No one thought that Lin Rui would say such words from this perspective.

After a long while, Liu Jian, who was the first to react, clapped his hands and said with admiration:”Lin Rui, I really didn’t expect you to analyze the reasons for the current football situation in China and abroad from this aspect.”

“When you say that, it is indeed the case. Taking football as an example, it is true that countries with relatively developed economies and earlier development have much higher football standards. Such as those countries in Europe. On the contrary, in developing countries, their football level is much lower. For example, our Asian countries. Even for developed countries like Japan and South Korea, because they have become developed countries for a relatively short time, although their football level is higher than that of China, they are not dominant in the world.”

Hearing Liu Jian’s words, Shu Fan next to him had questions:”You said that economically developed countries have higher football standards, but some countries in South America, such as Argentina and Brazil, their economic situation is not good. Why is the level of football so high?”

Hearing Shu Fan’s words, the other two people also looked at Lin Rui, wanting to hear his answer.

Lin Rui looked at the eyes of several people, smiled slightly, and then slowly said:

“South American countries play football well. In my opinion, there are two main reasons. First of all, those countries were actually colonies of European countries in the past, and they are inextricably related to Europe.”

“Their football can be considered part of the spillover from European countries. After all, their professional league is actually the youth training base of European football. This gives them a very mature professional system”

“Another reason, I think, is that their national character is completely different from that of our Chinese people. People there love to have fun by nature, which is completely different from our Chinese people’s work-oriented character.”

“People with this kind of personality pay more attention to enjoying life and spiritual entertainment. What is shown is the entertainment industry in these countries. The sports industry is generally very developed. But the national economy and people’s livelihood are much worse.”

“In a country like ours where work is paramount, the entertainment and enjoyment industries may be much worse, but our national economy and people’s livelihood, people’s material life, and national development are definitely better than theirs.”

“In fact, this is like living as a family. If you pursue enjoyment excessively and are unwilling to endure hardship before you become prosperous, then you may never be able to make your family prosperous.”

“This is also the reason why many South American countries cannot develop despite their excellent resource endowments. Because a country that only knows about pleasure cannot develop very well.”

“On the other hand, if you can delay enjoyment, work hard, and save money, maybe after several generations of hard work, your descendants will be able to live a life of enjoying a good life. At that time, our country’s football may be able to emerge with more football talents.”

“So now we don’t have to worry too much about our football status. This is all just a stage of development. Maybe after a few years, when our living standards improve, looking back, these problems may no longer be problems.”

Lin Rui expressed what he was thinking at once.

His views suddenly made the three people in front of him fall into deep thought.

At this time, the comment area of the live broadcast room became lively because of Lin Rui’s words.

“Damn it! So profound! Is this still the kind of football player in my impression who only has muscles but no brains? Lin Rui’s words immediately gave me a feeling of enlightenment. It turns out that the poor level of our football is not because the people in our country are not good, but because the people in our country are too good, which is the result. This gave me instant confidence”

“Ha ha! Really! Now I suddenly feel that the poor level of football in our country is not a big deal. Is this the legendary spiritual victory method?”

“I have to say that Lin Rui’s words are very reasonable. It links the country’s development level, national character and football development level, which is really innovative. There is no way to say this without a certain pattern and vision. This really doesn’t sound like what an 18-year-old football player said. It feels a bit like what those experts and professors said.”

“really! It is true that listening to your words is better than just one word. I never expected that a young football player could have such a vision. He is worthy of being someone who can create a career on the La Liga stage. Sure enough it’s not simple”

“It sounds reasonable, but why do I always feel like I’m cleaning up the Football Association? I hope it’s my imagination”

“Ha ha! When you say this, I feel the same way, because according to this idea, the failure of Chinese football is due to the failure of the general environment, not the failure of a certain organization. From this point of view, the Football Association has also taken the blame, and is even a bit pitiful.”

“I hope Lin Rui doesn’t mean this, otherwise I will turn from being a fan to being a fan. No matter what, I will never think that the Football Association is unjust.”


Looking at the heated discussion in the comments, several people in the live broadcast room looked at each other and smiled bitterly.

“Well, Lin Rui, what do you think of the issues raised by the fans about the Football Association? Liu

Jian asked with some embarrassment.

Hearing this question, Lin Rui could only shake his head and smile bitterly and said:”I really didn’t expect that the fans would think so.” But I can make it clear that I will not clean up the floor for anyone.”

“In my opinion, although the historical process is at a stage where we are relatively weak, this is by no means an excuse for the inaction of some people or organizations.”

“On the contrary, the more we are in this period of struggle, the more individuals in our industry should work hard. Even if you face various difficulties, since we are engaged in this work, we must strive to do our best. good”

“If we say we give up when difficulties arise, or are eager for quick success, that is not advisable.”

“As for our Football Association, I am not in a position to comment now, but future generations will comment on all the merits and demerits. The basis for future generations’ evaluation is what achievements you have achieved or what mistakes you have made. What contributions have you made to the industry, or what harm have you caused to the industry?”

“All of this is clear in the hearts of every football fan. No one can cover it up with just a few words.”

“In addition, what I want to say is that we just have to do our own thing well. Everyone should do their own thing well. I think this country and this industry are not much different.”

“If someone doesn’t want to do his or her part well, he will always think of taking advantage of others. He may take advantage for a while, but eventually life and society will teach him how to behave.”

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