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Chapter 1051 Release the Underground Skeleton Corps

The streamer city, which was originally a safe area, lost its security protection in a short period of time with the entry of the Dark Skeleton King Hull, and became a place where PK is allowed.

The players immediately closed the north gate together, and did not let other ghost monsters follow.

At the same time, countless players in the city who could not kill outside the city due to the limited space began to besiege the Skeleton King who broke in!

"Brothers, close the door and beat the dog!"

They don't know the purpose of the Skeleton King entering the city, so many people think that the Skeleton King entering the city will be more beneficial for the players to deal with it.

Because in the city, there is no interference from those ghost clan forbidden troops!

It turned out to be the case.

Without the assistance of the ghost clan forbidden soldiers, the Skeleton King, who was all alone, was besieged by countless players in the city, and the blood bars on his head flew away!

Spent a lot outside the city.

When he entered the city, the Skeleton King's health was only 30% left.

Players then use the "close the door and hit the dog" style to make a wave of strong consumption of the Skeleton King in the city.

Seeing that the blood bar above Skeleton King's head continued to decline at a speed visible to the naked eye, the players were overjoyed, thinking that they could solve the big man of Skeleton King first, and then go out to fight the ghost army.

The facts are also developing in the direction players expected.

In the end, it took dozens of minutes for the players to work together to kill the bloody Skeleton King in the city!


The huge body of the Skeleton King fell to the ground, shattering into bones.

Since he had died once before, after becoming a ghost servant, the Skeleton King died a second time without dropping anyone or anything.

Include experience.

However, it finally solved a huge threat for Liuguang City!

Unexpectedly, the players have not had time to feel happy.

Suddenly, the ground in the center of the city trembled violently!

At the same time, bursts of dark aura spread from the ground, almost causing most of the streamer city to fall into darkness!

In the city, the crowd panicked.

"Damn! What's going on!"

"Do you feel like something is coming out of the ground!"

Immediately after.

"Puff puff!"

A dry arm without a trace of flesh and blood broke out from the ground in the city!

Along the back of the arm, crawling out, is a skeleton man without a trace of flesh and blood!

Level 160 Skeleton Warrior!

After the skeleton warriors climbed out of the ground, they couldn't help but say that they were attacking the nearby players!

It turned out that before the Dark Skeleton King Hull was released, he had already coveted Liuguang City, and began to make preparations to secretly create an underground skeleton corps, allowing them to lurk underground in Liuguang City.

And half a month ago, the ultimate goal of Skeleton King Hull's invasion of Liuguang City was to release the skeleton army in the city and use this skeleton army to completely conquer Liuguang City!

It's a pity that Hull failed half a month ago.

Because the condition for releasing the Skeleton Corps is that the Skeleton King Hel must enter the city.

However, last time, before it had a chance to enter the city, it was killed by the players of Liuguang City and the helpers of other secondary main cities outside the city!

This time, with the assistance of the ghost army, Skeleton King Hull finally successfully entered the city of Light, and released the skeleton army underground in the city!

In the city, countless players do not know why, fighting with those skeleton warriors in a panic!

Because it is a force trained by the Skeleton King.

These skeleton warriors are the same level as Skeletron, only level 160.

Level 160 monsters were originally no threat to players with an average level of 155 or higher at this stage.

What's more, the dark halo on Skeleton King has long since dissipated, and there is no longer the level 10 combat power bonus of the dark halo. The combat power level of these skeleton warriors is just above the level of level 160 ordinary monsters.

But most importantly: they are huge!

A steady stream of skeleton warriors kept crawling out of the ground.

In a blink of an eye, almost the entire city was filled with skeleton warriors!

roar roar

The roar of the skeleton people resounded in every corner of Liuguang City!

The players in the city were shocked:

"God! Could this be the purpose of the Skeleton King entering the city?"

"So many skeletons! Help! Ask for help!"

Learn about the invasion of the Skeleton Corps in the city.

Many players who were fighting against the ghost army outside the city retreated to the city one after another to support the players in the city and kill the skeleton warriors!

But there are too many skeleton warriors.

In an instant, the entire main city fell into chaos!

In the streets and alleys, the surging figures of skeleton warriors can be seen everywhere.

NPC women and girls in the city were brutally murdered by them.

Many players were also not spared, and were killed under the siege of multiple skeleton warriors and turned into white light.

Fortunately, these skeleton warriors have not been rendered by the power of ghosts. Players killed by them can be resurrected in the resurrection spring as long as they have a chance to resurrect!

In Liuguang City, white light rises and falls one after another, and objects falling on the ground can be seen everywhere!

The city is in dire straits.

The battle outside the city was not very good either.

due to most

The power of the sub-player was taken away and returned to the city to fight against the skeleton army.

The power of the players outside the city has decreased, and it has become even more powerless to deal with the ghost army!

The ghost army and the underground skeleton army formed a combination of inside and outside, which brought heavy damage to Liuguang City and the players!

No one would have thought that such a huge army of skeletons was buried in the underground of Liuguang City!

And they didn't expect:

This is the real purpose of Zhulong leading the ghost army and the Skeleton King to invade Liuguang City this time!

With the memory from the next five years, Zhulong naturally understands: Even if the army of 300,000 ghost tribes in King's Landing is dispatched, it will not be able to help Liuguang City!

That's why he thought: use the ghost king's blood feast to revive the dark skeleton king, and then use the skeleton king to enter the city to release the characteristics of the underground skeleton army, and instruct the ghosts to escort the skeleton king into the city at all costs!

Only by releasing the Skeleton Corps can you use the power of the Skeleton Corps to break through the Streaming City in one fell swoop!

Skeleton King is dead though.

Its purpose has been achieved.

The purpose of the candle dragon has also been achieved!

Taking advantage of the release of the Skeleton Corps in Liuguang City, the city fell into a melee.

Outside the city, under the orders of the candle dragon and the blood banquet, the army of the ghost clan stepped up their offensive.

Originally, the power was scattered at the four gates to attack the city at the same time, which was also to distract the attention of the players in Streaming City.

Now, Torch Dragon has gathered all the forces and jointly attacked the North Gate.

The ghost army and the skeleton army should work together.

Soon, the arrow towers were attacked and collapsed, and the North City Gate was broken in an instant.


With the candle dragon's order.

Behind him, hundreds of thousands of ghost clan troops rushed into Liuguang City!

At the same time, the blood banquet also rode the extremely ice dragon emperor's wings, leaped over the city, and entered the city!

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