At night, in Lin Rui’s villa.

The chorus of men and women kept coming from the bedroom.

You can hear the joyful mood of the two people from their voices.

The singing continued for more than an hour before gradually stopping.

On the three-meter-long bed in Lin Rui’s bedroom, Natasha lay on Li Rui’s naked chest with a satisfied look on her face.

His fingers kept drawing circles on Lin Rui’s chest.

One lap, two laps, three laps…

Lin Rui couldn’t bear it anymore and grabbed the other’s mischievous hand.

Causing Natasha to giggle for a while

“Still laughing, keep smiling and be careful, I will let you continue singing.”

Lin Rui glared at Natasha and said.

After hearing Lin Rui’s words, Natasha immediately didn’t dare to laugh anymore.

“Spare your life, officer!”

Natasha acted like a little woman.

I don’t know where she learned a few Chinese words.

Now using them in this situation, coupled with her charming face, Lin Rui almost couldn’t help but pounce. Up.

Fortunately, he held back in time.

Otherwise, he might have sent the other party into shock.

After some more teasing, the two of them got serious.

“My dear, you have to come back soon. Otherwise I will go to your house to find you.”

Natasha said coquettishly.

Hearing the other party’s coquettishness, Lin Rui suddenly felt like his bones were shaking.

“I will probably stay at home for a month when I go back this time. If you miss me, you can come to China to play. The Chinese people are very hospitable.”

Lin Rui said with a smile, and then he hugged the other party’s waist.

Then, another burst of singing sounded.


Three days later, Lin Rui, who had settled the matter, finally boarded a plane back to China.

This time he was the only one returning home alone.

As soon as he got on the plane, he was recognized by the stewardess serving him in business class.

However, the flight attendants who serve in business class are specially trained, and of course they will not harass Lin Rui like those fanatical fans.

Just when the service was completed, he politely asked Lin Rui to sign his name.

Lin Rui generally would not refuse such a request.

What’s more, the other party is a beautiful girl who is over 1.7 meters tall and has a curvy front and back.

In the expectant eyes of the other party, Lin Rui took the signature pen and signature book handed over by the girl.

“May I have your name? Lin Rui raised his head and asked

“My name is Xiao Ran, you can just call me Xiaoran.”

The beautiful flight attendant named Xiao Ran, when she heard Lin Rui asked her name, her cheeks turned red.

When she heard Xiao Ran say her name, Lin Rui continued to write a sentence in the signature book

“I wish the beautiful Miss Xiao Ran to be beautiful, healthy and happy forever!”

After finishing writing, she signed her name again and again.

Seeing that Lin Rui actually wrote a blessing for herself, Xiao Ran almost jumped up with excitement.

She is an avid football fan.

When she has nothing to do, she also She will be a guest star of some teams’ football babies.

As a qualified fan, she was so excited after seeing Lin Rui, a big star, that she even risked being complained and came up to ask for an autograph. Unexpectedly,

Lin Rui Rui didn’t have any pretensions at all, and wrote a blessing to himself very thoughtfully.

You must know that Lin Rui is now a famous football star in China and even the entire world of football.

Especially in China.

Due to recent years Chinese football has been in decline. It has been a long time since the country has produced a star who can gain a foothold in European football.

In the past year, Lin Rui has emerged from nowhere, not only establishing a firm foothold in the mainstream leagues in Europe, but also He shined brilliantly, winning many championships and breaking many records in one breath.

Such a player has naturally gained a huge reputation in China, where talent is withering. Now in China, it can be said that no matter what Are you a football fan, but you must have heard of Lin Rui’s name.

In a later saying, he has become popular.

Such a star, for those fans who love football, is like She is like a god.

Stewardesses who serve business class like Xiao Ran have a high chance of meeting celebrities and rich people.

Therefore, they are also asked not to harass celebrities just because they see them.

Xiao Ran usually does the same, no matter how many times they meet The wealthy man usually just greeted him politely and never asked for an autograph. When he met Lin Rui today, he couldn’t help it.

He was still a little worried at first, fearing that the other party would refuse or even complain about him.

If that happened , I was going to be unlucky.

But I didn’t expect Lin Rui to be so easy to talk to, and he was so kind.

For a while, the little girl’s eyes began to have stars.

“Thank you so much! Mr. Lin! You are my favorite star. It’s such a pleasure to meet you today.”

Xiao Ran was a little excited and his voice was a little louder.

This made a passenger next to Lin Rui a little dissatisfied.

“Keep your voice down! Don’t disturb my rest!”

A cold female voice sounded, and Xiao Ran’s little face suddenly turned pale. He quickly apologized to the other party.

“sorry! sorry! I’ll pay attention.”

Xiao Ran said, sticking out his cute little tongue.

Lin Rui next to him looked funny.

This little flight attendant was quite cute.

Then he glanced to the side again.

She should be a very beautiful woman..

She has long shawl hair, slightly curly, and a tall figure, at least 1.7 meters tall, with a curvy front and back. She even looks more handsome than the Xiao Ran in front of her.

But when she got on the plane, she was wearing sunglasses and a mask. Lin Rui couldn’t see his face clearly.

After he sat down, the other person took off his mask and sunglasses, then put on an eye mask, covering most of his face, but he still couldn’t see his face clearly.

㘝Judging from the exposed mouth and nose, she should be a very beautiful girl.

Just now Xiao Ran spoke a little louder in excitement. It must have disturbed her, so he reprimanded her.

When she heard Xiao Ran’s apology, the woman reached out and took off her blindfold, revealing a charming face. She looked at Xiao Ran and said,”Okay, just be careful in the future. It’s very chaotic outside, and some people just like to cheat.” Little girls like you, don’t get stuck.”

Xiao Ran and Lin Rui were stunned at the same time when they heard the other party’s words.

Who are you talking about?

Then soon, the two people realized at the same time, didn’t this mean Lin Rui?

Lin Rui is so angry.

He didn’t provoke anyone, so why did he become a person who specializes in deceiving little girls?

I turned around and wanted to ask the other person what he meant.

But before he could say anything, Xiao Ran next to him opened his eyes wide, pointed at the woman and shouted:”Lin Waner! Are you Lin Waner?”

Lin Waner?

Lin Rui was also stunned.

He had actually heard of this name.

It is said that he is a newly emerging star of film, television, singing and singing in China.

It can be said that as popular as Lin Rui is in football, Lin Waner is now just as popular in the entertainment industry.

She started her career by starring in a costume TV series the year before last.

With her pure and cool appearance, superb acting skills, and sweet singing voice, she gradually expanded from TV series to singing and movies.

As long as a movie she stars in is bound to be a hit, she is the guarantee of the box office.

The top two movies with the highest box office last year were all movies in which she was the heroine.

In addition, in addition to acting, she also released two albums, both of which were hits.

The top three songs on the current hit list are all her songs.

When such a big star appeared in front of him, it was no wonder that Xiao Ran screamed in surprise.

Lin Rui turned his head to look, and couldn’t help but tremble in his heart.

So beautiful!

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