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Chapter 1014 Deadly Poisonous Mist, Mist Dragon King

on land.

Looking at the pile of keels scattered on the ground, everyone was surprised.

Due to being killed, it is now impossible to identify the level of this skull dragon by the ID on the head.

Xing Tian asked Zhang Yi who was sitting next to him, "What level?"

"It's just ordinary." Zhang Yi's answer was once again unbelievable.

"Can ordinary monsters instantly kill two high-level meat shields of the dragon race?"

Zhang Yi explained: "It wasn't the dragon who killed them."

"The sky above this fog is poisonous. The higher the sky, the greater the damage of the poison."

Hear what Zhang Yi said.

Everyone looked at the top of Zhang Yi's head, and really saw his blood bar, only two-thirds of it was left!

And his blood bar is still dropping at a slow rate!

Apparently it's the toxin that hasn't gone away.

It seems that there is still a third of the lost blood volume, which is not what the skull dragon just did.

Because ordinary strange words can't hurt Zhang Yi.

"I just flew relatively low, and the poison damage is not very high."

Han Yarou and Yue Sheng cast spells at the same time, and immediately recovered Zhang Yi's lost qi and blood.

At this time, Ye Jintianming sighed: "The two brothers hung up just after coming in, it's hard to do it~"

The original girl looked at the thick fog around her and said tangled: "How can you hurry in such a big fog?"

in speech.

Zhang Yi suddenly saw:

Beside the scattered bones of the skull dragon that he killed just now, in addition to the normal drops like some gold coins, there is a gem shining with silver light!

Zhang Yi picked up the gem.

Suddenly, the white fog all around "dissipated and disappeared"!

His vision suddenly became clear!

"The fog is gone."

As Zhang Yi's voice just fell, the others were incredulous: "No, isn't the fog still there? Why is it gone?"

It seems to have found something.

Zhang Yi looked down at the silver gem in his hand:

[Mist-repelling gems (special props):

Description: Those who hold the Mist Repelling Gem will not be affected by the poisonous fog in the Kunlun Mountains map. Each Mist Repelling Gem is valid for 1 hour.

Note: Killing the Mist Poison Dragon can drop it.

Time remaining: 59 minutes…

I see!

It turns out that a gem can only have the effect of "repelling fog" on one person!

The fog was indeed still there, but for Zhang Yi, it was gone.

Originally, Zhang Yi thought:

As long as you have this gem by yourself, you can lead the way and eliminate the bone dragons that get in the way for your teammates.

But right now.

The blood bars above everyone's heads began to drain, and they all began to be damaged by the poisonous mist!

The toxin has spread from the sky!

And all over the Kunlun Mountains!

Fortunately, the poison damage they receive is not very high.

With an average of 100,000 poison injuries per second, it is not much of a threat to them, who generally have 60 to 70 million HP.

However, the poison damage is gradually increasing.

A mist-repelling gem must be handed to ensure safety.

Exactly at this time.

In the air, two more level 165 [Mist Poisonous Dragons flew down.

Except for Zhang Yi, the others could only hear the sound of the dragon getting closer and closer, because they were still in the thick fog whose visibility had gradually dropped to three meters!

Just wait for the two misty poisonous dragons to enter the range.

Zhang Yi directly reported the location: "Northeast, 254! Northwest, 239!"

Those present are all dragon elites.

The basic judgment and control of the position is naturally very skilled.

Through the position mentioned by Zhang Yi, dozens of archers and mages in the queue launched blind attacks without vision.

Their attacks reached 80% to accurately hit the two bone dragons that were approaching!

At the same time, Fatty also quickly cast a spell to immobilize them with [Mantra: Crossing!

These 165-level bone dragons are 9 levels higher than Fatty.

Fortunately, it is still within the effective damage range.

While immobilizing the two bone dragons, Fatty can also give them 1% of their maximum blood damage per second!

Taking this opportunity, Zhang Yi summoned the undead crossbowmen, combined himself, and cooperated with his teammates to attack the two bone dragons!

The level of the Kunlun Mountains is not very high, it is a 165-170 level map.

Level 165 monsters, although Zhang Yi has hardly come into contact with them yet.

However, the level 160 skeleton with the highest level in Skeleton King City was affected by the dark halo, but it reached the data level of a level 170 monster!

The gang of dragon players present, the Skeleton King City tasks have basically been carried out to the fourth and fifth floors.

Even the high-level skeletons in Skeleton King's City who have been strengthened by 10 levels can beat them.

These 165-level bone dragons are naturally no problem.

Under the joint efforts of everyone, the two-skull dragon was solved by dividing two by three and five.

Their bodies fell to the ground, and two mist-dispelling gems exploded again!

One was given to Fatty and the other to Han Yarou.

Safety of control and treatment is a priority.

Next, Zhang Yi and the others continued to hunt the mist dragon and collect mist expelling gems.


In less than ten minutes, a fog-repelling gem was already in hand!

At present, everyone's vision, as well as the poisoning problem, have been resolved.

But here's the problem: this mist-repelling gem is only valid for an hour.

The poisonous mist has spread all over the Kunlun Mountains, and only the misty poisonous dragon around this mountain can explode the mist-repelling gem.

After leaving this area, after the mist-repelling gems are also ineffective, waiting for Zhang Yi and the others, I am afraid that only the poisonous person will die!

"The fog is coming from this mountaintop."

Yiqi Juechen looked up at the top of the mountain and said, "The way to eradicate the poisonous fog may be on the top of the mountain."

If this problem is not solved, the next task cannot be performed.

So, Zhang Yi and the others formed a group to go up the mountain.

Just climbed to the top of the mountain.

Sure enough, on the top of the mountain, there is an incomparably huge undead bone dragon perched!

God-level exploration shows the results:

Lv166 Mist Dragon King (Physics, 30-star BOSS)!

A thousand years ago, a dark dragon warrior was killed by the seven-star ghost king Xilu.

Shilu imprisoned this misty dragon king in the Kunlun Mountains, and used the poisonous mist that was continuously released in his body to cover the entire Kunlun Mountains and prevent outsiders from stepping into the Kunlun Mountains!

"It seems that if you want to completely remove the fog, you have to kill it first."

"30-star BOSS, are you ready?"

Behind Zhang Yi, everyone was arguing.


"Quick fight, kill!"

With Xingtian's order.

Everyone rushed to the Mist Dragon King!

the other side.

In Linyuan City, there is a hidden ghost map, ghost world.

Zhulong, who led the puppet sword wolves into the ghost world, finally found the main city of the ghost clan under an abyss: King's Landing.

But it was blocked by a 170-level 30-star BOSS, the Hellfire Dragon!

With the power of the candle dragon, it is naturally impossible to single out a 30-star boss.

Fortunately, he has the Sword Wolf Legion!

In the end, he sacrificed 80% of the 3,000 sword wolves as the price.

With the help of a ghost sword, Zhulong finally killed this hellfire dragon bit by bit!

After killing the hellfire dragon.

The candle dragon again approached King's Landing at the bottom of the abyss.

At this moment, a system prompt came down——

"Ding~ those of the ghost race are allowed to enter the main city of the ghost race: King's Landing!"

"The system reminds you that Junlin City is sealed by the power of the God Realm of the Lord God. Once the ghosts enter Junlin City, they will be sealed by the power of the God Realm. If they cannot break the seal, they will be trapped in Junlin City forever!"

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