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Chapter 1042 Please help the Dragon Clan

Underground capital of death.

In the city, inside the huge altar, the huge corpse of the Dark Skeleton King was placed in it.

Around the altar, five red lights continued to pour into the Skeleton King's body.

And the blood banquet of the ghost king in a red robe is standing in the center of the altar, casting spells with a staff, and continuing to guide the resurrection technique.

This spell has been maintained for two days and two nights.

And probably tonight, the spellcasting will be completed!

At this time, the blood banquet, who was continuing to cast spells, said to the candle dragon: "After so long, the people of Liuguang City should have been prepared and waited for us to pass."

Zhulong didn't care and wrote lightly: "Then let them wait."

"I can guarantee that as long as you resurrect the Skeleton King, Liuguang City will be broken!"

The blood banquet said: "Okay."

At the same time, Zhang Yi's side.

Liuguang City has been fully alerted.

Zhang Yi's extra thoughts were put on improving the [Dragon Soul Master] profession.

Because of the upcoming battle against the ghost clan, the chain can't be dropped at a critical time, such as half a fight, no dragon soul value, etc.

Therefore, recently, Zhang Yi has mainly focused on collecting dragon soul points.

Use as little dragon soul as possible, and kill monsters directly in the form of a beastmaster.

Then pass the 2000 points of dragon soul that are collected from the dragon soul ring every day.

In less than three days before and after, Zhang Yi has accumulated more than 20,000 Dragon Soul Points!

Each use of a dragon soul only consumes 1 dragon soul.

So much, enough, at least resisting this ghost invasion, it is enough.

Zhang Yizheng and Han Yarou farm monsters in the wild.

Because the map level is too low, level 161 monsters, even Xingtian, who has reached level 158, can't look down on them.

Therefore, Zhang Yi is single.

Only Han Yarou did not dislike it and followed Zhang Yi to brush this low-level picture.

And Zhang Yi brushed the low-level map, of course, in order to collect the dragon soul value faster.

Time came to noon.

The two were sitting on the ground in a safe area eating dry food.

While enjoying the alone time of the two of you!

At this moment, the [Dragon Soul Ring] wearing in his hand suddenly flickered with faint rays of light.

At the same time, there seemed to be a voice in his ear, pulling Zhang Yi.

It seems that Viana is calling herself!

Through the Dragon Soul Ring, Zhang Yi can even sense: Wei Yana is in a very urgent mood at the moment, and it seems that something major has happened!

When she was in danger before, Viana came to help herself without hesitation.

This time, Zhang Yi did not hesitate.

Following the voice, Zhang Yi and Han Yarou returned to the city.

Then, at the star-gazing platform in the north of the city, Zhang Yi saw the white-robed Dragon Soul Master Weiyana, who was sitting quietly on the star-gazing platform!

Sure enough, Weiana was summoning Zhang Yi through the Dragon Soul Ring!

Zhang Yi came to the star-gazing platform and sat down beside Viana.

"Teacher, what's wrong? I feel a little uneasy."

Wei Yana glanced at Zhang Yi next to her, sighed, and said with some uneasiness: "Since I came out of the Kunlun Mountains, I have always had an ominous premonition."

"Is it because of the ghost clan?" Zhang Yi said.

Wei Yana nodded: "A thousand years ago, the ghost clan was rampant in the apocalypse, and even the dragon clan could not completely defeat them."

"Now that they are making a comeback, Liuguang City will be in danger."

In the voice, Viana sighed: "You haven't experienced it before, so you don't know how scary the ghost clan is."

Zhang Yi said, "I know how scary they are."

Viana glanced at Zhang Yi.

Then he said: "I think we need to prepare and prepare to meet the ghost clan!"

At this time, Han Yarou, who came along with Zhang Yi, said, "Aren't we ready? Arrow towers have been cast outside the city, and even the city walls have been set up for defense, and everyone in Liuguang City has increased protection against ghosts. Magic scroll of monster damage."

Wei Yana still frowned: "I don't know why, but I still feel very uneasy."

"Liuguang City cannot be lost, we must defend our human territory!"

In fact, Zhang Yi was also a little worried.

Because in the past life, every time the ghosts invaded on a small scale, they were all repelled by the players in the end.

This time, it was different from before.

Because this time, their ghosts have the assistance of the candle dragon!

Candle Dragon is a person with memories of the next five years, and he must know what means the players of Liuguang City should use to resist their invasion.

If there is no full confidence, Zhulong will not easily invade Liuguang City with the ghost army!

Otherwise, it is self-defeating.

Seeing that Viana seems to have an idea.

Zhang Yi asked, "Is there any way to fight the ghost clan better?"

"We can ask for the aid of the dragon race!"

Zhang Yi was shocked.

He naturally knew that the dragon family in Weiana's mouth was not the dragon family of his team.

But the Apocalypse World, the real Dragon Race!

Almost forgot, Wei Yana's identity is not just a dragon soul master.

She was already a member of the Bright Dragon Clan a thousand years ago!

and powerful

The members of the dragon camp can summon dragons and fight side by side with the dragons!

If you can have the help of the Bright Dragon Clan, it will definitely be easier to defeat the Ghost Clan!

Saying that, Viana stood up.

"Okay, that's the decision, I'm going to invite the Dragon Clan!"

Wei Yana looked at Zhang Yi next to her and said, "Are you going with me?"

Together with Viana, go to the Dragon Territory?

The dragon clan is a place that countless people yearn for.

As a dragon soul master with dragon blood, Zhang Yi naturally has no reason to refuse.

Without hesitation, he said, "Okay!"

At this time, Han Yarou said, "But, what if the ghost clan invades after you left?"

Zhang Yi touched Han Yarou's head and said with a smile, "Liuguang City has made so many preparations in the past two days, and it will definitely be able to resist the ghost clan, even if I'm not there."

"Our trip is only to ensure that nothing goes wrong. After all, if we have the assistance of the dragon clan, it will be easier for us to defeat the ghost clan, and the loss will be minimized."

Saying that, Zhang Yi looked at Wei Yana: "I'll go with you."

Wei Yana nodded and instructed Zhang Yi: "It's not too late, you go to prepare, we will set off immediately."

Zhang Yi didn't need to make any preparations.

The only preparation is to inform Xing Tian Yiqi Juechen and the others.

Therefore, Zhang Yi directly contacted Xing Tian to inform him of the matter.

I heard that Zhang Yi is going to go to the Dragon Clan with Wei Yana.

Xingtian and the others expressed their approval: "Don't worry, leave it to us here, even if the ghost clan invades during this period, we can repel the ghost clan!"

Zhang Yi agreed: "That's better, if we wait for us to come back, they haven't come yet."

"When the time comes, bring them a surprise."

After finishing the "preparation" directly in front of Viana, Zhang Yi closed the chat and said to Viana, "Let's go."


Wei Yana looked at Han Yarou: "The forbidden area of ​​the dragon clan, ordinary people may not be able to enter,"

Han Yarou nodded: "I understand, you all go!"

Then, Han Yarou said to Zhang Yi, "Be careful!"

"Well, wait for me to come back."

After finishing speaking, Zhang Yi summoned the minibus, rode the minibus with Viyana, and flew away under the watch of Han Yarou.

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