Get God-level Talent at the Start of Online Games

Chapter 1049 The way to disperse the G bloodline

Xia locked on Viana and charged up the dragon flames.

During the process, Weiana did not dodge any more.

"A thousand years ago, you were killed by the ghost king Xilu in order to protect me. You promised to live and die together, but I couldn't fulfill it. Qianya, I'm sorry for you."

"Now, use my life to pay you back!"

Saying that, Viana closed her eyes and waited for death.

At this time, the dragon flame in Qianya's mouth disappeared, and the eyes returned from the blue unique to the ghost clan to the normal color, and tears actually flowed out!

Viyana, who opened her eyes and saw this scene, was shocked.

In Qianya's mind, it seems that there is still her own consciousness!


Viana stood up and wanted to get close to Xia.

at this time.


A scorching dragon flame invaded and devoured Qianya in an instant.

The next moment, Dawning Dragon Emperor Yuan, carrying the dragon warriors Jon and Zhang Yi, as well as another hundred dragon knights driving the Dawning Dragon, sat behind Weiana together!

hoo hoo...

In a roar of pain, Qianya, who was continuously burned by the dragon flames, only when the flames on her body dissipated, her eyes turned blue again!

Locking the Dragon Warrior Jon and the Dawning Dragon Emperor sitting down with him, Qianya counterattacked.


Two dragon flames spewed out from the mouths of the two dragon emperors, took each other directly, and met in the middle.

Although both are sixth-order dragon emperors, their strengths should be comparable.

But the difference lies in the level.

Qianya's level is only 170, while Dawning Dragon Emperor's level is 200!

Perhaps Qianya can use the grade advantage of the sixth-order Dragon Emperor to crush the 200-level ordinary dawn battle dragon, and the dragon knight.

But it is absolutely impossible, it is an opponent of a 200-level Dragon Emperor of the same grade!

It took less than two seconds for the two flames to meet, and the red dragon flame spewed out of Yuan's mouth swallowed up the ice-blue ghost fire spewed out of Qianya's mouth, and engulfed Xiya at the same time!

at the same time.

Hundreds of dragon knights behind Jon launched attacks one after another, releasing sword light to attack Qiana from a long distance.

The Dawning Dragon who sat down also launched a dragon flame attack at the same time.

Countless flames burned Qianya.

In the roar of pain, Qianya's blood volume dropped rapidly, and lost one tenth in a blink of an eye!

Clearly, Xia was no match for Jon and the Dragoons.

Flapping his wings, he was about to escape, but was blocked by the Dragon Warrior Jon who released the Dawn Sword Formation.

Brush brush brush brush!

Four golden giant swords fell from the sky, forming a sword formation around Qianya, trapping her!

Just as Jon was about to give orders to continue attacking Xia.

Wei Yana stopped in front of Qianya.

"Xia is still conscious! She didn't completely fall into the ghost clan!"

Jon only felt that Wei Yana was reluctant to bear Xiya, so he comforted Wei Yana: "Nana, she is already a ghost dragon,"

Viana shook her head: "She still remembers me. I've seen her recover for a split second several times!"

Jon was a little frustrated: "I'm not willing, but there is no way to make her return to normal completely."

At this moment, Zhang Yi seemed to think of something.

He said, "Maybe there is a way to get her back to normal."

"What way?" Jon and Viana looked at Zhang Yi at the same time.

Zhang Yi said, "Tackling poison with poison."

"Using the ghost core in Gao Xing Ghost King's body and refining it, it should be able to eliminate the ghost bloodline in her body and return to normal."

Zhang Yi learned this method when he fought against the ghost clan with countless players in his previous life.

In the last life, there was once a foreign top player in the Kingdom of Heaven, who lost his lover in the battle against the ghost clan.

His lover was killed by the ghost king and turned into a ghost servant.

In a fit of rage, relying on his powerful strength, the senior player from the Kingdom of Heaven led the team and personally killed the Gao Xing Ghost King who had killed his lover.

Then, take the ghost core, and after refining it, I accidentally discovered that it is possible to use the refined ghost core to restore a person who has become a ghost servant!

Then, he used the refined ghost core to turn him into the ghost servant's lover, return to normal, and regain his life!

Of course, this incident was learned from Zhang Yi who accidentally met a [Heavenly Kingdom friend] when the first-level main city country battle system was activated.

Hearing what Zhang Yi said, Viana and Jon were dubious: "Is it really possible? I've never heard of it!"

In Zhang Yi's bag, he now has three third-level ghost cores.

From the three brothers Kidekiwa and Kiel.

However, the level of the third-level ghost core is too low. After refining, it can be used to restore ordinary players, or elite monster lord monsters.

But if it is used to restore a sixth-order Dragon Sovereign, it will definitely not have that effect.

Zhang Yi has already controlled the dynamics of Liuguang City in real time through Han Yarou.

Knowing that the ghost clan and the Skeleton King are invading Liuguang City, and the ultimate ghost king blood banquet that leads the ghost clan army, is a five-star ghost king!

Zhang Yi said: "If you can get the ghost core in the ghost king's blood banquet, it may be used to restore Qianya."

Hearing this, Viana was overjoyed and looked at Jon: "Anyway, I think it's worth a try!"

"I don't want to give up Xia!"

Hearing this, Jon nodded: "Well."

"Where is that ghost king? I'll kill it now!"

It is not easy to ask for the assistance of the dragon clan.

Busy up to now, I can finally get to the point!

Wei Yana replaced Zhang Yi and said to Jon: "Remember what I told you before? The human race is being invaded by ghosts in the city of Liuguang. I want you to help Liuguang City through the crisis."

"Yeah." Jon nodded: "I said, I will go over when the energy of Longyuan City is restored."

At this time, Viana continued: "That ghost king is the commander of the ghost army that invaded Liuguang City this time!"

Hearing this, Jon said nothing, and immediately shouted: "Okay!"

"Return to the city immediately, assemble the Dawning Dragon Knights, and march into the ghost clan!"

In the voice, Viana came to Qianya and tried to use the power of the Dragon Soul Ring to absorb Xiya.

But I found out that my power is not as strong as Qianya, and I can't conquer Xiya with the Dragon Soul Ring!

At this time, Jon came over: "I'll try it."

Having said that, Jon also lit up the dragon soul ring that he wore in his hand, which is unique to the dragon professional.

With the powerful power of the god-level dragon warrior, she shocked Qianya, and for a moment, she actually succeeded in turning Qianya into a beam of light and was absorbed into the dragon soul ring!

Jon's strength is actually stronger than the sixth-order Dragon Emperor!

Zhang Yi, who witnessed the process, was a little shocked.

But come to think of it, it should be.

After all, he can tame a sixth-order dragon emperor as a mount.

And god-level dragon warriors are already the ceiling of dragon professionals.

The strength should have reached the level of the seventh-order Dragon Emperor!

In the past, Zhang Yi, like all players, believed that the Dragon Clan, the Dragon Emperor, was an existence beyond the reach of ordinary people.

Understand now.

It turns out that an ordinary human being can also achieve an existence as powerful as the top seventh-order dragon emperor!

One day, Zhang Yi will become like Jon the Dragon Warrior, or even stronger than him——

God-level Dragon Soul Master!

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