On the court, the celebration of Atletico Madrid players ended only after the intervention of the referee.

Otherwise they could celebrate for the rest of the game.

But when the game restarted, there was not much time left.

At this time, Simeone also began to use substitution tactics to delay time.

The first one to be replaced was Lin Rui.

As he walked off the pitch, he received a standing ovation from the Atletico Madrid fans in the stands.

If we can win today’s game, it goes without saying that Lin Rui will be the biggest contributor.

Fans will certainly not be stingy with praise and applause for players who can bring victory to their favorite team.

Lin Rui also kept waving his arms towards the surrounding fans, responding to the cheers of the crowd.

Until he returned to the bench, the cheers in the stands could not be heard.

Immediately afterwards, Raul Garcia and Costa were also replaced.

The players sent on the field are all defensive players.

Simeone intends to hold on until the end of the game.

After such a delay of substitutions, the game time has come to an end.

After the game restarted, Real Madrid only had time to launch one attack before the referee blew the whistle to end the game.

At the moment the whistle sounded, all Atletico Madrid fans cheered in unison.

Players and staff on the bench also rushed onto the court.

On the other side, the Real Madrid players quickly walked off the field with their heads down.

They didn’t want to be in this place for a moment.

The best player of the game was of course awarded to Lin Rui without any suspense.

Media from all walks of life are also frantically chasing Lin Rui for interviews.

Lin Rui finally managed to deal with the crazy reporters.

When he returned to the locker room, he received a call from Natasha

“Forest! We made a lot of money! Your performance is really great! I really didn’t think we would win in the end.”

Hearing Natasha’s excited words, Lin Rui had a dark look on his face.

What do you mean you didn’t expect to win? You didn’t expect to win, so you just spent 10 million on my side? He seemed to be aware of what he said. Poorly spoken, Natasha explained:”I mean, before I placed the bet, I never thought that I would be able to get my 10 million back.””

“Do you know how much we won this time?”

Natasha asked immediately

“How many!”

Lin Rui also wants to know how much money he can get this time.

“A total of 85 million! After deducting 20% of the tax, there is still 68 million. The two of us split it equally, each of us can get 34 million.”

Hearing this number, Lin Rui smiled at the corner of his mouth.

More than 30 million euros, which is more than 200 million in Chinese national currency, nearly 300 million.

And this is only the result of three games he played.

No wonder So many people participate in betting on football, it turns out that it is really a huge profit.

Of course, your betting on football is different from other people’s betting on football. Others bet on themselves to lose, but I bet on myself to win.

This nature is absolutely different.

Others have to bet on football. Match-fixing, but he had to risk his life to bet on the game.

Therefore, Lin Rui took the money with confidence and without any psychological burden.

After chatting with Natasha for a while, the two hung up the phone reluctantly.

And Just that night, a shocking news broke out in the Russian gambling world.

A mysterious gambler bet 10 million euros on Atletico Madrid in the just-concluded Madrid derby.

In the end, he directly won 85 million euros..

This news, fueled by the gaming company, immediately spread throughout the gaming circle. For a time, countless gamblers were talking about it.

In turn, this news also stimulated the gamblers. , allowing them to actively participate in gambling.

This makes the bosses of the gaming companies very happy.

In fact, they very much hope that someone can win the big prize.

Because as long as someone wins the big prize, it can stimulate other more People participate in this game.

As for the prize money won by those who win the big prize, they don’t need to give it anyway. It is given by the people who lose the bet.

They only need to be responsible for calculating the odds, and they should pump out the money.

No matter who wins the big prize, it will not affect their money.

This time Lin Rui and the others won the big prize, which is undoubtedly a free advertisement for the gambling company.

Of course, the bosses of the gambling companies are very happy.

And this was something Lin Rui never expected.

On the second day of the competition, Lin Rui received a reminder of the arrival of 34 million euros in his account.

Looking at the numbers in his account, Lin Rui was still a little excited..

Although his family can be considered a small wealthy family, it is not a big problem to earn tens or even millions.

In addition, after his rebirth in this life, he made a lot of money at Atletico Madrid. His annual salary plus Endorsements are also tens of millions of dollars in income.

But those are things he worked hard to accumulate over a long period of time.

How can he get so much money in just a few games like now.

But after he got excited, he thought There is some difficulty in where the money goes.

With the memory of his previous life, he can of course invest the money in real estate, stocks, and even Bitcoin.

But what value can such an investment ultimately produce?

In addition to having it in his account Except for a few more zeros in the number, it will not have any practical effect.

And the situation of things like stocks and Bitcoin is ever-changing. It is possible that if you put in a huge amount of money, you can change the trajectory of the previous life.

If that happens If you do this, not only will you not gain any income in the end, you may even face huge losses.

Real estate investment, on the other hand, is too slow to realize, and you will also have to face purchase restriction policies. In addition, China’s real estate has not had a good life in a few years.

When the time comes that a bunch of houses in hand cannot be sold, it will be a big problem.

So after much deliberation, Lin Rui finally spent part of his money to buy shares of some world-famous companies.

For example, Apple, Microsoft, must die, Amazon, Tesla and China’s Moutai, Tencent, etc.

These investments are intended to be long-term investments.

Moreover, the stocks of these companies are large enough, so the investment of his funds will not be too noticeable, nor will it have much impact on these stocks.

It cost more than 20 million euros to buy stocks in these companies, and there was still 10 million euros left in the account.

He has already figured out where the money will go.

But this will require Mendes’ help.

The call was made to Mendes, and when the other party picked up, Lin Rui said directly:”Jorge, show me which team can buy it for 10 million euros.”

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