Get Black Technology From Marvel

Chapter 309: Under one more person!

   "Xiao Lu, when do you plan to start this project?" Academician Li Juan asked.

   Cheng Lu thought for a while and said, "Actually, I planned to start this project again in the second half of next year, but with the help of the professors, I think it will be officially put into operation in three months at the latest."

   Of course, it's one thing to easily find someone to help.

   More importantly, Chengxi Technology's holographic illusion technology has brought him even more benefits than he thought.

   Expected a few more months.

  The pure profit of Chengxi Technology will exceed the 100 billion mark!

   This also gave him the conditions and capital to carry out the project.

   just responded to that sentence.

   Luck and strength are here, the whole world will make way for you!

   Li Juan and other academicians and professors also showed relief.

   "I like Xiaolu's popular temperament."

   "I really look forward to the smooth implementation of this project!"

   "Once this project is completed, it will bring a rich and colorful stroke to the biological world!"

   "Well, this is estimated to cause a major earthquake in the medical and biological circles!"

   "I really didn't expect that in my rare years, I could personally participate in the research and development of this kind of project."

   Lu Cheng respectfully said: "Academicians, you will have to bother a lot in the future."

   Li Juan said: "Hehe, I can't talk about it, we are just learning."

   Wang Shouyuan also said, "Xiao Lu, your biological knowledge really makes me unbelievable. You are from a science and technology background."

   They are the big figures in the biological world.

   It is natural to see that whoever is refilling the number, who is really capable!

   The kind of biological explanation just now, if you don't have a solid foundation in biology, it is difficult to explain clearly.


   Just now, Lu Cheng’s explanation was clear and clear.

   can quickly answer their questions!

   does not seem to be rote at all.

   They are also very curious, Lu Cheng clearly is engaged in IT technology, why can he have such a solid and in-depth biological knowledge.


   They also heard that several new materials recently developed by Wang Wentao were provided by Lu Cheng.

   This is even more incredible!

   Is there really a genius on this earth that is beyond the scope of ordinary people's incomprehension? !

   easily do what ordinary people can't do?

Lu Cheng stretched his lips and said, “Actually, I didn’t start this project in the last few years. I was already learning the knowledge of biology a long time ago. Transforming the technology industry."

   "Until recently, I got inspiration from a paper to extract retro-gene cell clusters."

   "Of course, this kind of cell cluster was cultivated only after I spent several hundred million using high-end petri dishes."

   Li Juan shook his head: "Xiao Lu, you say that, but it will make us ashamed. We old guys who have studied biology for a lifetime are not as creative as you."

   She said that, of course it was a joke.


   Although they have doubts about Lu Cheng's ability, they don't care too much.


   They all hope that China will have more geniuses like Lu Cheng!

Wang Wentao opened the mouth and said: "You finally understand my suffering. Xiao Lu is definitely a genius. I said before that it would be too shameful to let him be a businessman. Let the technology of the entire country move forward for a hundred years and surpass the old beauty in one fell swoop!"

   "Ahem, the professors have been rewarded." Lu Cheng smiled.

   He knew that he was not a genius.

   Just, standing on the shoulders of giants.

   If there is no ability to travel through the world.

   It is impossible for him to reach his position in a short time!

   Lin Xi'er looked at Lu Cheng from the side, pursed his lips, a faint smile appeared in his eyes.

   Her own man was praised by so many industry professors and academicians, she was also very happy.

   Everyone chatted for a while.

   It is mainly Lu Cheng's research on cell replication and regeneration projects, and some supplements and explanations of ideas.

   lest these professors have to go back and continue to check the information.

   After discussing the project roughly, they left a contact information for each.

   It's already half past one noon!

  Wang Wentao then said: "Stop talking, and have a meal together later. Let's talk while eating. I have already booked a place!"

   He watched these academicians and professors ask Lu Cheng various questions one by one, and he couldn't help but feel a headache.

   If you don't interrupt again.

   I guess I don’t need lunch anymore.

   He knows that these old scholars were all workaholics when they were young.

   A group of people quickly chose a restaurant nearby.

   This restaurant is not luxurious, but it is elegant and quiet!

   is very suitable for middle-aged and elderly people.

   A group of people were eating and chatting, and the atmosphere was quite harmonious.

   until one hour later.

   A group of talents finished their meal.

   Mainly these academicians of biology, they are all too enthusiastic.

   is also full of curiosity about Lu Cheng's various novel biological ideas.

   Questions are asked one after another!

   If it weren't for Wang Wentao to interrupt, I guess they would have to discuss with Lu Cheng in the afternoon.

   After eating, bid farewell to Wang Wentao and other academicians.

   Lu Cheng looked at Lin Xi'er and said with a smile: "Okay, when things are done, where are we going to play now?"

   Now, it's the Chinese New Year period.

   Therefore, there are still many entertainment venues.


   Most entertainment venues are overcrowded.

   Lu Cheng naturally would not go to such a place to join in the fun.


   Most of the first-tier cities have been modernized, and there are few extremely secluded places.

   Therefore, Lu Cheng could not pay attention for a while.

  Lin Xi'er looked at Lu Cheng, with a rare light in her beautiful eyes: "Lu Cheng, were you discussing the rebirth of a limb with those professors just now?"

Lu Cheng smiled: "I planned to tell you a long time ago, but I haven't confirmed it before, so I have been delayed. Now, I can tell you very clearly that I am indeed doing research in this area. "

   "Moreover, it has already begun to bear fruit."

   "I believe that after all the conditions are prepared, we can officially enter the research and development stage!"

   "Don't you see that those academicians also give recognition to this technology?"

   Lin Xier's eyes suddenly turned red, and after a long silence, he said, "Lu Cheng, thank you."

   Lu Cheng squeezed her cheek: "Silly girl, I promised you a long time ago to help you heal your legs before you turn 22. Now, it's just fulfilling the previous promise."

   Lin Xier looked at Lu Cheng: "I thought you were just comforting me."

   She did not expect it.

   Lu Cheng will put this into practice so quickly.

   Lu Cheng pretended to be angry and said, "It turns out that you don't trust me so much, I'm angry."

   "Okay, what if I was wrong." Lin Xier pursed her lips.

   I thought that my legs would soon return to their original state.

   She is also happy from the heart.

after all--

   Even if the Seishi prosthesis is made realistically, it is still fake!

   can't compare with normal legs at all.

   "Is it all right if one sentence is wrong?" Lu Cheng pointed to his face, "Kiss."

   Lin Xier's cheeks flushed: "No, it's outside."

   "What are you afraid of? Our normal relationship between boy and girl friends is nothing shameless." Lu Cheng urged.

   Lin Xi'er pursed her lips, then raised her toes, and lightly tapped on Lu Cheng's cheek like a chicken.

   "Satisfied." Lin Xier wrinkled his nose.

   Lu Cheng hugged Lin Xi'er and kissed her forehead: "Good."

   "Where shall we go, I know you don't like places that are too noisy."

   Lin Xier said, "You can go anywhere, I will follow you."

   "Then turn on shopping and eating mode." Lu Cheng smiled.

  He is too lazy to play.


   It's okay to take Lin Xier to eat delicious food everywhere.

   The two of them held hands, and began to wander around in the imperial capital.

   In order to avoid causing a sensation.

   Both of them wear masks.

after all--

   Lu Cheng’s current influence is no different from that of celebrities.


   What kind of imperial capital roast duck, all kinds of snacks, both of them ate it all over.

   Lu Cheng was recognized by some fans several times, and they asked for a group photo.

   Some people who came from other places also asked Lu Cheng carefully when to open a company in their hometown.

   They can also go back to work in their hometown!

   Lu Cheng naturally explained this patiently.


  The scale of Chengxi Technology is getting bigger and bigger, and its products are getting more and more.

  In order to meet more business needs, the expansion of the branch is indeed imperative.

   Cheng Lu has also decided to start the acquisition of Boyuan Technology after the industrial base is completed.


   Many representatives of the board of directors have come to the company to inquire about his intent to acquire, but he has all been perfunctory.

  Boyuan Technology has been on the verge of bankruptcy after Dong Mingcheng's toss.

   is acquired, is the best choice!

   After playing in the Imperial Capital for three days, Lu Cheng took Lin Xier away.

   Thanks to Chengxi Technology for the New Year, a full ten days of vacation.


   Lu Cheng simply took advantage of this time and started the travel mode.

   play from the north to the south!

   until the holiday is completely over.

   Lin Xi'er knew that her legs were about to be healed, and the big stone she was pressing on her heart was completely put down, making her whole person more cheerful.

Of course.

   Although the two occasionally slept in the same room, they did not have any substantial relationship.

   is at most a kiss, a hug!

   Lu Cheng wanted to keep this beauty until they got married, or the day when Lin Xier's legs were healed.

At least.

   In this way, Lin Xier's heart will not have any regrets.

   Cheng Lu is also studying and solving the problems of Xingchen Steel's mass production and yield during this period.

   If this problem is not solved, it will be difficult for Xingchen Steel to be put into practical application.


   He found a solution from the extraction method of Edman alloy!

   He informed Wang Wentao the first time.

   surprised the latter!

  Wang Wentao never thought that Lu Cheng could solve this problem so quickly.

   He also immediately plunged into production research.


   I believe there should be results in a few weeks.

   Lu Cheng is not in a hurry.

  It takes several weeks to prepare for his new industrial base, from finding someone to build it to formal development.

At least.

   As for the design drawings, he had to design it first.

   This time.

   He also told Lin Xi'er of his idea and asked her to help draw the design!

   Lin Xi'er is also considered an expert in this respect.

   only took a few days, and it was basically done.

Of course.

   This is also due to Lu Cheng's holographic illusion technology.

   Because of this technique, she draws pictures more conveniently and accurately.

   ten days later.

   Lu Cheng and Lin Xi'er also ended their travel!

   As the boss, Lu Cheng will naturally be there on the first day of work.

   He also sent a few thousand yuan to open the door to the employees present.

Of course--

   is limited to some high-level and middle-level employees.

   The remaining red envelopes are naturally arranged by themselves and distributed to the people under their hands.

   Cheng Lu also recruited a group of high-level officials, including Gu Qingzhu, to discuss various matters concerning the relocation of the company.

  According to the development progress of the base, at most half a year, you can move there.

   Because of the special properties of Star Steel, there is no need to worry about formaldehyde!

   After the first meeting before the start of work.

   Lu Cheng looked at Gu Qingzhu and said, "Qingzhu, after the new industrial base is completed, I plan to develop a few more villas over there. Would you like to come together?"

   In this way, it will be convenient to go to get off work in the future, and there is no need to face traffic jams.

   Gu Qingzhu rubbed her hair: "Boss, you really plan to squeeze me clean, and you even arranged your residence in your work place."

   Lu Cheng shrugged: "Anyway, the place is big enough. As long as it is designed properly, it is much better than the average villa. Moreover, I will arrange various security measures to avoid being harassed by some paparazzi."

   "Well, I don't have any comments. Anyway, it's the same everywhere, and it's a bit more crowded." Gu Qingzhu smiled.

   After the new year.

  The employees of Chengxi Technology have also become more and more busy.

   Cheng Lu has set a goal. In half a year this year, holographic phantom technology will be deployed across the country!

   This must make them race against time!

that's all.

   In a busy life, the days have finally passed for almost a month.

   This month's time.

  Major second-tier cities have gradually launched holographic phantom technology.


   The mobile phone brands headed by Huawei are also gradually installing holographic phantoms!

  The services launched by various majors aiming at the holographic phantom technology are also in an endless stream.

  The new era of science and technology has just arrived quietly!

The sensation caused by    holographic phantom technology is no less popular than Alipay back then.

   Alipay changed the payment method of the whole people.

   holographic phantom technology is to change the way people communicate.

   After this period of promotion and development.

   Chengxi Technology has become a well-known company.

   In all aspects, it has received strong support from the government.

  Wang Wentao has also stated that the problem of Xingchen Steel's production capacity has also been resolved!

   can be put into formal development and production at any time.

   Lu Cheng also relaxed in his heart.


  He only needs to do two things.

  The first thing is to pay close attention to the design of the floating city industrial base.

   The second thing is to conduct research on cell replication and regeneration plans.

   Both things take a lot of time.

   "The things on hand have been basically done, and it seems that I can enter under one person." Lu Cheng stretched his lips.

  Remember here.

   He did not delay too much.

   mute in my heart, "Enter under one person".

next moment.

   His figure disappeared into the real world.


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