The DJ at the Calderon Stadium roared loudly, causing the Atletico Madrid fans in the stands to go crazy.

The entire stand suddenly fell into a frantic agitation.

After the super long roar, the DJ continued to shout loudly:

“The person who scored for us is——”

“Forest! Forest! Forest!”

The fans at the scene shouted in cooperation.

Listening to the shouts around them, Lin Rui, who was celebrating the goal in the stadium, also waved his fists towards the stands.

This made the shouts in the stands even louder.

Shouted After a while, the DJ continued to shout:

“The current score is——”

DJ continued shouting


The fans also added in a long voice.

“Do we still want 2-0?”DJ continues to guide

“want!”The fans replied loudly

“good! Shout with me, 2 to 0! 2 to 0……”DJ shouts

“2 to 0! 2 to 0! 2 to 0!”

The shouts of the fans were getting louder and louder.

Amidst the shouts of the fans around the stadium, the Atletico Madrid players on the field were also as excited as if they had been beaten to death.

With Atletico Madrid, they formed a The sharp contrast is on the Tottenham side.

Originally, there were not many fans who followed the team to the away game this time, but now they are completely overwhelmed by the home team fans at the scene, and there is no way to make a ripple.

The Tottenham players on the court Everyone’s expressions were solemn, and some players even had worried looks in their eyes.

Bell looked at Lin Rui, who was surrounded by his teammates, with a look of unwillingness in his eyes.

Before this game, he had never talked with Lin Rui. Comparative thoughts.

So after the start of this game, he has been very active.

And during the game, he also got several opportunities to score goals, but it is a pity that he was not able to form in the end. Breaking the goal.

And now it was Lin Rui who scored the first goal.

This made him feel very unconvinced.

He thought that he was just unlucky. As long as he continued to work hard, he would have a chance to catch up.

Thinking of this, he silently He ran into the goal, picked up the football, and ran to the kick-off point in the center circle.

He placed the football at the kick-off point, and then stood quietly next to it, waiting for the game to restart.

Atletico Madrid’s The celebration did not last long.

Soon the players from both sides returned to their own half.

The referee blew the whistle and the game restarted.

Tottenham kicked off from the center circle.

After the game restarted, they launched a wave of A fierce attack.

I hope to get the score back in the little time left in the first half.

Unfortunately, Atletico Madrid, which is leading by one goal, has a high morale.

Facing the opponent’s crazy attack, they did not panic, but A defensive counterattack was started in an orderly manner.

In the 40th minute of the game, Bell dribbled the ball from the left wing and broke through. Gabi and Juan Fran came up to intercept, but they were both left behind by Bell with his terrifying speed.

Breakthrough After breaking the blockade of these two people, Bell cut directly inside and entered the penalty area.

Then, before Atletico Madrid’s defenders came up to intercept, he shot directly.

At this time, Bell’s position was actually not suitable for shooting.

His position was already far away from the baseline. It wasn’t very far, and the angle of the shot was actually very small.

So not surprisingly, his shot was directly held by Courtois.

Then Courtois didn’t wait. After standing up with the ball, he threw it directly with his hand. The ball started a fast break.

Although this fast break was not successful in the end, it still made Tottenham’s defense go crazy.

With this counterattack, Tottenham’s offensive also slowed down.

After all, no matter how fierce the offense is, as long as one’s defense is unstable, others will take advantage of it.

As a result, in the rest of the first half, there will be no decent offense between the two sides.

“beep! beep——”

Two whistles, one long and one short, ended the first half.

After hearing the whistle, players from both sides stopped playing and walked towards the tunnel in twos and threes.

During the halftime break, Simeone praised the players for their performance in the first half and reminded the players that they should not take it lightly in the second half and must work hard to score twelve points.

Then the locker room was left to the players.

In the visiting team’s locker room, the atmosphere was a bit tense.

Tottenham coach Villas-Boas was not too satisfied with his players’ performance in the first half.

He believed that in the first half of the game, there was a lack of coordination between the players. When attacking with the ball, they only knew how to fight alone. Too many opportunities missed.

This made the players below a little nervous.

But in the end, Villas-Boas affirmed the players’ fighting spirit and encouraged them to continue to carry forward this spirit in the second half. It just requires more cooperation.

Soon, the fifteen-minute intermission passed.

Players from both sides returned to the court.

The referee blew his whistle and the second half of the game began.

At the beginning of the game, Atletico Madrid used the kick-off to launch a wave of attacks.

But in the end, Costa’s shot went directly into the anti-aircraft gun.

Tottenham were not to be outdone. After the goal kick, they also formed an attack.

The cooperation between Bell and Adebayor made Atletico Madrid’s defense go crazy for a while.

But in the end, Adebayor’s shot angle was a bit wide and missed the baseline.

As soon as the game started, the two warring parties showed strong aggression.

Then the situation of the game fell into a stalemate.

The two sides refused to give in to each other and started a fierce battle in the midfield.

The movements of the players on both sides became louder and louder, and the referee’s whistle began to sound from time to time.

In the 51st minute of the game, when Bell was dribbling the ball from the wing, he was hit by a fierce sliding tackle from Juan Fran, and he was shoveled out of the sideline with the ball.

Not only did this give Tottenham a free kick in the frontcourt, but Juan Fran also received a yellow card.

However, there is nothing that can be done about it. If Bell is allowed to break through, it may be another extremely threatening attack.

Fortunately, the foul position is relatively biased, so it is still difficult to directly attack the goal with a free kick.

Bell personally took the free kick, but the football he kicked flew directly out of the baseline.

In the 54th minute of the game, Atletico Madrid launched an attack.

Lin Rui received a pass from Raul Garcia outside the penalty area. He was about to take the ball and cut inside, but unexpectedly, Caulker, who came out from an angle, hit his foot with a sliding tackle.

Even though Lin Rui’s body was strong enough, he still felt a sharp pain in his feet. The body fell down involuntarily.

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