Get Black Technology From Marvel

Chapter 383: It's over!

   A fierce roar resounded violently.

   A huge gluttonous fighter plane appeared in front of everyone with lightning speed.

The head of the gluttonous fighter jet emitted a fiery flame, causing the surrounding air to vibrate suddenly, and suddenly blasted everyone.


   The air seemed to boil and became distorted.

"Be careful!"

   Du Qiangwei quickly used the space-time ability and constructed a space-time shield in front of everyone.

   boom boom boom

   The flames blasted fiercely, like a poisonous snake, about to swallow everyone up.


   The flame suddenly disappeared when it was close to the crowd of meters!

   A tall building not far away shook suddenly, and was bombarded by the flames with a loud noise!

   boom boom boom

   The entire tall building was directly penetrated by a hole, and it was turned into ashes in an instant, and there was no rubble left.

   When everyone saw the tall buildings not far away, they took a breath.

   If Du Qiangwei had not used the space-time ability in time just now, he had transferred the attack out in time.

   They must be killed and injured!

   The energy fluctuation of this attack made them a little frightened!

   Du Qiangwei looked at the gluttonous fighter in the distance, with a solemn expression: "This is the god-killing fighter of the gluttonous army. It has the power to kill the gods. Even if we are hit, the black armor can't resist it, so be careful."

   She calmed down first, and quickly made arrangements: "I'll lead it away, Cheng Yaowen, and then you will lead people into the air-raid shelter, and Liu Chuang will guard you outside."

   The voice just fell.

   The steel wings behind her vibrated and flew towards the gluttonous fighter in the distance.

When the    gluttonous fighter saw Du Qiangwei, he also chased after him immediately, and ignored Ge Xiaolun and others below.

   "Jiangwei, I, I..." There was concern in Ge Xiaolun's eyes.

   He wanted to go with Du Qiangwei, but he was worried about becoming Du Qiangwei's burden.

   "Don't hesitate, go in quickly." Liu Chuang said.

   Cheng Yaowen also said: "The advanced air-raid shelter contains the latest defense technology and shielding detection technology. As long as we guard the entrance, the safety of the people inside can be guaranteed."

   He also thought about escorting the people out of Tianhe City.

   But this is not realistic at all.

   Now the entire Tianhe City is filled with gluttonous army fighter planes. Once they go out, they will have to cross an unknown number of kilometers, and the casualties must be very heavy.

   can only find a place to hide first!


   Under the cover of Du Qiangwei, everyone quickly entered the underground air-raid shelter with a large group of injuries.

   Through a spacious tunnel, everyone came to an underground square.

The    square is the size of several football fields and can accommodate nearly 100,000 people!

   This was also done by the authorities in response to the raid by the gluttonous army.

   is not only Tianhe City.

   At least three such air-raid shelters have been built in every city.

   this moment.

   Inside the air-raid shelter.

   At least tens of thousands of people gathered.

   wailing, talking, crying, all sounded.

   The doctors and nurses are busy taking care of the patients.

   Most people just snuggle together, comforting and warming each other.

   Faced with this sudden war, everyone fell into a great panic.

  Many people are naturally the soldiers of the Xiongbing Company that they saw for the first time.

   In an instant.

   The ebony crowd squeezed over, making noises.

   "Yes, it's the soldiers of the Xiongbing Company!"

   "They came to save us."

   "Why come so late, my brother and my brother were killed by those soldiers!"

   "My house is gone."


   The scene instantly turned into a pan of porridge.

   Seeing this, the highest-level commander on the scene immediately took out the microphone and said: "Quiet, comrades, please be quiet. Give the soldiers of the male company some time."

   The voice came out.

   The noise at the scene is getting weaker and weaker.

   Not long.

   A cold-looking man in military uniform walked over and saluted Du Qiangwei and others.

   "I am Wei Qi, the company commander of Unit 131 in Tianhe City. I am glad to meet you!"

   Cheng Yaowen, as the interim captain, also walked out: "I am Cheng Yaowen, and I have been ordered to attack the gluttonous army."

   The others also stepped forward and introduced themselves one by one.

   Wei Qi looked at Cheng Yaowen and the others, and said: "The masses are looking forward to your arrival, otherwise, what should you say?"

   He is just a small company commander, unable to comfort the injured people.

   At this time, a leader is needed to stand up and stabilize the people's hearts.

   Otherwise, this little air-raid shelter, sooner or later, something will happen.

   Cheng Yaowen looked at the injured and crying crowd around, everyone's face showed great anxiety and anxiety.

   He breathed out gently, adjusted his mood, and said: "Let me do it."

   Wei Qi handed the microphone to Cheng Yaowen.

Cheng Yaowen took it and said, "Everyone, we are members of the Xiongbing Company. I must have seen us in the previous live broadcast. This time, in addition to the members of the Xiongbing Company, there are some who are already outside and gluttonous. The members of the legion fight each other."

   "Please trust us, we have the ability to protect everyone's safety, and the fighting will stop soon."

   "Those sinful gluttonous legions are bound to be driven out of Tianhe City."

   "Now, please stay calm, give us some time, we will guard at the entrance, and there may be some noise later, please try to stay safe and don't make too much noise."

   "There is the simplest defense and shielding system here, and the gluttonous army will not be able to discover the existence here for a while."

   After saying something.

   The emotions of the people have calmed down a bit.

   Cheng Yaowen didn't say much, and returned the microphone to Wei Qi.

   He knows that in this situation, it's useless to say more.

  All they have to do is to guard this entrance!

   Cheng Yaowen looked at the other members of the military company and said: "Let's go, the task now is to protect this air-raid shelter from anyone from the gluttonous army."

   The others didn't think much, and followed Cheng Yaowen out of the air-raid shelter.

   The atmosphere here is too depressing.

   I felt like I would suffocate every second I stayed.

   Everyone walked out of the air-raid shelter and immediately dispersed.

   is about a few hundred meters away from the air-raid shelter!

   If you guard the entrance of the hole, you will undoubtedly conceal your ears and steal the bell, and even directly expose the location of the air-raid shelter.

   Not long.

   Everyone chose a hidden position, hiding their body.

   Cheng Yaowen also quickly made arrangements through the black armor's communication system: "Now that the Marines and Lena are not there, we must work hard to keep here!"

   Xin Zhao’s voice came: "He, this Tianhe City, there are many air-raid shelters, shall we just guard here? What about the other air-raid shelters?"

   One time.

   Everyone fell silent.

   No one knows the answer.

  Perhaps, they already know the answer, but no one wants to face it.

   A moment later.

   Cheng Yaowen's voice sounded: "Don't think about other things, we only need to do the things in front of us. When the Marines destroy the capital ship, they will naturally organize a full counterattack!"

   "Well, I believe the Marines, they will definitely resolve the matter over there soon." Qilin's tone was full of determination.

   Liu Chuang exhaled, "Grandma's, I'm really not reconciled, I really want to accompany Brother Monkey to kill the Quartet!"

   "Don't worry, Chuangzi, there are opportunities." Zhao Xinlang said.

   Everyone communicated with each other in a low voice.


the other side.

   Lu Cheng and Lena were also attacked.

   Not long after they entered the building, they were discovered without exception.


   A large number of gluttonous fighters gathered around and launched a fierce attack on the building where they were.

   Boom boom boom boom!

   Countless lasers bombarded the shell of the building like a rainstorm.

   The building made of reinforced concrete was pierced in an instant, and it was beaten to pieces, revealing both Rena and Lu Cheng inside the building.

   this moment.

   Lu Cheng pinched his hands with both hands, hovering in the air, with a faint golden glow all over his body.

   Lena stood in front of him, and a golden shield appeared in his hand.

   This is the product of their Lieyang Star, called the Sun Shield, which can withstand the damage of the Destroyer Star.

   Even a nuclear bomb can't break this shield of the sun.

   Lena held this shield of the sun, countless laser beams on the shield of the sun, did not make Lena take a step back!

   "Let me tell you what is military might!"

   Lena roared, and suddenly moved forward a few steps.

   Her whole body also lit up with a blazing light!

   The rays of light shone, shining on the surrounding gluttonous fighters.


   A momentary effort.

   There is no way to use the parts in these gluttonous fighters.

at the same time.

   These gluttonous fighters also melted quickly.

   In the end, he couldn't stand the extreme high temperature at all, and it turned into a puddle of metal solution and fell on the ground.

   This is Rena's housekeeping skills, the sun is bombing.

   I used it when I discussed with Lu Cheng.

   However, Lena had kept her hand at that time, and did not use her full strength.

   Now facing this gluttonous army, she naturally has no reason to keep her hands!

   "It's the sun goddess, get out!"

   "Damn it, it's unlucky to meet the sun goddess."

   "Report the news quickly and wait for support."

   "Her sun bombardment, the range is only 100 meters, we are harassing the periphery, don't let her run away."

   "Hey, catching her is a great achievement, and my **** Karl will definitely reward us."


   Those gluttonous fighters that wanted to surround themselves immediately hovered around.

   They only attacked with lasers from a distance, and didn't rush to approach.

at the same time.

   Inside the capital ship in the distance, a fighter plane larger than the gluttonous fighter plane flew in the direction of Lu Cheng and the other two.


   The information about the two of them here has been reported.


   The two of them will probably usher in a fierce attack that is several times stronger than they are now.

   Lena glanced at Lu Cheng and exhaled: "Lu Team, you have to work harder, we seem to be caught up in this posture, I can't hold on for long in this posture."

   Lu Cheng did not answer, but suspended in mid-air like a sculpture.


   His fingers were like playing a piano, and they moved quickly.

   Lena looked at Lu Cheng's movements, and only felt an inexplicable charm radiating from it.

   It's just that the charm is mysterious and mysterious, and she doesn't know how to describe it.

   this moment.

   In Lu Cheng's eyes, there was a completely different scene.

   Numerous intricate and intertwined fate lines appeared before his eyes.

   The fingers that Lu Cheng flicked were just sorting out these fate lines.

   Following the flick of his finger.

   These fate lines were quickly sorted out and became parallel straight lines. First release www.(x81zw)m./x81zw/

   In Lu Cheng's eyes, if there are stars flickering, he is quickly searching for the line of fate that can give this capital ship a fatal blow!

   His mind is also calm as never before.

   Cut luck!

   The most important thing is the state of mind. When the state of mind is unstable, these lines of fate will oscillate and become illusory.

   A moment later.

   Lu Cheng's eyes lit up suddenly, and he said: "Found it!"

   A transparent silk thread suddenly appeared in Lu Cheng's hands.

   Without hesitation, he hacked with one hand and cut towards the thread!


   In an instant.

   An unspeakable special energy spread from Lu Cheng's hands.


   The fate line in his hand also broke instantly!

   Just when this line of fate broke.

   The battleship connected to the other end of the line of fate also shook suddenly.

   boom boom boom

   Like a tsunami-like loud noise, it echoed from the capital ship in an instant.

   Inside the battleship.

   The commander looked horrified, and sternly said: "What's going on, what happened?!"

   He had been staring at the battlefield, and did not check the situation inside the capital ship.

after all

  In his cognition, human beings do not yet have weapons that can break the barrier of light energy.


   Their battleship is absolutely safe!

An orc staggered over and said, "Master Captain, the core parts of the battleship's dye warehouse, carrier warehouse, and engine, etc., have all been hit by unexplained blows. All of them are damaged. It is expected that it will be completely destroyed within ten seconds. collapse!"

   "Run away!"

   The captain heard this and slapped the orc directly with a slap on the face: "What did you second officer do for food? The capital ship has been so severely damaged that you can't even find out the cause?!"

   The orc clutched his cheeks and said, "The subordinates have a guess, but it is not the time to explain, please retreat, the capital ship will soon self-destruct!"

   The captain gritted his teeth and said sharply: "I will settle accounts with you later, retreat!"

   He immediately left the command room and quickly left from the emergency exit.

   He just left Setsuna.

   The entire capital ship made a terrifying explosion and ignited a fierce flame.

  In the night, it looks like a firework in full bloom.

   "Damn it, what happened?!" The Captain Gourmet clenched his fists.

   He has fought for many years, fought with forces far beyond the earth's civilization, and has never encountered such a weird situation.

   This battleship is a strategic resource even in the Styx galaxy.

   Now that one ship was destroyed like this, he didn't know how to explain to the commander in chief.

not far away.

   The battleship sank slowly and plunged into the river, sending waves of tens of feet high.

Inside    there is also a gluttonous fighter plane and countless gluttonous army elites.

   They didn't have time to retreat, so they all turned to ashes with the battleship and sank to the bottom of the river.

  The captain couldn't help but looked at the second officer, and said: "Now, you should explain why this capital ship suddenly exploded, right?"

The second officer hesitated for a while, and opened an image in mid-air: "Master Captain, this is the scene of our gluttonous vanguard attack when it first came to China!" ァ新ヤ~⑧~1~ Chinese website ωωω.χ~⒏~1zщ.còм

   Above the screen.

   This fighter plane that looks like a high-level fighter has not suffered a fatal blow, but it is inexplicably broken to pieces.

   "This person did it?"

   The captain's finger pointed to Lu Cheng's position in the screen.

The second officer said: "On the scene, it seems that he was the only one who launched an attack on our vanguard. Moreover, on the battlefield just now, I also found this person, just one kilometer west of us, with the sun goddess. "

   "I was about to report this to the captain, but I didn't expect the capital ship to explode suddenly!"

   The captain glanced at the second officer: "So, you suspect that this matter is also related to this person?"

   The second officer respectfully said: "This is just a subordinate's speculation. After all, this guy was on the scene twice, wouldn't it be a coincidence?"

   The captain groaned and looked at the surrounding situation: "I will report this incident to Commander Bit Howl. However, the failure of this battle is inevitable. We all have an unshirkable responsibility!"

   The battleship was destroyed, the gluttonous fighter lost its supply and command points, and it was only a matter of time before the defeat.

after all

  According to information, China has a team called Xiongbing Company. Each of the members of the team has the power to kill the gods!

   is not comparable to their ordinary legions.

   "Give my order, the whole army retreat!"

   Since failure is inevitable, as a commander, he should minimize the loss.

   This battle should also come to an end!

  :. : M.x

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