In the 76th minute of the game, Raul Garcia intercepted the ball from Marin in midfield.

After stealing the ball, Raul Garcia actively responded to Simeone’s policy and immediately passed the ball to Lin Rui, who was wandering in the frontcourt.

Seeing Lin Rui take the ball, three defensive players from Sevilla immediately rushed towards him.

Lin Rui has now become their most troublesome opponent.

As soon as Lin Rui gets the ball, several Sevilla defensive players will immediately follow him around him.

Lin Rui was certainly mentally prepared for this.

Facing three defensive players who were surrounding him aggressively, he immediately accelerated and changed direction with the ball, preventing the three players from attacking him at the same time.

Then, when the first defensive player just came over, he suddenly made a Cruyff turn and passed the opponent in an instant.

After passing the first defensive player, Lin Rui moved the ball horizontally with his left foot, dodged the outstretched foot of the second defensive player, and then quickly knocked forward with his right foot, instantly passing the opponent. Lose.

At this time, the third defensive player���Already rushed over.

However, Lin Rui didn’t want to put in too much effort anymore. He directly swung his foot towards the ball and passed the opponent in one fell swoop.

And his body rushed forward with the football like an arrow from the string.

Before the third defensive player even had time to stretch his feet, he felt as if he was being run over by a speeding truck. The impact force pushed the body that was only slightly in contact with the other party to the side.

“oh! Oh my gosh! Lin Rui defeated three people in a row! It’s too strong!”

Santos’ surprised voice sounded in the live broadcast room.

On the court, Lin Rui, who passed three defensive players, dribbled the ball directly into the penalty area.

At this time, the entire Sevilla penalty area was suddenly in chaos.

Players who were originally defending elsewhere swarmed around Lin Rui.

If you look down from the air at this time, you will see a spectacular scene.

With Lin Rui as the center, surrounded by a circle of Sevilla player.

Lin Rui is like a powerful magnet, firmly attracting all the Sevilla players around him.

In this case, the defense in other positions will naturally There was no one left.

And this was exactly the opportunity Lin Rui wanted.

Before the Sevilla players formed an encirclement, Lin Rui saw the right moment and passed the ball across to the other side of the penalty area.

There, Villa, who had just been substituted, was just in place to respond.

Facing the football that was passed across the field, Villa, who had no defensive players around him, only had to gently lift his foot and send the ball forward, and the football would obediently get in. into the goal.

The football penetrated Sevilla’s goal for the fourth time.

“The ball went in! The ball went in! The ball went in!”

“4 to 0!”

“Atletico Madrid performed a massacre against Sevilla today!”

“Veteran Villa, who just moved to Atletico Madrid a few days ago, scored his first goal in Atletico Madrid”

“He had to thank Lin Rui for this goal. It was he who relied on his own breakthrough to attract all the defensive firepower of Sevilla and created an excellent opportunity for him to score.”

“Before passing the ball, Lin Rui’s series of extraordinary movements were like a juggling act, which was dazzling. It’s really hard to imagine that this is an action that a big man with a height of 1.9 meters can do. At that moment, I almost thought he was possessed by Messi”

“Lin Rui deserves 90% of the credit for the goal just now.”

“He gave Costa an assist in the first half and gave Villa an assist in the second half. I believe that such a big gift package will definitely satisfy Lin Rui’s two partners.”

Santos’ commentary sounded in the live broadcast room.

It seemed that he was completely conquered by Lin Rui’s performance, and he praised Lin Rui quite highly in his words.

“It’s really amazing. The performance of the boy from China today was absolutely phenomenal. I didn’t expect that he would be able to give such a performance in the first game back from vacation. Now I like him more and more. Hierro also had a look of admiration on his face. Obviously Lin Rui’s performance today gave him a strong shock.

Ronaldo on the other side was speechless at this time.

Such a performance reminded him unconsciously of himself. His peak period.

He was also able to perform like this in his peak period.

It’s just that his peak period was a bit short. Later, due to injuries and other various reasons, his condition was never the same as before.

Thinking about it now, I still feel sad.

He doesn’t know what the future of this young man on the court will be like, whether he will suddenly fall like himself at his peak, or whether he will be able to maintain this state and move forward to reach the highest peak in football.

But he He still hopes that the other party can stay longer.

Because he sees his own shadow in the other party.

“This performance is enough, and the head coach should consider replacing him in advance.”

Ronaldo murmured.

Hearing Ronaldo’s words, the other two were slightly startled, but they soon understood what Ronaldo meant.

“Indeed, Atletico Madrid should consider making substitutions. Lin’s performance will attract more criticism.”

Santos echoed.

At this time, on the court, the players of Atletico Madrid gathered together excitedly.

Villa, who scored the goal, was very excited. He gave Lin Rui a big hug in excitement.

“Lin, the ball passed just now was so comfortable!”

Villa laughed and said.

At this moment, he was very pleased with this young Chinese guy.

To say that he was once a big figure in Barcelona, he has his own arrogance.

Ordinary players simply don’t have it. The method caught his eye.

But Lin Rui completely conquered him with his performance.

He unconsciously compared Lin Rui with his former teammate Messi.

In this comparison, he was surprised to find that he actually There’s no way to tell who is stronger.

But who is Messi? He is a Ballon d’Or winner and the number one player in the world who has been famous for many years.

And what about Lin Rui? He is just a player who has just entered the professional league for a year. There are so many newcomers.

With these two people, he actually feels that they are at the same level now.

How could this not surprise him?

But the fact is right in front of him, and he can’t help but believe it. After recognizing this fact, Villa’s I am actually very happy inside.

This is normal. Who doesn’t want his teammates to be powerful?

With such teammates around, it is easier to achieve better results.

For a veteran like him, he can At the end of a career, the achievements achieved are always gratifying.

At this moment, the veteran Villa has truly returned home.

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