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Volume 1_Chapter 574 The Unlucky Demon God Rain God

Tens of thousands of swordsmen and knights from the Demon God Family took the initiative to step forward without hesitation, protecting those behind from harm and pressing towards Yang Chen. Many mages and shooters quickly followed up, preparing to take advantage of their numbers to kill Yang Chen in seconds. However, Overlord Xiang Yu and Tie Xue Zhan Tian would not follow their wishes and lead the people of the Proud Family on a rampage, breaking up part of their formation. Yang Chen cast a glance at these people and naturally understood what they were thinking. This was what they wanted to do. Get close and drop him instantly. It seemed that he needed to let these people get to know him again. Facing these people, he not only did not retreat, but faced them head-on. This scene shocked many players around him and did not understand why he did this. He is a mage. The skill is also a long-range attack. Only within the attack range of the skill can his profession be brought into full play. The mage's defense and vitality are weak, but he actually rushes forward and wants to start a close combat with others. This is because he regards himself as a swordsman and a knight. I think there is something wrong with his brain.

"Although this Ao Shi Tianxia has good combat power, his brain is not very good. Everyone in his family is protecting him from harm. He should take advantage of this opportunity to attack from the rear and cause more damage to the Demon God family. Unexpectedly, Taking the initiative to rush forward, this is a posture of close combat. A mage actually fights with others in close quarters. This is completely wrong with his brain. Sure enough, powerful people have their own arrogance, and this world-famous person is too arrogant. I want to use the mage profession to fight in close combat!"

The people of the Demon God Family were also dumbfounded. When they saw Yang Chen rushing towards them, they were startled and looked at each other. The eyes seemed to say that his brain was broken and he actually came to die on his own initiative. Since it was brought to their doorstep for free, they would not be polite. Countless skills greeted Yang Chen, and the next second they discovered that Yang Chen was not only the ceiling of combat power, but also an operational process. His prediction and positioning were very good, and he was not hit directly by any skill. Many skills fell down, and only the marginal damage of a few skills hit him. Unfortunately, this damage could not even break through his defense. The most bizarre thing was that Yang Chen's agility was not generally high, almost catching up with Dark Night. The agility of the profession and the Shura profession increased. The next second Yang Chen appeared in the center of the crowd of the Demon God Family. His skills cooled down, he raised his magic wand, and a central flower appeared.

Thunder impact!

Countless purple thunder and lightning fell, and in an instant, more than 8 million people were killed. Then Yang Chen released the Frost Arrow Rain skill, and more than 700 swordsmen and knights were killed in seconds. After releasing a set of skills, he appeared like a ghost. An ordinary figure keeps shuttling among the crowd, and a single basic attack can kill dozens or even hundreds of people in seconds. An Ye Xiaoyi's hidden skills are even more disgusting.

The surrounding members of the Demon God Family received danger reminders and took precautions. An Ye Xiaoyi cooperated with Yang Chen to continuously kill the wizards and shooters of the Demon God Family.

"I'll go! This Ao Shi Tianxia is definitely a big shot. A real big shot. Not only does he have outstanding combat power, he is also an expert in operations. With this operation, he can at least be ranked among the top ten in the Tianyu world, right?"

"Today I have finally seen how the Summoner is so awesome. How does the Summoner grow? Isn't it said that it is very difficult to grow a Summoner? Why does it feel like the Summoner is so easy to grow? This Summoner is too strong."

The mentality of everyone in the Demon God Family was completely shattered.

"This proud man in the world can't hit him at all, and he can't even be controlled. How can we fight him!"

In less than a minute, more than 10,000 people from the Demon God Family were killed by Yang Chen alone. The attack power of the Yanhuo Empress and others should not be underestimated. In addition, the members of the Aoshi Family, after seeing Yang Chen appear, all of them It was as if they had been injected with chicken blood, and they rushed forward without any fear. The people of the Demon God Family began to collapse.

When the demon god Rain God saw this, his eyes were about to burst, and his eyes widened in disbelief. There were more than 80,000 people from his Demon God Family, and only more than 50,000 people from the Aoshi Family. Before Yang Chen and the others showed up, more than 10,000 people from the Aoshi Family were killed back to the main city to be resurrected, but only the remaining There are more than 40,000 people, and now his Demon God Clan has begun to collapse. Even if they were defeated the first time, this time they are defeated with so many more people. As soon as their Demon God Clan enters the Snow Wind King City, they may be disgraced.

"Block them all!"

The demon god Rain God was furious and roared. His demon god family can join forces to block other people, but Yang Chen has no way to block it. Even the Tyrant Sword and the Knight still can't withstand a single blow. They can only be killed instantly. Fifteen million real damage, who can handle it? You have to live there.

Yang Chen's eyes instantly fell on the Demon God Rain God. Now the entire Demon God family is just struggling to support them. The reason why they are struggling to support them is all because of this Demon God Rain God. He was the commander, and he refused to allow retreat, so no one dared to leave. But those who stayed could not withstand the attack of the Aoshi family, and could only retreat steadily.

The angry demon god Yushen suddenly expanded his pupils sharply, and a look of horror flashed across his eyes. He understood that he was being targeted. He had been targeted by Yang Chen before and was killed twice. Thinking of this, he thought He didn't even think about it, turned around and ran away. When he came to Snow King City, he was level 84. Now he is only level 82. If he is killed again, he will only be level 81. Even the chance of resurrection this week will be consumed twice. , he didn’t want to be killed at once.

"Block that proud man from me!"

Before the people of the surrounding demon god family could react, the demon god Yu Shen had already escaped. After hearing his words, everyone's pupils expanded sharply, and they suddenly realized why he ran away. The reason was because Yang Chen was eyeing him, and Yang Chen wanted to do something to him. Take action. Ao Shitian came down, let them block it, this blockage is nothing, everyone in the Demon God Family, without any thought, not only did not block Yang Chen for the Demon God Rain God, but they dodge faster than the other, and directly got out of the way. The main road is convenient for Yang Chen to pursue.

After the Demon God Rain God ran away far away, he subconsciously looked back. According to his idea, although Yang Chen was very agile, he could escape smoothly as long as the family members blocked him for a while. When he turned back, he was horrified. His eyes almost fell to the ground. Yang Chen had already appeared on him, and no one in the Demon God Family could stop Yang Chen for him.

He reflexively dodged to one side, but unfortunately, Yang Chen was a summoner, and his skill was a group attack skill. His agility was too late to dodge. Countless thunder and lightning fell, and his health bar was instantly emptied.

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