The news was not good.

"What kind of bullshit information is this? I want his detailed information, and you give me this?"

Outside the visiting team's locker room, Regensburg head coach Whiteberg held a piece of paper in his hand and questioned his assistant coach angrily.

On the note in his hand was the information about Lin Yi that the assistant coach had just collected.

[Name: Lin Yi, Age: 17, Chinese, Weight: 64 kg, Height: 178 cm, Technical Features: Very fast. ]

And then there was nothing more.

This must have been taken off the team's website by the assistant coach.

The assistant coach, like a child who had done something wrong, bowed his head and said aggrievedly: "The time is too short, and this is all the information we can find."

In fact, he didn't say one thing, that is, the last technical feature, which he added himself.

After all, if you only write the name, age and basic physical data, it will be too unprofessional.

And anyone who watched the first half of the game knows that the opponent is very fast.

After hearing the assistant coach's words, Whiteberg could only sigh helplessly.

Turning around and pushing open the door of the locker room, he found that the room was quiet.

There was no lively scene in the locker room in the past.

Seeing this situation, Whiteberg certainly knew what was going on.

But he was even more angry in his heart.

"What! Are you all scared by that Chinese man?"

Whiteberg's words immediately made everyone in the room raise their heads.

Many people showed an unconvinced look in their eyes.

Seeing this scene, Whiteberg nodded with satisfaction.

"It seems that you haven't completely lost your fighting spirit. That's good! If you lose your fighting spirit because of a goal scored by the opponent, I will be very disappointed."

At this point, his tone changed and he began to arrange the tasks for the second half.

"In the second half, we still have to attack, because the advantage of one goal is not safe. But while attacking, we must also pay attention to our backs. Prevent the opponent from counterattacking. After all, the opponent now has a very fast player, and I don't want to see the situation in the first half happen again."

"Lao Aito, you go and keep an eye on the number 18 on the opposite side. Wherever he goes, you go. You must watch him to death! Can you do it?"

"Yes! Don't worry, boss. I will definitely freeze him completely!"

Lao Aito patted his chest and promised, with a blazing fighting spirit in his eyes.

In the previous game, Lin Yi ran over to provoke after scoring a goal, which made him feel greatly insulted.

He had been holding back a lot of anger and wanted to make trouble for Lin Yi.

Now that he has received the instructions from the head coach, he can't wait any longer.


At the same time, in the home team's locker room.

The atmosphere of the players was much more relaxed.

The players talked and laughed, and they didn't look like they were behind in the score.

And Lin Yi became the topic of the locker room.

This is also normal. In the team, whoever can bring goals and wins to the team, then the people around will naturally get close to you and respect you.

Football competition emphasizes strength.

Because you can help them win and gain honor.

This is closely related to everyone's interests.

This is far from being achieved by pleasing others and being soft-kneed.

Lin Yi, who used to be in the professional league, naturally understood this truth.

So he just took the praises around him lightly.

When Daniel walked into the locker room, everyone was still immersed in the atmosphere of joy.

"Oh, the smiles on your faces gave me an illusion. I thought we were the leading side now."

Daniel's joking opening remarks immediately made everyone look serious.

This doesn't sound like a good thing to say.

As expected, Daniel's face quickly turned serious and he said in a deep voice: "Remember, we are still behind. I don't want you to relax too much. If you perform like this after scoring a goal, I can only say that you are still too young!"

"Now is not the time to relax, everyone cheer up. Get nervous! If I see anyone lose the chain in the second half, I will not be polite."

Daniel's words were very serious, and the players no longer had the relaxed mentality just now.

Seeing that the players were all nervous, he began to arrange the tasks for the second half.

"In the second half, the opponent will definitely press at the beginning.

To attack. Because a one-goal lead is not safe, Whiteberg will not let his team just take a beating without fighting back. "

"So this gives us a chance."

"Lin, you performed very well in the first half! In the second half, you must continue to use your speed to tear open the opponent's defense. Especially when they press forward, you must be ready to attack at any time."

Daniel looked at Lin Yi and said.

"Okay, boss!" Lin Yi nodded to show that he understood.

"Others should try their best to cooperate with Lin, try their best to mobilize the opponent's front line to press forward, and leave space for Lin's sprint. As long as the time is right, pass the ball forward boldly. You must remember that there is a pervert in front of you who can run 100 meters in 10 seconds and 3.77 seconds for 30 meters. "

Daniel's words immediately made many people chuckle.

The atmosphere in the locker room also eased a lot.

The halftime break passed quickly.

More than ten minutes later, the players from both sides returned to the court.

When the players from both sides were ready, the referee blew the whistle for the second half of the game.

At the beginning of the game, as Daniel expected, the players of Regensburg began to press forward and attack.

Trying to completely lock in the victory through a round of fast breaks.

However, their back line did not press forward at this time, but left two defenders behind.

This is obviously to prevent the same thing from happening again. The situation in the first half happened.

But in this way, their offensive strength was reduced invisibly.

After all, there were fewer players involved in the attack.

This also made Dortmund's defense a lot easier.

Especially when they were well prepared.

Dortmund's players seemed very calm.

Coupled with the constant cheering of the home fans around, Regensburg's pressing attack was like waves hitting the reef, and it was impossible to shake Dortmund's defense.

In this case, the two defensive players who stayed behind unconsciously began to move forward, wanting to provide enough space for the team's frontcourt. Help.

After they moved forward, the defense of Dortmund U23 was under greater pressure and began to shrink more tightly.

It looked like they were suppressed by Regensburg's powerful attack.

Seeing this, the two defenders who pressed forward began to press forward more recklessly.

Sometimes they even crossed the center line to assist.

Completely forgot what the head coach told them during the halftime break.

When Whiteberg on the sidelines saw this, he couldn't help but frowned.

But he didn't say much.

After all, the pressure brought by his own defenders The effect is obvious.

And the Chinese man seemed to be suppressed by his own offensive in the half court, and had no chance to attack.

Think about it, football is not just a competition of speed. If speed can win the game, why not find eleven sprinters to play football?

Although the space behind the team is large now, the opponent must have the strength to attack the back of the team.

But the strength of Dortmund U23 is obviously not at that level.

And the No. 18 who can't get the ball can only have speed but can't play it.

Thinking of this, he immediately felt relieved.

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