Just when countless players in Liuguang City were in deep trouble, facing the joint attack of the ghost clan and the skeleton army, they seemed powerless and didn't know what to do next.

roar roar...

In the far sky, I saw countless giant dragons, facing the moonlight, leaping towards Liuguang City!

Dawn breaks through the darkness.

A huge feathered dragon with golden light all over its body led the dragon group to fly!

Seeing this, the ghost king's blood banquet turned pale in shock: "Bright Dragon Clan!"

The candle dragon was also shocked: "How did the dragon family come?"

After all, according to the memory that Zhulong obtained from the [Heart of Memory:

At least in the next five years, every time the ghosts invade Tianqi, the dragons will not interfere easily.

And this time, there are actually so many giant dragons from the Bright Dragon Clan who came to support Liuguang City!

Seems to suddenly understand something.

Zhulong turned to look at Zhang Yi: "So you were absent for a while because you went to the Dragon Clan to help?!"

The voice just fell.

A burst of golden light gathered beside Zhang Yi to form a woman in white: Dragon Soul Master Weiyana.

Wei Yana smiled at the candle dragon and the ghost king blood banquet: "Do you think that only you have the reinforcements of the skeleton army, and we have no one to support?"

"It's time to end the trick of children playing the house!"

The Ghost King Blood Banquet snorted coldly:

"What if the dragon clan is here?"

"A thousand years ago, the strength of the ghost clan was not under the dragon clan, and now they are just here to die!"

Weiana said indifferently: "You also said that it was a thousand years ago."

"But, now is now!"

in speech.

In the air, the dragon group has arrived at Liuguang City.

wow wow wow...

Huge dawn battle dragons leaped over the streamer city.

The ID logo above their heads shocked the players in the land city:

Lv200 dawn battle dragon!

What shocked them even more was that on the backs of these dawn war dragons, there was actually a human knight sitting on them...

"Dragon Knight!"

"Damn it! Level 200 dragon! Level 200 dragon knight!!"

"My God! The savior of our Liuguang City is here!"

"Don't say it too soon, it's unknown whether it's an enemy or a friend!"

hoo hoo hoo hoo!

Under the orders of the dragon knights.

Hundreds of dawn battle dragons spit hot dragon flames from their mouths at the same time, bombarding the city!

In an instant, countless ghost soldiers, skeleton warriors, and players who were fighting on the surface of the city were devoured by dragon flames one after another!

Among them, a huge amount of damage as high as three or four billion points appeared on the heads of those ghost soldiers and skeleton warriors.

And the players who were also in it were unscathed!

Even the buildings in the city were touched by the dragon flames, and there were no signs of damage!

This made the players in Streamer City feel incredible at the same time because of the explosion damage of these giant dragons, but also very exciting:

"Friends! Friendly! They are the Bright Dragons! They are here to help us!"

"Oh my God! What kind of damage is this!"

"Bright Dragon Clan yyds!!"

Looking at the city, how can those level 160 skeleton warriors and ordinary ghost soldiers with more than 160 levels resist such damage?

As a level 200 dragon.

The 300 million or 400 million points of damage between the fingers of the Dawning Dragon is almost a spike-type trauma to the enemy!

The total blood volume of the 160-level skeleton warrior is only in the early 400s.

It is almost directly able to kill the Dawning Dragon with one blow!

Hundreds of dragon flames came down.

The ghosts and skeletons in dozens of areas in Liuguang City were all killed!

At the same time, the Dawn Dragon Knight on the dragon's back is also attacking.

Swing the long sword, release the sword light, and attack the enemy on the ground from a long distance.

The level of these dragon knights is also level 200, reaching the upper limit of the level of the second-level main city.

But being able to use the level 200 Dawning Battle Dragon as a mount, their strength is naturally stronger than that of the Dawning Battle Dragon!

After all, each of them has a bright dragon bloodline in their bodies, and every dragon knight is a lord!

One after another sword light exploded in the city, but all the ghosts and skeleton warriors touched by the sword light were instantly killed by five or six hundred million damages!

Players are also locked as protection targets.

In an instant, the ghost clan and the skeleton army were devastated!

Seeing his own men being slaughtered.

The ghost king's blood banquet was furious.

Riding on the fifth-order ghost dragon, the extremely ice dragon emperor has wings, leaps into the air, and fights back.


With a roar, Qi Yi spewed out a cloud of ghost fire from his mouth to devour the two dragon knights of dawn in the air. At the same time, he also waved his staff and released spells to continuously attack the two dragon knights who were swallowed by the dragon flames.

After a while, the two dragon knights and the dragon of dawn fell to the ground at the same time, motionless.


Although the level of Blood Feast and Qi Yi is low.

But after all, they are five-star ghost kings and fifth-order dragon emperor-level characters.

Although the dragon knight's level has reached level 200, it is 30 levels higher than the ghost king's blood banquet!

But their identities are, after all, unable to follow the Dragon Emperor

Compared with the enemies of the ghost king level.

Killing two lord-level enemies at level 30 is a no-brainer for the blood feast.

After killing two dragon knights with ease, the blood feast did not quell his anger.

Cooperate with the extreme ice dragon emperor Qi Yi, and continue to attack other dragon knights around!

In the process of slaughtering, he was even more complacent: "Even if a thousand years have passed, the dragon clan is not the opponent of the ghost clan!"

The voice just fell.


A beam of aurora flew from the front, hitting the wings of the extremely ice dragon emperor who sat down on the blood banquet of the ghost king, and shot them down to the ground at the same time.

Just fell into the city.

A loud bang.

A huge feathered dragon with a golden body suddenly sat on the street.

The surrounding players retreated voluntarily.

Looking around, the golden ID on the top of the dragon's head is exciting——

Lv200 sixth-order Dawn Dragon Emperor: Yuan (Physics/Bright Dragon)!

Bursts of golden light came at the same time as the dawn of the Dragon Emperor, instantly illuminating the night!

Around, countless players saw the sixth-order Dragon Emperor for the first time, and they were all stunned!

At this time, Jon, the dragon warrior in a fire-baked armor, jumped down from the dragon's back.


With his sword pointing to the ground, he stared at the Ghost King Blood Banquet with disdain, and said, "I thought he was a big character, a mere five-star Ghost King, but he dared to run wild under the eyes of my god-level dragon warrior! Move my knight in Longyuan City?"

"God... God-level dragon warrior?"

At this moment, the surrounding players are all confused.

They don't even know where these 200-level bright dragons come from.

And this guy who can actually use the sixth-order Dragon Emperor as a mount!

on the field.

Not to be outdone, the Ghost King Blood Banquet got up from the ground and raised the scepter of blood in his hand: "Dragon Warrior!"

"This king will slash you with a thousand swords!"

With that said, the blood banquet raised the staff to cast the spell.


A beam of red light hit Jon.

Jon suddenly disappeared.

Whoa whoa whoa!

Like a ghost, Jon flashed many times, dodging the blood feast many times in a row.

Appearing in front of the blood banquet in a blink of an eye, the sword of "swipe" smashed the blood banquet to the ground!

Stepping directly on the blood banquet, Jon said coldly, "Unbearable."

On the side, the cold wind hits.

The candle dragon charged quickly with a sword, ready to attack.

Jon didn't even look at it, he directly "swiped" and threw a sword light to the right, hitting the candle dragon!

The blood bar above the candle dragon's head was emptied with a single blow, and he fell to his knees with a "pop".

It was only then that Jon turned to look at the candle dragon that was about to disappear into white light, and said, "Waste,"

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