Get Black Technology From Marvel

Chapter 205: Shocking development speed! (Four thousand words)


In the office.

Li Guoqing looked at Lu Cheng and said, "Xiao Lu, this project took a lot of effort to get it done. You have to work hard. I also helped you find some helpers. Of course, you, as the project team leader, do it yourself. You can also bring several people into the project team."

Lu Cheng nodded: "Don't worry, principal, this project is not too difficult, and it should be completed within a month."

Lu Cheng is no longer working on the Ark Reactor, and he knows all the data well.

What we need to do now is to maintain the stability of particle collisions and choose suitable materials.

Although the materials in this world are higher than those in the three-body world, some materials required for cold nuclear fusion are not yet available, and other isotopic materials have to be replaced.

At present, Lu Cheng already has a part of the replacement materials in his mind. The next thing is to constantly replace and choose the most suitable material.

When Li Guoqing heard Lu Cheng's words, a hint of surprise appeared in his eyes.

He thought that this project would take at least half a year to take shape, but he didn't expect that the time given by Lu Cheng would be so much faster than he expected.

He smiled and patted Lu Cheng on the shoulder: "Okay, I'm optimistic about you, let's go, I will take you to the laboratory now, and introduce your team members by the way."

Lu Cheng nodded: "Okay."

Following Li Guoqing through several teaching buildings, he finally came to a four-story building.

The laboratory is at the top.

This is a spacious hall, and the most eye-catching thing is the particle impact device in the middle.

Almost occupies a small area of ​​the hall.

The cost of this impact device is probably tens of millions.

Three people stood beside this particle impactor.

Li Guoqing introduced one by one: "This is Professor Cai Jianguo, our professor of physics at Beihang University. He has published many professional papers in the field of nuclear energy, and he is considered the industry leader!"

Cai Jianguo looks about sixty, with gray hair, but very energetic.

It seems that people of the older generation have this special temperament in their bones.

As if he would never admit defeat.

Lu Cheng shook hands with Cai Jianguo, and said humbly, "Hello Professor Cai, I would like to ask for your advice in the future."

Cai Jianguo smiled and said: "I dare not be, I am here to learn new projects."

"The young people nowadays are incredible. They have such a powerful energy idea, which is much better than us old men."

"I just like to think about it." Lu Cheng naturally responded modestly.

Li Guoqing introduced another middle-aged man: "This is Xu Jia, we are the youngest professor of Beihang University, who also has deep research in the field of nuclear energy."

Xu Jia's attitude was neither lukewarm nor cold, but just nodded to Lu Cheng, which was regarded as a greeting.

Naturally, Lu Cheng would not have a hot face and a cold butt, and he nodded slightly.

Li Guoqing looked at the last young man again, and said with a smile: "This is incredible, Ding Yi, a professor of physics, the youngest member of the National Academy of Sciences, and the discoverer of the spherical lightning macroatom."

Lu Cheng looked at the young man in front of him. This young man was not very edgy, but he was very bookish.

The eyes are also very bright, as if there are stars flowing inside.

Ding Yi said, "Hello, I heard Yang Dong mention you several times before, but you didn't expect this cold nuclear reactor paper to be proposed by you. It's really incredible."

But he knew that after graduating from graduate school, Lu Cheng went to the sea to do business, and it was incredible that he could write such a highly professional thesis.

Lu Cheng smiled and said: "Hello, I am honored to have such a powerful person participate in my project team."

"Yang Dong shouldn't blame me for not inviting her."

Ding Yi shook her head: "She is currently working on other projects, and I don't know about your experiment yet."

As he said, he smiled: "However, if Yang Dong knew that he had missed this kind of cross-generation project, he would definitely go crazy with regret."

Lu Cheng also smiled: "It's okay, life is complete only if there are regrets."

Ding Yi said, "I hope he won't fault me ​​at that time. She always sees more than I think."

Although it was a complaint, there was a touch of love between the words.

Lu Cheng opened his mouth and said, "My old classmate is really strong and assertive."

Now that Sophon has not yet arrived, and the basic physics has not been locked, Yang Dong will not commit suicide.

Therefore, Lu Cheng did not focus on Yang Dong.

When Sophon arrives, Lu Cheng will try to contact Yang Dong to see if she can change her destiny.

Li Guoqing looked at everyone and said, "Then, let this project be handed over to you. The project funds will be down tomorrow, totaling 200 million yuan. At that time, everyone can purchase equipment and materials by themselves, and remember to report it afterwards."

"Xiao Lu said that the project can be completed in a few months, I hope so."

Hearing this, Xu Jia smiled: "It is a good thing to have self-confidence, but we still can't rush for quick success. Scientific projects can't tolerate sloppyness."

There was a bit of yin and yang that made Lu Cheng frowned slightly.

Lu Cheng said: "Scientific research really cannot tolerate sloppy, but there is no inevitable connection between fast and sloppy. If you don't even have this confidence, then do scientific research? Only people with no strength will procrastinate! "

Xu Jia frowned: "Then I'll wait and see, I also want to see if the talents who can squeeze my juniors down really have this strength."

Lu Cheng raised his eyebrows, a trace of suspicion appeared in his eyes.

It turned out to be Li Mu's elder brother, no wonder he has been faintly hostile towards him.

Before, Li Mu and him had been interviewing teachers from Beihang University, but Li Mu was squeezed down because of his paper on Ark Reactor.

Lu Cheng smiled: "If Professor Xu just wants to see me getting embarrassed, I don't think there is any need to stay here, otherwise you will definitely be disappointed."

Xu Jia said: "Don't worry, since I have joined the project team, I will definitely do my best and will not deliberately cause trouble. You can rest assured."

Lu Cheng nodded: "That's good."

He prefers this kind of straightforward temperament, what contradiction is there to say.

If you mess up behind it, it's really disgusting.

However, this kind of person who can accomplish something in scientific research is naturally not much more mindful.

Li Guoqing opened the mouth and said: "Okay, I have something to leave first. Let's discuss this project first, and try to sort out the system report first."

Lu Cheng nodded and said, "Okay, School Li, you are busy, just leave it to me here!"

After Li Guoqing left, Lu Cheng looked at everyone and said, "Next, let me talk about the specific steps of the project."

"The first is the material problem, the relevant isotope needs to be tested, the second is the variable, and the other is the experimental environment..."

Lu Cheng explained the steps of his plan one by one.

Ding Yi said, "have all your environment variables been tested?"

Lu Cheng nodded: "Almost, some places may need to be adjusted, but the discrepancy should not be too big."

Ding Yi and others couldn't help showing a look of surprise.

They are all top physicists in China, and they naturally know how important variables are to the reactor.

Once the variables are mastered, neutrons can be used to initiate a chain reaction and generate huge amounts of energy.

The nuclear reactor was more than half successful.

No wonder Lu Cheng is confident that he can finish the project in a few months.

Lu Cheng clapped his hands: "I have compiled a set of experimental data, as well as some operating rules and steps. You can take a look. After the relevant materials are purchased, the project can officially start!"

These days.

Lu Cheng compiled a specific test report and detailed data for his own Ark reactor.

Of course.

He still holds the core data in his own hands.

In order to prevent the experimental project from leaking in the middle!


Lu Cheng took out his mobile phone and added Ding Yi and others one by one.

Immediately, the organized files were posted to the group sharing.

These documents, even if they were at the level of Ding Yi and others, would probably take a week to digest.

Lu Cheng also took advantage of this time to select the best experimental equipment.

Lu Cheng opened the mouth and said: "If you don't understand anything, you can ask me, let's discuss it together, and strive to make the Ark Reactor more perfect!"

Once this project is a big success, it will greatly improve the energy sector.

Because the energy produced by cold nuclear fusion is huge, and there will not be too much pollution.

It is by far the best nuclear energy!

Once done, Lu Cheng can also put it into the mecha project as a matter of course.

after one day.

The project funds were finally in place, and they were put on a special account, which was kept by Lu Cheng.

Of course.

Although Lu Cheng has the right to use, every fund must be clearly stated and invoices or receipts must be issued.

In order to save trouble, Lu Cheng decisively pulled Zou Yun over to fight.

Zou Yun himself has a certain physical background, although he is not as good as the others, he can still help.

Moreover, she can also help herself to share things like accounting.

When the project is really completed, he can also take him to her father's military industrial organization to discuss the development of mecha.

for the rest of the time.

Lu Cheng was teaching Yun Tianming and Luo Ji to practice while focusing on developing the Ark Reactor.

Yun Tianming's cultivation progress is surprisingly fast, and he is considered an excellent cultivation seed.

The main thing is that he can calm down, think and meditate!

It only took him three short days to get started directly.

Next, Lu Cheng taught Yun Tianming the Golden Light Curse and an attack technique, and let him practice it on his own.

As for Luo Ji, this guy has always been unstable, so his cultivation progress is slow.

Lu Cheng can't do anything about it!

Cultivation had to rely on himself, and Lu Cheng couldn't help it if he didn't work hard.

However, Luo Ji's slow progress in cultivation didn't matter.

Whether he can be selected as a wall-facer is still a matter of two things.

If he can't be selected, then he is just an ordinary person.

Will not encounter too much danger!

Yun Tianming is different. If he doesn't cultivate, he may die!

As for the Ark Reactor, progress is also going well.

Ding Yi and other physicists did have unique insights on nuclear energy, which also gave Lu Cheng a lot of inspiration.

At least, when the project is truly completed, it can be several times more high-end than Iron Man's energy.

Days pass by.

Lu Cheng's life gradually became busy.

Basically, it's running around in class, laboratory, and home.

Li Guoqing was also very considerate. In order to save Lu Cheng from catching the subway, he directly arranged a single-person teacher's dormitory for him at the school.

Air-conditioning, shower, computer, all kinds of furniture, etc. are all available.

Lu Cheng accepted it naturally.

To be honest, catching the subway in the imperial capital is indeed very difficult.


Two months passed.


A laboratory.

Lu Cheng and the others gathered together, and in front of them there were pieces of sophisticated equipment connected with thick cables.

At the center is an oval device!

"Let's start." Lu Cheng directly pressed the switch.

Ding Yi and others are also standing on various devices, debugging various data.

"I can do it here!" Ding Yi said.

"I have no problem here." Xu Jiadao.

"Well, the equipment is stable." Cai Jianguo said.

Under Lu Cheng's command, the three turned on the equipment one by one.

Hey hey hey!

Electric currents suddenly followed the thick cables, surging crazily.

Finally, it passes through a prism and reflects on the huge elliptical device.

Hey hey hey!

The oval device suddenly lit up, and violent electromagnetism ignited in the device.

At a glance, it was full of destructive power.

However, these currents soon formed a special chip.

All energy is concentrated in this chip.

Lu Cheng took out the chip inside the oval, and then looked at the people:


His heart is very calm as if he had expected it.

after all.

His current knowledge is much better than he was in the "Big Hero 6" world.

In the "Big Hero 6" world, he can develop the Ark Reactor, and he can naturally also in this world!

Of course.

This Ark Reactor has more energy than the world developed in Big Hero 6.

Even, it has surpassed Tony Stark, and the energy produced by the new element that was later researched!

It can be said to be the strongest version of the Ark reactor.

When the others saw this, they were also relieved.

In the past two months, they have forgotten food and sleep, and their efforts have not been in vain.

Xu Jia's expression also became complicated.

When he joined the project team, he actually wanted to see how many catties Lu Cheng had, so that he could squeeze out his junior brother.

Never thought that Lu Cheng could really develop this project successfully.

When he heard Lu Cheng said that the Ark reactor would be developed in a few months, he was even more disdainful.


When the finished product really appeared before his eyes, he was truly conquered!

This kind of development speed is unique even if you look at the world.

This person who defeated his younger brother really has real talents.

The development difficulties encountered in the past few months are all solutions proposed by Lu Cheng.

They are more of implementing Lu Cheng's plan.

"Wow, it succeeded, Senior Lu, you are amazing!"

Zou Yun hugged Lu Cheng excitedly.

However, she soon discovered her gaffe, blushing and let go of her hand.

Lu Cheng looked at the chip in his hand and stretched his lips.

Next, is the second step of the plan.

Make mechas and establish contact with the military!

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