Hearing Lin Wan’er’s words, Sister Hua was a little wary

“Wan’er, don’t you really have a crush on that boy?”

“No, I am just curious. I heard that he is quite famous, but I have never heard of him.”

Lin Wan’er quickly denied it, but a trace of blush appeared on her cheeks unconsciously.

“There is no best, Wan’er, you have to know that you can’t have any scandals spread now, otherwise it will have a great impact on your career.”

“As for Lin Rui, I also know it from my husband. You know, he is a football fan.”

“It is said that this Lin Rui is a new football star who just emerged last year. In one year, he broke many records in the Spanish League and won several championships. Therefore, he is also famous in China. As long as you are a fan, there is no one who does not know him. And even people who are not fans have generally heard of his name.”

“But Wan’er, I advise you to stay away from him. Each of these football stars spend a lot of money. If a little beauty like you is deceived by him, it will be a big loss.”

Sister Hua did not forget to give a warning at the end.

“Don’t worry, I won’t be deceived by him.” Lin Wan’er promised.

But in her heart, she had another thought.

“You won’t lie to me, right?”


Lin Rui stayed at a hotel in the Imperial Capital that night, and didn’t rush home until noon the next day.

He contacted his family when the plane was halfway through, saying that he would have to spend a day in Imperial Capital for something to do.

Therefore, although Li Mei and Lin Aiguo were somewhat reluctant, they were not in a hurry.

After seeing his son finally come back, it was natural to have some affection.

Of course, Lin Rui was also very happy. Since the winter break, he has not seen his parents for half a year, so he naturally misses them very much.

Father Lin and Mother Lin prepared a table full of delicious food for their son as usual.

Lin Rui’s stomach, which had been ravaged by Western food for more than half a year, could fully enjoy it.

In the next few days, Lin Rui enjoyed a few days of carefree leisure time at home.

Every morning I go for a run in the park near the community, and then go home to eat breakfast made by my mother.

In the morning, I usually walk around the streets, or hide in a library and read a book, or go shopping to look at the beauties in cool clothes on the street.

At noon, we will find a food shop that we remember and try the authentic food that we have longed for.

After lunch, in the afternoon, you can either find a teahouse to drink tea and listen to music, or find a coffee shop and have a cup of coffee, lie comfortably on a bench, listen to music, and watch the people coming and going outside the window.

When I return home in the evening, I am surrounded by all kinds of delicious food from my mother.

After dinner, Lin Rui will accompany his parents for a walk nearby.

Since Lin Rui is now a celebrity, his parents will take him out and he will be praised when he meets neighbors and friends. Many people will even come over to ask for autographs and photos.

This also greatly satisfies the parents’ vanity.

Of course, this also brings a lot of inconvenience.

Ever since we found out that Lin Rui was back, we haven’t stopped having visitors at home.

Seven aunts, eight aunts, and many relatives who were beyond his reach came to visit him at home.

This also made Lin Rui and his parents very annoyed.

However, it was hard for them to show off to these relatives who came to visit them, so they could only greet them with smiles.

This made Lin Rui, who had just spent a few pleasant days, very annoyed.

So on the fourth day after returning home, Lin Rui took his parents on a trip.

In the next half month, the three of them traveled all over the great rivers and mountains of the motherland.

By the time I got home, it was already the end of June.

In the following time, Lin Rui was not so relaxed.

Because some of the domestic activities that Mendes arranged for him began to come intensively.

First of all, there are several brand endorsement signing ceremonies that require him to attend.

This time Mendes found several endorsements for him from well-known domestic companies.

The first is China Mobile, the largest communications operator in China.

They signed a five-year super contract with Lin Rui worth 110 million Chinese national dollars.

This contract is more generous than the endorsement contracts he signed with Huaguo Ping An and Weihua half a year ago.

This is mainly because Lin Rui currently holds three championship titles and has broken many records.

Both honor and fame have reached a higher level.

So the value naturally goes up.

Of course, China Mobile, as the largest communications operator in the country, also has deep pockets.

In this case, both parties hit it off immediately.

In addition to mobile, there is also the shopping website Goudong.

The endorsement fee it gives is 120 million Chinese national dollars for six years, which is also quite generous.

In addition, China Merchants Bank, the most successful bank in the country, has offered 100 million yuan over six years.

The endorsement contracts of these three companies have brought Lin Rui more than 300 million in income.

In addition to endorsement deals with three companies, Lin Rui also attended the premiere of a movie starring Lin Waner at Lin Wan’er’s invitation.

In fact, since the last separation, the two have kept in touch on the phone.

I chat on WeChat for a while every day.

So this time when she learned that Lin Rui was coming to the capital, Lin Wan’er specially invited Lin Rui to attend the premiere of her film.

Today’s film is a film that Lin Waner just completed in the first half of the year.

After the film was completed, Lin Waner went to Spain to visit, and then she met Lin Rui.

Until today the movie was finally released.

This is a youth inspirational drama from the 1990s, in which Lin Wan’er plays the image of an innocent school girl.

In the movie, the image of Lin Wan’er wearing a white shirt on the upper body and a plaid skirt on the lower body caused a burst of exclamations and swallowing sounds in the theater.

Lin Rui was shaken when he saw it.

The plot of the whole movie is actually average, and the leading actors are all idol actors. Except for Lin Waner, the acting skills of the others are really hard to describe.

Until the end of the movie, Lin Rui only remembered Lin Wan’er’s image of an innocent schoolgirl.

When the movie ended, a group of film directors and actors came on stage to thank the audience, and everyone gave a personal speech, and the premiere was finally over.

After the premiere, Lin Waner declined the crew’s celebration party and secretly ran out with Lin Rui.

In the next two days, after work, the two of them would get together.

We eat together, go shopping together, and even sleep together.

But if the current situation continues, it will probably be soon to sleep together.

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