Lin Rui kicked off the ball first and knocked the ball back to Raul Garcia behind him. And he himself rushed forward quickly.

Raul Garcia dribbled the ball forward and quickly passed through the midfield.

Facing Gago who came up to intercept, Raul Garcia and Gabi next to him made a one-two and easily passed Gago.

After passing Gago, Raul Garcia did not dribble forward, but directly passed the ball diagonally to the feet of Koke who inserted on the right.

Cork quickly got down after receiving the ball and sent a cross near the baseline.

The football drew an arc and went straight to the center of the penalty area.

At that position, Lin Rui and Falcao, one on the left and one on the right, were already outflanking.

Facing the incoming ball, Lin Rui jumped high.

The two defensive players guarding him were completely unable to restrain him.

In a blink of an eye, the football flew over his head.

Lin Rui shook his head like a lion and hit the side of the football hard.


The football made a dull impact and was hit by Lin Rui’s head into the upper left corner of the goal.

Valencia goalkeeper Alves flew to save, but was unable to touch the football at all.

The football passed around his fingertips, He headed straight for the goal.

Just when Alves was feeling desperate, he heard”哐!” coming from behind him!”There was a muffled sound.

Alves hurriedly looked back, only to see the football hit the crossbar of the goal and bounced back.

Alves quickly reached out to hug the ball, and then pressed it firmly under him.

“Lin Rui!”


“The ball goes in…ah! Hit the door frame!”

“oops! What a pity!”

“The goal just missed going in.”

In the live broadcast room, Liu Jian slapped his thigh fiercely and said in annoyance

“This goal is a bit of a pity, but although the goal was not scored, we can still see the role of Lin Rui in the team.”

“Valencia still doesn’t have many ways to restrict Lin Rui. Although there were two defensive players following him all the time,”

“However, Lin Rui’s advantage in the penalty area cannot be made up by relying on the number of people.”

“The ball just now fully reflected this. The two defensive players did not cause much interference to Lin Rui. Lin Rui relied on his body to easily squeeze the two of them aside, and he could easily take off.”

“Lin Rui’s extremely solid high points are too precious for a team.”

“After the other players brought the ball to the frontcourt, they didn’t need to worry about it. They just looked for Lin Rui. He always brings surprises.”

Zhang Lu also spared no words of praise.

On the court, seeing Lin Rui’s header hit the crossbar, all the home fans in the stands were frightened and screamed in horror.

Many people patted their chests and gasped. He was so angry that it took him a long time to recover.

The Valencia players on the field were so frightened that they broke out in cold sweats.

Especially Pereira and Rami who had just defended Lin Rui.

One of them was 1.87 meters tall, and the other was 1.87 meters tall. 1.9 meters.

They can be said to be two very strong and tall central defenders.

But when they faced Lin Rui just now, they were easily squeezed away by the opponent.

This simply subverted their cognition.

The two looked at Lin Rui, They all looked like they had seen a ghost.

There was even a trace of fear in Lamy’s eyes.

He had the most intense physical confrontation with Lin Rui just now.

He could clearly feel the explosive power on Lin Rui’s body.

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He drew it The physical strength that he was proud of was completely inadequate in front of the other party.

When he faced the other party’s body, he had no way to resist, and was knocked down by the other party and lost his center of gravity.

In his opinion, the other party It’s simply a monster.

It’s not something that a human can fight against.

So at this time, he had a subconscious fear of Lin Rui in his heart.

Of course Lin Rui didn’t know how much psychology he had just caused to his opponent. Shadow.

At this time, he was annoyed that his header did not go in.

It seemed that his 85 header was still a bit weak. Seeing that there was no chance anymore, Lin Rui shook his head and trotted towards his own half. Go.

Alves also climbed up from the ground with the football in his arms, and then kicked the ball out with a big kick.

The football flew towards the midfield, but Lin Rui grabbed the first landing point, and then directly headed the ball to Raul Garcia next to him.

Raul Garcia stretched out his foot to stop the ball in front of him, moved the ball, dodged Gago who came up to steal, and then immediately drove the ball forward.

Lin Rui and Falcao He also began to run forward quickly, preparing to respond.

However, in the end, the ball at Raul Garcia’s feet was intercepted by Pereira who rushed out of the diagonal.

After intercepting the ball, Pereira made a long pass. Found Guardaldo in the midfield.

After Guardardo got the ball, he immediately launched an attack.

Valencia is a team that focuses on passing and controlling.

After Guardardo took two steps, he faced Milan who came up to defend. Da, directly passed the ball to Feguli not far away.

Feguli did not stop after receiving the ball, and directly kicked the ball through the gap between Turan and Godin. He ran towards the penalty area.

Valencia Canales immediately rushed forward, caught up with the football passed by Figulise, and entered the penalty area.

Then, before Atletico Madrid’s defensive players came up to block it, Canales Rice shot directly.

The angle of his shot was very tricky and went straight to the lower left corner of the goal.

Courtois fell to the ground and jumped sideways, barely touching the football with his fingertips.

It was this touch that made the football The trajectory changed slightly, hitting the outside of the goal post and bouncing off the baseline.

Valencia received a corner kick

“Danger! It hit the post and the bottom line popped out!”

“so close! Courtois has done a great job! If he hadn’t missed the ball, he probably would have scored directly.”

“Atletico Madrid should pay attention, Valencia’s passing control is still very good”

“At the beginning of the game, both sides each had a shot that hit the goal frame.”

“It looks like today’s game is bound to be anything but dull. Our fans are in luck.”

Liu Jian patted his chest and said with some fear.

The stadium was also very lively at this time.

Seeing that his team almost broke through the opponent’s goal, the home fans in the stands sighed with regret. He gave his own applause.

The Atlético Madrid players on the field had solemn faces.

Soon, Valencia took a corner kick.

The football flew directly to the center of the penalty area.

However, Atlético Madrid was well prepared. , and finally the first landing point was grabbed by Godin.

He headed the ball out of the penalty area.

However, outside the penalty area, Valencia’s Gago grabbed the landing point of the ball.

He stretched out his foot to stop the ball in front of him, and then After a slight adjustment, he took a long shot.

However, his shot was not suppressed and hit the anti-aircraft gun directly.

Atletico Madrid won the goal kick.

The two sides made the game intense from the beginning.

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