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Chapter 318: Arrogant rootless

   Hearing Lu Cheng's words, everyone's eyes couldn't help but look over.

  Rootless Life is even more curious: "What's the matter, brother Lu's fate, is it here so soon?"

   Lu Cheng smiled slightly: "Because of Daochang Zhou's answer, he gave me a hint."

   Wugensheng said, "Brother Lao Lu explained to the big guy."

   Lu Cheng thought about it for a while before he said: "Actually, it is not difficult to understand the two prompts separately. The difficulty is that after the two prompts are combined, there is a relationship between the superior and the subordinate."

   paused, and he went on to say: "From the perspective of the master here, what is the character of sincerity should be above a person? After passing through this valley, ordinary people will unconsciously gain the wonderful power brought by the flow of the body."

   "In this way, the xinxing will inevitably be greatly affected, and they will be surprised and worried. No matter which type, they will find it difficult to think rationally if they gain power inexplicably!"

   Xu Xin couldn't help raising his eyebrows: "We are all strangers here. How do you know that ordinary people will gain power here?"

   Lu Cheng smiled: "Because the monkeys... the monkeys here have spirituality that other places don't have, and they are obviously affected by the valley here."

   "So, I think that ordinary people here should also be affected."

   Wugensheng smiled and said, "It is true, this valley will help ordinary people to walk on the mountain and keep them full of vitality at any time!"

   After a pause, he continued: "Then, Brother Lu, let's go on."

   Lu Cheng said: "It is extremely difficult for ordinary people to digest the impact of this power on their own personality, let alone seriously consider the question of what is human and honest."

   "While we strangers will not be affected by the valley, but we can feel the hints of the valley. We know the principle, and we can naturally draw conclusions about what a person is."

   "And conversely, this valley has become the biggest misleading for us, unconsciously allowing theory and action to a certain degree of disconnection, which is a common problem for most people who do things."

   "Theoretically, we should achieve 100 points, but we will use various excuses to hypnotize ourselves... the real environment does not allow it, our own ability is not enough, and so on."

   "After some self-comfort, we will accept the expectation of 80 points, and in the end we will even be grateful for the result of 60 points!"

   "The host here doesn't think so, at least in the matter of what a person he is, he only accepts 100 points!"

   "This is Makoto's answer, it's still very simple, it means literally."

   "The sincere, the faithful, the sincere, the way of heaven!"

   "The Way of Heaven does not discuss it with people. The Way of Heaven has no room for maneuver. Honesty is one of the characteristics of the Way of Heaven."

   "Human Law World should also be a sincere word. Since you are a stranger and understand what is indomitable, then you should not be confused by this valley outside, you should implement it 100%!"

   "Find a place that is truly indomitable!"


   He walked slowly to a clearing.

   There are obviously two special footprints in this clearing.

   Everyone couldn't help but look down, with a thoughtful expression on their faces.

   Lu Cheng pointed to the footprints and smiled: "This is the answer."

   Wu Gensheng narrowed his eyes slightly when he heard Lu Cheng's words.


   The others obviously still didn't understand Lu Cheng's meaning.

   Xu Xin said, "There seems to be nothing special about this footprint, I have already stepped on it just now."

   "Yeah, I even transported the tan on it, without any reaction."

   "Brother Lu, did you make a mistake."

   Lu Cheng smiled, and said: "As I said just now, Tiandao only accepts one hundred points. Any act of scoring a side ball will be regarded as insincere, and the mystery cannot be solved naturally."


   He walked in front of the footprint, Yuning and fingertips, pointed at the two parts of the footprint.


   In an instant.

   This footprint has really changed.

   A light blue light appeared on the spot where Lu Cheng pointed.

   Lu Cheng explained: "The foundation of Dingtian is the site, and Dingtian’s cave is the Baihui acupoint above the head. The so-called site naturally refers to it..."

   "The two places, Shunfoot and Shaoyin Kidney Meridian, penetrate the human body, with the opening facing down, also known as the Bottomless Hole."

"Because the entrance of the cave borders the ground, it is an important gateway for the yin and cold earth energy to invade the human body. Not only foreigners, but even ordinary people cannot protect these two places. When cold air enters the body, they are also prone to calf, double straddle, and psoas muscles. sore……"

   boom boom boom——

   The voice fell.

   The ground where everyone was standing, was like a gossip array, slowly splitting towards the two plates.

   "Wow, the ground is cracked."

   "My God, the mystery is really solved!"

   "Brother Lu is amazing."

   Everyone looked curiously towards the cracked ground, wondering what was hidden inside.

Rootless stretched his lips and looked at Lu Cheng and said, "Brother Lu, you are really as careful as your hair. I thought it would take you at least a few days to solve the mystery. I didn't expect that it was only an hour before that you would be killed by you. Untied!"

   "Let's go, soon you will know who the owner is here."

   Not long.

   The ground was completely cracked, revealing a stone step directly connected to the ground.

   Rootless ignited an illuminated object in his hand, and walked down the stone steps.

   Everyone naturally followed.

   Ma Ben said to the side: "Everyone, since my brother Lu has solved the mystery here, do you have to recognize my brother Lu in the future?"

   Zhang Huaiyi was delighted in his heart.

  He will not be the only one calling Lu Cheng brother!

   Wei Shufen chuckled, "Okay, anyway, Brother Lu is bigger than me, and it's not a big deal to shout."

   "Good brother, we can take care of each other in the future."

   Duanmuying also said, "Of course, we are not someone who can't afford to lose."

   The others who are older than Lu Cheng naturally respond timidly.

   However, obviously in their hearts, asking them to call someone younger than them is still a bit awkward.

   "No, this is just a joke of no roots. You can talk to other generations in the future, and you don't need to call you brother or not."

   "Of course, if you are willing to call my brother, I don't mind, haha."

   Lu Cheng's words dispelled everyone's embarrassment.

   Xu Xin opened the mouth and said: "I wish to accept the bet, and you will be my brother Lu in the future."

   Older people call Lu Cheng Lu Xiaoge.

   After such an appearance, they became more acquainted with each other.

   The stone steps leading to the underground are quite long, and everyone has walked for a long time before they finally walked to the end.

At the bottom of the stone steps is a cave.

  On the top of the hole I saw was written in traditional characters in four characters: a rare person!

   Everyone looked at the text on the entrance of the cave, showing a curious look.

   They didn't expect that someone actually lived here.


   Everyone walked into the cave one after another.

   went inside, only to find that it was a very empty room.

   There is only one bedding in the room, and nothing else.

"There are words on this wall..." Duan Muying looked at a stone wall and said, "Jiuqu Panhuan Cave, this font seems to be different from the outside] Give you a red envelope in cash! Follow the vx public [Investment Good Article] to receive it!

   These words in front of me are in simplified Chinese.

There is still a big difference between    and the traditional characters outside.

   "No roots, this is what you left." Xu Xin said.

   It was rootless and did not hide it. He nodded calmly and said, "I did change it."

   Not long.

   Someone said: "There are also here, and there are also words here. Look carefully, a considerable part of the surface of this cave has been polished, it seems to be to erase what was originally carved on it..."


   Maben said: "Hey, come and take a look, there seems to be a complete word here."

   Hearing the words, the rest of them leaned forward and began to look at the fonts on the wall.

   They knew that to determine who the owner of this cave was, it must be a clue left by these fonts.

   "God Yudu..." Someone chanted.

   Zhou Sheng shook his head, and said: "Not in this order..."


He read the words on the stone wall according to the order of the fonts: "This method...the true...the wonderful is more true. It is because I am different from people's self-knowledge. If you want to stay in Zhu Li Hing Yu Pond, first go to the water, the silver magic power, the fire is not the end, and there will be a round of the deep pool and moon..."

   Zhang Huaiyi listened to Zhou Sheng's chant, and a ray of light appeared in his eyes: "Wait, it's so familiar...this is Zhang Boduan from Ziyang Mountain!"

   For this master, their cultivators, they are very familiar.

   Zhang Boduan is a well-known Gao Dao in the Northern Song Dynasty, a master of internal alchemy!

   Now, Quanzhen Sect’s dual cultivation of life and life is based on Zhang Boduan’s cultivation purpose!

   It is not an exaggeration to say that Zhang Boduan is the founder of Quanzhen Sect.

   Zhang Boduan has been knowledgeable since he was a child, and he has been involved in the three teachings of classics, medicine, divination, soldiers, and mathematics!

   is a famous person in the Northern Song Dynasty!

  The text left here is an excerpt from Zhang Boduan's masterpiece "Wuzhen".

   "Huh?" Zhang Huaiyi looked at the text on the wall and raised his eyebrows, "How come the rest has been wiped off."


   He looked towards Rootless Growth and said: "Rootless Growth, has the information left here been erased by you?"

   Rootlessness also nodded very calmly: "Yes, someone is a good teacher, leaving behind something that seems magical but decaying. I don't think it's very useful. On the contrary, it will mislead others, so I erased it."

   The people listened to the words of Rootless, and they couldn't help showing unclear expressions.

   They already know that the owner here is Zhang Boduan.

   This is the founding of sect, and it is called the great power of Danzu.


   is such a great power, but he was directly denied by Rootless Growth.

   I have to say, this omnipotent head is really a bit arrogant.

   Everyone didn't think that it was because Wugensheng didn't want outsiders to get Zhang Boduan's original writings and erased these writings.

   Although Rootless is the head of the whole nature, everyone still believes in his character.

   Otherwise, it is impossible to rush here because of a piece of paper without roots.

   I have to say that the charisma of rootless personality is still extremely attractive!

   Zhang Huaiyi said: "No roots, what exactly is this Bo Duan engraved on, you can't wait to erase the writing directly on it."

   Wugensheng smiled: "There is nothing valuable. In short, it will not help everyone here."

   Seeing that Rootless was unwilling to speak more, Zhang Huaiyi didn't ask any more.

   The mystery has been solved.

   Everyone was in this cave, took out some wine, and started chatting.

   Someone said, "Hey, I don't know when this **** fight will be finished."

   "Come on, guys, the devils will soon be defeated!" An old man in a tunic suit said.

   This is Dou Ruchang, the second master of the secret painting.

   Secret Painting is a well-known intelligence organization in China, and it has close ties with the authorities.

   A man with a red hood curiously said: "Alright, how can you tell, now the devils everywhere are getting more and more rampant!"

   "Don't talk too much, Dou Lao is the second master of the secret paintings, the news is much better than us!"

   Dou Ruchang said indifferently: "I can't say too much, I can only tell you that the overall situation has been set, and the islanders will definitely be defeated. The Prophet of Chunjiang Plumbing Duck, the people who have the means on the other side have begun to withdraw one after another!"

   "Really, hahaha!"

   When everyone heard the news, they all laughed.

   Rootless also smiled with joy, raised his glass, and said: "Cheers ahead of time for victory, let's go!"

   "Go ahead!"

   Everyone also raised their hands and drank happily.

  I've had three rounds of wine.

   Huang Huaxian Huang Fang looked at everyone and said: "Everyone, when the battle is over, when the world is peaceful, what do you all want to do?"

   A man wearing a headscarf blushed and said: "I want to marry a wife, damn, don't worry, I want to marry a wife and have a baby!"

   This sincere answer caused everyone to laugh.

   The others also revealed their future plans.

   "I want to learn Western painting."

   "I want to travel to Fang."

   "I want to visit abroad."

Some strangers of the older generation could not help but shook their heads when they heard the words, "Huh, they are all cultivators, one by one is really worthless, really chilling for your teachers, marrying wives and painting, no practice. Your goal?" He looked at Gu Weiting and said, "Xiaogu, what do you want to do for repairs?"

   Gu Jingting sat on the ground, showing a glimmer of prospect: "Cultivation, I want to see the full picture of everything in this world, but I can’t get involved where to start!"

   Zhou Sheng smiled and said: "Hey, what's the use of seeing clearly, everything in this world is different, and you can't get away from the word change. I want to master the changes in this world."

   Duanmuying opened the mouth and said: "Zhou Daochang, your tone is too loud. I am not as good as you. The doctor treats the disease and saves people. I think there is no one in this world that I can't save, as long as he is still alive..."

   Fengtianyang supported his chin and said, "Cultivation, I think all the elves in the world can be used by me."

   Ma Ben was sitting on the ground and said: "The method of refining tools is too exhausting. My Ma wants to start a school and create a new method of refining."

   Ruan Feng lay on the ground with his legs on his feet: "Hehe, I don't want anything, eat well, drink well, sleep well, just live a few more years."

   Lu Cheng sat aside and listened to the people talking about their future ideals, and couldn't help but secretly thought: "The creation of these eight wonders seems to be in line with what they want in their hearts."

   was in Lu Cheng's thoughts.

   Rootless eyes looked over and said, "Brother Lu, what about you, what is your goal?"


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