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Chapter 1019 Jailbreak, looking for the defense token!

It turned out that the candle dragon wanted to control the ghost king Kidd through the three-star ghost king decree that he absorbed into his body!

Because of the effect of the ghost king order, in addition to being able to control ghost servants, it can even control low star ghost kings!

Unfortunately, Zhulong's "conspiracy" failed.

Because Kidd is not a low-star ghost king.

It is a three-star ghost king!

The mere three-star Ghost King Token cannot achieve the effect of manipulating Kidd, unless the person holding this Three-Star Ghost King Token is a Seven-Star Ghost King!

With Kidd's shot, the candle dragon's body was pierced.

Behind him, a sudden coolness hit.

hoo hoo hoo!

With a low roar, several puppet sword wolves, who came from nowhere, flew towards Kidd!

The defenseless Kidd was instantly pounced on by a large group of puppet sword wolves.

It turns out that the purpose of the candle dragon is to attract Kidd's attention, so as to summon these sword wolves to achieve the purpose of successfully attacking Kidd!

Soon, more than a dozen sword wolves directly wrapped Kidd into a ball!


There was a loud bang.

A dark bright light stunned Kidd's body, and instantly lifted all those sword wolves flying!

Just wait for those sword wolves to land.

One after another, thorns protruded from the ground and penetrated the bodies of those sword wolves.

Accompanied by a miserable wolf howl, in an instant, more than a dozen sword wolves were instantly killed!

"Attack the ghost king in the ghost clan's territory, courting death!"

in speech.

Only when Kidd came back to his senses, he was surprised to find that the dungeon door in front of him actually opened!

A large iron chain fell off the door, and the candle dragon was gone!

Kidd hurriedly looked down at his waist and found out: the key to the cell had been stolen!

Kidd suddenly realized: Zhulong created chaos just now, took the opportunity to steal the key, opened the prison door, and slipped away!

Kidd hurriedly ordered:

"The prisoner escapes, and the whole city is arrested!"

the other side.

The candle dragon, who escaped from the dungeon, took advantage of the dark night and slipped out of the [Ghost Palace.

He intercepted two 165-level ghost patrol guards on the street, forcibly took off their armor and replaced them with himself.

This kind of forcibly grabbed equipment has no attributes, similar to fashion.

It is equivalent to: The candle dragon replaced a piece of equipment with no attributes on his body, and the data was greatly reduced.

But it doesn't matter, what Zhulong wants is to hide his identity with this outfit.

Wear a black armor, a helmet, and a long spear.

Using the ability of the ghost family, the eyes glow blue.

At first glance, the candle dragon is exactly the same as the ghost soldiers that can be seen everywhere in the city!

The bodies of the two patrolling soldiers were simply disposed of.

Zhulong walked straight on the street, and the other patrolmen he encountered in a short while were unaware!

While pretending to be nonchalant, he walked around the city.

Candle Dragon understood:

King's Landing City is the same as Phantom City, the main city of the ghost clan in the ghost realm [Emperor City.

In the main city of the ghost clan, the ghost clan has absolute freedom of movement, and there is no weakening of power or anything.

It's just that they are sealed in the city and can't get out!


Because the same thing had already been done in the Imperial City, Zhulong suddenly remembered the method to lift the seal of the Lord God:

That is to find the defense token!

The ruler of each ghost city's main city has a defense token.

The city-defense token can control the entire ghost clan's main city and has supreme authority.

To a certain extent, its authority is even greater than that of the Ghost King Order!

Because of those who have the token of defending the city, they can control the life and death of all ghosts in the main city!

And a thousand years ago, the way the Lord God sealed all the main cities of the ghost clan was to confiscate the defense tokens and hide them...

The defense token is the key to breaking the seal!

At that time, on the side of Emperor City, Zhulong found the city's defense token, and then used the token to release the ghost king Buye.

It's just that Torch Dragon didn't think that it was the seal of the main god of the Imperial City that was broken by the city-defense token.

So before this, I didn't think that the seal of King's Landing could be broken by finding the token of King's Landing.

Now, the goal of the candle dragon is clear:

Find the Guard Token of King's Landing.

Not only can he release the army of ghost tribes in King's Landing City, but he can also use the defense token to control them and become his subordinates!

In this regard, Torch Dragon is also an afterthought.

Therefore, after finding the defense token in the Imperial City, he foolishly handed the token to Buye.

At first.

The Imperial City is just a small city of the ghost clan.

There is only one one-star ghost king Buye, and there is nothing powerful.

But in the city of King's Landing, there are three three-star ghost kings!

And that Ghost King Blood Banquet, at least a four-star Ghost King level super powerhouse!

In addition, according to the understanding of the candle dragon:

In the city of Jun's Landing, there are 100,000 ghost clan forbidden troops!

There are also some shrimp soldiers and crab generals whose combat power is not worth mentioning compared to the forbidden army, which should add up to several hundred thousand.

In total, there should be 300,000 troops!

From Zhulong's point of view: If you can find the guard token of King's Landing, lead the four ghost kings, plus the 300,000 ghost army.

This force is much stronger than the Dragon Clan, which also has 300,000 players!

Furthermore, looking for the defense token is also to allow oneself to go out.

Therefore, Zhulong's current goal is to find the defense token!

According to the experience of Emperor City, if nothing else, the city guard token of Junlin City should also be in Junlin City, a very inconspicuous place, and it is guarded by powerful gods.

With Kidd's arrest warrant.

In the city of King's Landing, a large number of ghost soldiers began to be dispatched, and the whole city searched for this human who escaped from prison: the candle dragon!

Fortunately, the candle dragon has a ghost bloodline, and can use the ghost bloodline to hide the human breath.

Coupled with the decoration on the shape, it is not easy to find the candle dragon.

So, the candle dragon simply mixed in with the patrolling soldiers, under the guise of tracing himself, directly in the whole city, and openly searched for the traces of the guard token...

On Zhang Yi's side, he was also struggling to find the Dragon Soul Master Weiyana.

After the split operation, the casualties were aggravated.

But the efficiency has indeed improved a lot.

On the first day, Zhang Yi and his group of 100 acted together. At the cost of the loss of 6 people, they only climbed over 20 mountain ranges in the whole day.

On the second day, the troops were divided into three groups.

Zhang Yi, Xing Tian, ​​and Yiqi Juechen were the leaders of the team.

At the end of the day, the number of casualties in the three teams has risen sharply to 22!

But in total, nearly fifty mountain ranges have been crossed!

The emperor pays off.

On the third day, the last day of the mission.

At noon, Zhang Yi's team was killing monsters on a mountain range while searching for traces of the Dragon Soul Master.

Suddenly I received a message from Xingtian: "The Dragon Soul Master has been found!"

Haven't had time to rejoice yet.

Bad news came.

Team news -

"Ding~ I'm sorry, your teammate [Dragon Indestructible died in this mission action!"

"Ding~ I'm sorry, your teammate [Dragon: Xuanyuanjian died during this mission action!"


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