Lin Rui at the training base obviously didn’t expect that he was already being relied upon.

After the day’s training, the team did not disband, but all stayed to watch the Champions League draw ceremony tonight.

Prior to this, Atletico Madrid had not reached the Champions League for three years.

Therefore, we attach great importance to the Champions League this season.

The draw ceremony this time was still held at the Grimaldi Forum in Monaco.

Atletico Madrid president Celezo, head coach Simeone and team captain Gabi attended the ceremony as team representatives.

The remaining players could only watch the ceremony in front of the TV.

At 6 o’clock in the evening, the lottery ceremony started on time.

The hosts of the draw ceremony were UEFA’s royal host Pedro Pinto and former Miss Switzerland Melanie.

The two people first greeted everyone present. After a long opening remarks, they first played a promotional short film.

Mainly about some classic scenes from the Champions League last season.

The end of the picture is the scene of Bayern Munich winning the championship.

Watching this short film, the Atletico Madrid players in front of the TV couldn’t help but look envious.

How cool it would be if I could appear up there.

Everyone thinks this way.

The short film lasted about four or five minutes. After it was played, the two hosts expressed some emotions and then began to introduce the process of the lottery ceremony.

After the introduction of the lottery ceremony was over, during the host’s introduction, Celtic star Billy McNeil appeared on the stage holding the Champions League Big Ear Cup in both hands.

Since this season’s Champions League final will be held in Portugal, the Celtics were the winners of the last Champions League final held in Portugal.

And that was already in 1967 of the last century.

The absolute core of the Celtics at that time was Billy McNeil.

Billy McNeil was 80 years old at this time.

The old man held the trophy and staggered from the backstage to the front stage.

Amid warm applause from the audience, the Champions League trophy was placed squarely in the center of the stage.

After doing all this, the two hosts also conducted some Q&A interactions with Billy McNeil.

Then he invited UEFA President Pladini and his assistant Bald Infantino.

The appearance of these two people immediately attracted a burst of applause from the audience.

Everyone is very familiar with these two people.

They are of course the protagonists in the lottery ceremony every year.

After the two men took the stage, under Pladini’s instruction, Infantino read out some precautions and procedures of the Champions League.

In his speech, he mainly emphasized the issues of discipline and racial discrimination.

He warned the participating players that UEFA has zero tolerance for violations of discipline and racial discrimination.

From his words, it is not difficult to tell how seriously UEFA takes these things.

This made everyone in the audience look serious.

Soon, Infantino’s speech was completed, and then the host introduced another lottery guest.

The guests in this draw are very familiar to everyone.

It is Portuguese superstar Figo who has played for both Barcelona and Real Madrid.

Figo retired in 2009, 4 years ago.

However, his style is still the same, and when he walks on the stage, he is still moving and very impressive.

After simple greetings, Figo was also invited to the corresponding position.

At this time, the four lottery guests were already in place, and the host also announced the official start of the lottery ceremony.

In this draw, Billy McNeil will be responsible for drawing the seeded teams, while Figo will be responsible for drawing the group.

The two will work together to draw team groups.

Soon, the staff placed the lottery ball with the team name on the tray in front of Billy McNeil, and placed the lottery ball with the team group in front of Figo..

At this time, the names of eight seeded teams were also printed on the big screen, namely: Manchester United, Arsenal, Real Madrid, Barcelona, Benfica, Chelsea, Bayern Munich and Atletico Madrid.

Among them are three Premier League teams, three La Liga teams, one Bundesliga team and one Portuguese Super League team.

From this we can also see the power of the two leagues, La Liga and the Premier League.

You know, the seeding teams of the Champions League are determined based on the comprehensive points of each team’s European war performance in the previous five years and their respective league rankings.

The teams that can enter the seeded teams are all teams that have achieved good results in European competitions and domestic leagues in the past few years.

Atletico Madrid also barely entered the seeding team because they won the Europa League and the league last season.

Billy McNeil, at Pladini’s invitation, first drew the first lottery ball from the tray.

Unscrewing the ball, Billy McNeil took out a piece of paper and displayed it in front of everyone.

I saw a name written on it: Arsenal.

This is the first team to be drawn.

After drawing the first team, Figo quickly pulled out a small ball from the tray. After unscrewing it, he took out the note inside with a letter written on it: F.

This means that Arsenal was drawn into Group F.

After Figo finished drawing, it was Billy McNeil’s turn to draw.

This time he drew another Premier League team, Chelsea.

Figo drew E.

So Chelsea was placed in Group E.

In this way, the two took turns to draw, and soon several seed teams were divided into groups.

Among them, Real Madrid was assigned to Group B, Barcelona was assigned to Group G, Benfica was assigned to Group C, Bayern Munich was assigned to Group D, and Manchester United was assigned to Group A.

Atletico Madrid was drawn second to last, and the group they were assigned to was Group H.

Seeing this, Atletico Madrid’s players didn’t feel anything yet.

It doesn’t matter which group you are assigned to, it mainly depends on who the group members are.

After finishing the seeding grouping, Billy McNeil also walked off the stage.

Next is the group draw for the second tier teams.

The guest invited to draw this time is Dutch football legend Cruyff.

Seeing this old man, Lin Rui suddenly thought of the Cruyff skills he had obtained from the system.

I didn’t expect to finally see a real person today, and I couldn’t help but feel a little emotional.

Cruyff was already 67 years old at this time, but the old man still maintained a good figure. When he walked on the stage, he still walked like a dragon and looked very imposing.

After a brief chat with the host, Pladini and Infantino, Cruyff began the draw for the second tier.

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