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The stands at the Bielefeld-Alm Stadium were already filled with boos.

Many Bielefeld fans held their heads in their hands, with painful expressions on their faces and eyes full of disbelief.

His team fell behind.

The game has just begun!

In less than a minute, the goal was scored by the Asian they were laughing at just now.

How did that guy do it just now?

Until now, many people have not understood it.

Why do the defensive midfielders and defenders on my side all seem to have been immobilized in front of the opponent!

They were passed over one by one like wooden stakes by the opponent.

Why can that guy change directions at will while sprinting at high speed!

It's as if inertia doesn't exist for him.

Is this still a normal person?

What kind of pervert has Dortmund on the opposite side got into?

Bielefeld fans have too many questions that need to be answered at this time.


In the media box in the stands, Karl was also looking at the court blankly at this time.

He came here with Dortmund U23 to follow up and report.

Of course, his main attention was on Ji Yi.

In the last game, Lin Yi's performance was written into his report.

Originally, I wanted to rely on this news to gain a foothold in the newspaper.

But after the report was sent to the editor-in-chief, there was no follow-up.

He knew that this must be a report that the editor did not approve of.

As for the reason, it is very simple.

A German third-division game, a Chinese player, even if this player has a wonderful performance.

But so what?

Maybe the player was just unlucky, or maybe the opponent was too inferior.

In such a low-level league, anything is possible.

No one cares about this.

The editor-in-chief will not waste precious newspaper space on this.

If Ji Yi is a German, the other party may still consider it.

After all, local new stars may attract some attention.

But Ji Yi is a foreigner, and he is not a superstar like Lewandowski, so why should he get attention?

Karl was also a little helpless about such a result.

But he wasn't about to give up.

Because after watching the last game, he firmly believes that Lin Yi will grow into a being that people look up to in the future.

And now when the other party is unknown, it is the best time to establish contact with the other party.

Since a good performance in one game cannot attract people's attention, what about two or three games?

If Lin Yi can continue to perform well, Karl doesn't believe that his editor-in-chief will remain indifferent.

Therefore, even though Dortmund U23's second game was away from home, he still followed and reported on it.

What he didn't expect was that as soon as the game started, Ji Yi shocked him again.

Just now, he could clearly see Ji Yi's actions when he passed Lunze and Schuler in succession.

That was a direct change of direction while sprinting at high speed.

He didn't see the other party slowing down at all.

In other words, all this is done while sprinting with the ball at high speed.

This is a bit scary.

Karl can be sure that none of the famous stars today can make such a move.

Perhaps only Ronaldo before he was injured could reluctantly perform this action.

Thinking of this, Karl's eyes widened instantly.

Maybe I really found a treasure.


On the court, when Lin Yi saw the football entering the goal, he immediately jumped up, then opened his arms and ran wildly.

He was very excited.

Before the game, he made the right choice to add all the points converted from the training value obtained during this week's training to shooting.

Four points changed his shooting value from 63 to 67.

This four-point improvement made him feel very good when shooting just now.

The last shot entered the soul and hit the dead center.

This is the best reward for my hard training during this period.

Other Dortmund players also rushed over at this time.

Submerged Ji Yi instantly.

"Well done! Lin! That shot was so exciting!"

"Well done! Chinese boy! You passed Bielefeld's entire defense line!"

"Awesome! Look at those home fans.

They are all scared by you!"

The teammates were madly trampling on Lin Yi.

At the same time, they were still making all kinds of praises.

Listening to the praises from these teammates, Lin Yi felt extremely comfortable.

This is the feeling of being recognized.

Daniel on the sidelines just jumped up from his seat when Lin Yi passed Lentzer with the ball.

Then he saw Lin Yi pass Schuler in the same way, and before Fischer came up to defend, he directly kicked the ball into the dead corner of the goal.

Seeing the football finally enter the goal, he had already had a premonition, and he threw a hook punch at the air.

"Great! ”

This is exactly what he wanted to see.

A few days ago, during training, he had already seen Lin Yi's high-speed change of direction.

At that time, he was thinking that perhaps in the official game, the opponent would be able to display it soon.

When the time comes, it will definitely surprise everyone.

What he didn't expect was that Lin Yi not only displayed it in the official game.

And he used it directly in the first minute of the game, the first touch of the ball.

And not only did he use it, but he used it twice in a row.

Not only did he use it twice, but he also scored a goal in the end.

Not only did he score a goal, but he scored so beautifully.

This is ten times better than the best situation he expected.

So don't mention how excited he was at this time.

He was extremely grateful to Ricken for giving him such a good seedling.

This is simply a gift from God to himself.

Brandt also rushed over from behind Daniel at this time and hugged Daniel. He shouted excitedly: "Boss! Lin succeeded! We scored a goal against Bielefeld! We are ahead! "Haha!"

Daniel's old waist was almost broken by him, and he patted the other's back and shouted: "Brandt, if you don't want me to go to the hospital now, let me go!"

"Uh! Sorry! I'm so happy!"

Brandt let go of Daniel a little embarrassedly.

The interaction between the two people immediately caused a burst of laughter from the people around them.

The entire visiting team bench was suddenly full of laughter.

On the other side, the home team bench was silent at this time.

Bielefeld head coach Frank, with a gloomy face at this time, stared at the Dortmund players who were celebrating in the field.

Especially Lin Yi who was surrounded in the middle.

The opponent's continuous change of direction and shooting just now left a deep impression on him.

He couldn't help but pay attention to the opponent.

Where did this guy come from? Why did he know nothing about him?

Frank fell into deep doubts.

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