective.

"Heh, after using the maximum output magic attack, you immediately ran away. Are you planning to find a way to let the goddess of beauty possess you and come to settle accounts with me?"

But in fact, Noah was not injured. He just took the magic head-on and eliminated his existence in the strong light, so that others could not recognize him.

He is still standing there and smiling at the opposite side, where the priest princess was originally standing.

The truth is actually very simple. He was not injured but disappeared, and the priest princess took advantage of the strong light as a cover and fled at the fastest speed.

But Noah knew that she did not run away because of fear. She must be planning to make trouble for Noah after she becomes stronger.

Just like the queen of vampire bats before, she will definitely come to Noah on her own initiative.

Then Noah will leave her alone for the time being.

Because Noah actually wanted to meet the 'goddess of beauty'.

With an ambiguous smile on his face, Noah turned and walked in the opposite direction of the priestess princess.

Noah, with a leisurely look on his face, walked leisurely among the still nervous knights and guards under the heavy vigilance.

He looked forward to the priestess princess who was possessed by the goddess of beauty coming to find him again soon.

At that time, he also wanted to ask her what the relationship between her and the 'goddess' who sealed the evil god was.

"… You didn't catch up, is it because you didn't take me seriously?"

The priestess princess who took advantage of the strong light to directly activate the acceleration magic to escape checked the surrounding scene, and her expression was obviously more relaxed after not finding Noah's figure.

At this time, she was on a street in the old city that was different from the street just now, and behind her was a somewhat old park.

The difference is that there was no one on the street just now because of the commotion, and there was no one here because there was really no one.

"I must go back to the headquarters of the cult first, and ask the goddess to give me more power there to purify him..."

The priestess princess didn't feel scared, but she felt that she had to go back to the base first. She lowered her head and leaned on the countermeasures while trying to find the teleportation point to return to the headquarters of the cult.

She didn't have any special feelings for Noah, but she had to violate Noah because this was what the goddess expected, and satisfying the goddess was her value of existence, so she had to violate Noah no matter what.

"Oh, the priestess over there, sorry, can you raise your head?"

I don't know how long I walked, but the priestess princess who was still in the old city suddenly heard a kind and polite voice.

"Hmm? Are you...?"

When she stopped thinking and looked at the black figure holding a parasol on the other side, she didn't find anything unusual at the first time.

"Hey~ I didn't expect that the nun lady didn't lie to me, and there really is another me."

The black-dressed girl holding a parasol showed her a very interesting smile for some reason, as if she had been looking for her.


She couldn't understand what the other party was saying.

But she seemed to have seen that face somewhere...



PS. Today's second update, the third update will be around 2 o'clock.

168. Yellow-haired Allen: We will win! (39)

After leaving the street, Noah continued to return to the Ruined Temple to watch the situation develop.

About 20 minutes after the battle on his side ended, Princess Delia finally found Clyde and his group again, and forcibly took away half of Agatha's magic power, and then ran away decisively.

When Agatha felt that her magic power was rapidly draining away and suspected that someone had attacked her, Princess Delia had already picked up her skirt and ran away.

So when Agatha looked back, she didn't even see Delia's shadow.

"What's wrong, Miss Agatha?"

Clyde, who felt that Agatha was in a bad state, looked at her with concern.

"Well... It's nothing, young man."

Agatha knew that it would be useless even if she said it, so she just smiled gently.

Noah could tell what she was hiding just by looking at that smile.

So theoretically, Clyde, as the victim, must be able to see her concerns.

However, the victim is worthy of being a victim. Even though he now has combat power beyond that of ordinary adventurers, his personality is still very negative.

"…Is that so."

Clyde did not ask Agatha what happened. Instead, he showed a slightly helpless smile and really looked away as if nothing had happened.

This made Noah speechless. Will he die if he asked?

You are really a standard waste victim from beginning to end. You think that not asking is good for women, right? Surrender is also good for childhood sweethearts, right?

You really can't give you any good woman. If you give it to you, it will really harm others.

Noah looked at the three people on the monitor, especially the brown-haired boy in the middle with a look of disgust.

Of course, Agatha can't be considered a real good woman. She can only be considered half, because although she is very friendly to humans, she is extremely hostile to other races.

In the real history of the kingdom, she was backstabbed by her sister because of this.

But even so, she is better than the weak and selfish victim.

Agatha, who noticed that she had suddenly lost half of her magic power, smiled and concealed this fact, pretending that nothing happened.

From her attitude, she seemed to think that it would be fine as long as she rested for a night.

But Noah, as the culprit who took away half of her magic power, certainly knew that it was impossible.

Unless she killed Princess Delia who took away half of her magic power.

But the problem is that she doesn't know that her magic power was taken away by the princess, not to mention that even if she knew, she probably wouldn't kill the princess to get it back.

Agatha is very tolerant of humans, even if the other party is a bad woman like Delia.

This is also her weakness.

Perhaps in the history of the kingdom, her sister Agatha was stabbed not only to prevent Agatha from forcibly promoting human supremacy.

There is also the idea of ​​not wanting to see Agatha betrayed by the humans she trusted.

Being a sister is really not easy.

Of course, except for Delia.

Noah looked at the monitor on the side. It was the figure of the eldest princess who was smiling sinisterly and heading back to the palace quickly.

This blonde curly-haired and white-haired eldest princess really didn't look like a sister at all. Not only did she target her younger sister Valentina everywhere, but she also bullied her younger sister Veronica more than she loved her.

Moreover, she was not grateful enough to the gods who helped her. She simply treated them as a fool.

Fortunately, Noah had the same idea, so it didn't matter.

After returning to the palace, Delia couldn't wait to summon the maids and asked them to teach her how to use advanced magic.

Then the eldest princess was like a child who got a toy. She happily used the magic power she took from Agatha to cast magic on the palace training ground.

"…This guy really doesn't hide anything. It feels like if Agatha comes to the palace again, she will definitely be exposed, or does this guy not care?"

Delia's actions were not beyond Noah's expectations. It can only be said that it was unexpected but reasonable.

The situation at this time was like this.

Clyde, Agatha and the fake are playing the dungeon.

The eldest princess is enjoying the joy of releasing advanced magic.

The nun is delivering a letter to the church and triggering a side quest.

Although Noah has temporarily lost the perspective of the real princess, he thinks she must be waiting for an opportunity to appear in the capital, so it doesn't matter if he ignores her.

Logically speaking, Noah should give priority to meeting the nun at this time, after all, Noah didn't expect that she would be able to trigger a new side quest today.

But something big happened to Allen, the yellow-haired man.

Allen, who won the resurrection match, finally found a different way from before and snatched 'Valentina' from the victim Clyde.

"Oh? The location is finally chosen as the palace. It's really amazing that he is a yellow-haired man who wants to take over this country."

Looking at Allen, who is passionately responsible for guarding the safety of the royal city, a happy smile appeared on Noah's face.

After finding that his demon tribe lacked manpower, the yellow-haired Allen finally decided to conquer the female knight leader with his ice-like penis.

Right now, the princess was squandering her magic power in the training ground of the royal city.

Allen was also trying to win over the female knight leader in other rooms.

Because he did not use his demon tribe identity, but used his beauty and penis, Allen successfully deceived the female knight leader to tell him the arrangement of the knight group tomorrow.

This means that he plans to take action tomorrow morning. In this royal city, he has already thought of his plan to take Valentina and the country away.

Although the female knight leader is usually a serious woman who does not smile, she has no power to resist in front of Allen's penis, and her screams are so gentle and charming.

She is still lingering with Allen without realizing what troubles she will bring to the kingdom, and she is still asking him coquettishly if he will come tomorrow.

"Well, of course, how could I not come?"

Alan of course smiled handsomely and affirmed this, and then tried even harder to make the female knight leader feel happy.

"Yes, of course he will come, because he plans to give 'Valentina' a surprise tomorrow."

And Noah on the other side of the monitor couldn't help but smile and nodded.

It seems that tomorrow morning will be the climax of the main line of 'Resurrected Yellow Hair', the princess.

Then it's time for him to make the final preparations.

"...Princess, if you don't take the initiative to show up, then don't blame me for letting that fake replace you as the real one."

Noah lay leisurely on the sofa, looking at the statue of Valentina the Dragon Queen in the dilapidated hall, and the smile on his face gradually became worse.

Then-the next morning, the palace.

Yellow Hair Allen started his revenge battle that he would eventually lose to Noah.



PS. Today's third update.

(In terms of the plot, if nothing unexpected happens tomorrow, Noah will be plotted against by the princess.)

(Actually, it was originally planned to be today, but there haven’t been enough updates in the past few days, so it can only be postponed to tomorrow. I’m really sorry to the readers, I’m lazy qwq)

169. The Morning of the Evil God Noah

Noah woke up in a bed in a hotel at six o'clock the next morning.

To be honest, he didn't have to work so he would not be in a good mood if he got up so early.

However, when he thought that there would be a new main story to watch this morning, he resisted the urge to take a nap and got up to have breakfast nearby.

The breakfast was bread and milk, a very classic combination. The freshly baked bread was paired with warm milk. Although it was not luxurious, it was really good.

The owner of the bakery and the owner's daughter who was the poster girl were also very friendly. They treated customers kindly but not to please them. Noah liked the atmosphere of this store very much and even chatted with them for a while.

After eating and drinking, Noah walked around the street casually, mainly wanting to feel what a peaceful world was like. This leisurely feeling made Noah feel happy.

When it was about time, Noah took out his pocket watch and looked at the time.

Oh, it was already six fifty-seven. It was about time to check the situation of all parties. At this time, no matter who it was, they should have started activities.

The next moment, the black-haired young man who was standing on the street doing nothing disappeared without a trace.

Instead, the owner of the ruined temple that no one could enter returned.

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