Hearing Lin Rui’s words, the reporters in the audience suddenly became commotion.

“Mr. Lin, do you mean that in the next eighteen rounds of the league, you will all win?”

“Lin, can you tell me what you meant by what you just said?”

“Lin, can you please make it clear?”

The reporters were like sharks that smelled blood, and they immediately started asking questions.

Seeing this situation, Simeone glanced at Lin Rui next to him with some worry.

He really didn’t expect Lin Rui to do it. He said such bold words.

He obviously wanted to win another consecutive victory in the next eighteen rounds of the league.

But this difficulty is really too great.

In the first half of the season, it was strength plus luck. They have finally achieved seventeen consecutive victories.

But will they still have such conditions in the second half of the season?

Let’s not talk about the strong enemies in the league, whether strong teams like Barcelona and Real Madrid will let them win.

Let’s just say In addition to the league, the schedule for the second half of the season also includes the knockout rounds of the Copa del Rey and the knockout rounds of the Europa League.

This schedule is intensive.

Under such circumstances, let alone maintaining a winning streak, we can maintain our position at the top of the league There is always a question mark.

So when Lin Rui says this now, he is simply digging a hole for himself.

If he cannot achieve it by then, he will probably be pulled out and ridiculed by these unscrupulous media.

So he Now I just hope that Lin Rui will stop talking nonsense.

But he was still disappointed.

Lin Rui next to him nodded and said seriously:”It’s okay if you understand it this way. My thoughts are indeed on the remaining ten years.” Won all eight league rounds. Of course, this is just a goal. Whether it can be achieved depends on our efforts and a little bit of luck. But I think I’ll work on it.”

Hearing Lin Rui’s words, Simone knew something was wrong.

Sure enough, after hearing Lin Rui’s words, all the reporters’ eyes lit up, and they all showed smiles of successful conspiracies.

Sure enough, young people are easily fooled..

Regarding Lin Rui’s words, they will only focus on the first half of his sentence and ignore what he said later.

This is the so-called taking things out of context.

No one is better at this than reporters like them.

When the time comes , their report will only say that it was Atletico Madrid’s main forward Lin Rui who said that they will win all the remaining 18 rounds of the league to break the European League winning streak.

As for what he said next, Who cares?

Levante head coach Salvador next to him couldn’t help but look at Simeone next to him.

When he saw the helplessness on Simeone’s face, he couldn’t help but smile with gloating in his eyes.

As a gangster As a veteran fox in the professional league for many years, he naturally knows the media’s tricks very well.

Thinking about the media’s verbal criticism when Atletico Madrid failed to achieve its 18th consecutive victory, he couldn’t help but feel uncomfortable for his colleague..

At this time, Simeone felt really helpless, but he couldn’t say anything more at this time.

If he denies his disciple at this time, it will appear that he has no confidence in the team’s achievements.

That will be even more He gave reporters an excuse.

And he also let out a sigh of relief in his heart.

Who said that the 18th consecutive victory will definitely not be completed?

Maybe it can really be achieved.

If it can really be achieved in the remaining 18 league games If they all win, what kind of great record will it be?

Thinking of this, his heart seemed to heat up.

As for Lin Rui, he didn’t think there was anything wrong with what he said.

This was the truest feeling in his heart The idea.

Since the winning streak has not been achieved this time, let’s try it again.

Anyway, the league is not just one or two games.

As long as you stay in the professional arena, this record will be broken by yourself sooner or later.

What follows? At the press conference, reporters asked some questions to the head coaches of both teams, and then these reporters couldn’t wait to go back and start writing their own press releases.

When the Atletico Madrid players returned to Madrid the next day, they asked about yesterday’s game. Reports have also come out.

Major newspapers and media, in addition to the news that Levante drew with Atletico Madrid at their home court, which led to the end of Atletico Madrid’s winning streak, there is another news, that is, in At the post-match press conference, Lin Rui said that he would lead the team to continue winning streak in the remaining 18 league games.

Seeing this report, all the Atletico Madrid players looked at it in surprise. Lin Rui with an innocent face

“Lin, did you really say that?”

“Damn it! Forest! How dare you say that! Didn’t the coach scold you?”

“Ha ha! Chinese boy! Do you really mean what you said? Get angry! But…are you serious?”

“Forest! You’re a little off.”

The teammates were teasing Lin Rui with each other.

In their opinion, although Lin Rui’s words were very tough, it was really difficult to implement them. No one thought they could do it.

Listen to the teammates After teasing, Lin Rui spread his hands helplessly and said:”I said this, but I also said later that this is just a goal. Whether it can be achieved depends on strength and luck. Who would have known that these unscrupulous reporters just picked up the first half of what I said and reported it. They didn’t even mention the second half of what I said.”

Hearing Lin Rui’s words, a group of players burst out laughing.

Of course they knew the ethics of reporters.

Seeing his teammates laughing, Lin Rui also laughed.

But soon, he became serious and serious. He said to everyone:”Maybe you think what I said is a bit funny, but this is what I really think. Who says we can’t achieve it?”

“We achieved a great record of 17 consecutive wins in the first half of the season, something that not even Barcelona and Real Madrid had achieved.”

“So why can’t we continue to create miracles in the second half of the season?”

“Now that my words have been published in the newspaper, I will treat them as mine. I have decided! My goal is to win 18 consecutive games! Is anyone with me?”

Lin Rui said and looked at everyone, scanning everyone’s faces one by one, waiting for their answers. When the players heard Lin Rui’s words, their expressions became serious.

Soon, Cork The first one said:”Count me in! I was actually very depressed because I failed to win and break the record yesterday. I won’t let myself be depressed again this time.”

“right! Count me in! People still have to have goals.”Costa followed up and said

“Count me in!”

“And I!”

“And I!”


Soon, all the players began to take a stand.

A soaring momentum began to spread throughout the entire training ground.

And all this was seen by Simeone, who had just arrived at the training ground.

He nodded slightly and smiled silently.

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