Get God-level Talent at the Start of Online Games

Chapter 1055 Close the door and beat the dog

The title Super God Appraiser, upgraded from purple to orange, needs to kill five bosses.

Zhang Yi has completed four, and the last one is either a 34-star BOSS, or a Dragon King above the fifth rank.

It turns out that this is what Zhang Yi wanted to take the last blow of Qi Yi!

The 170-level five-star ghost king and the rich experience of the 170-level fifth-order dragon emperor have made countless players on the field level up!

On Zhang Yi's side, he has gained a total of 160 billion experience points, and he has also raised himself and the three monsters to level 161!

With the ghost king blood banquet and his sitting down, the ghost dragon emperor was killed, but the battle did not end.

Because at this moment, there are still many ghost monsters and skeleton warriors in Liuguang City.

It's just that the biggest threat has been eliminated, and the next step is to solve these remaining soldiers.

So, the players in the city united with the Dawning Dragon Knights to kill the remaining enemies in the city!

The level 200 Dawning Dragon Knight and Dawning Dragon are so powerful!

Although the dragon knight brought by Jon is only a thousand people, it can be worth an army of tens of millions!

One by one, like a head harvester, they frantically harvested the monsters in the city.

All monsters, except the ghosts, are in the hands of the dragon knights, and there is no possibility that they can survive after a single blow!

And those banned soldiers who are relatively powerful can't compete with the dragon knights.

This time, it really achieved closing the door and hitting the dog.

The players put all the ghost monsters outside the city in, and then closed the four city gates.

Strangle them in the city!

The battle went on for a long time.

The fighting in the local area has even ended.

The dragon core group is here.

Xing Tian and Yiqi Juechen, together with the dragon warrior Jon and the dragon soul master Viyana, quickly killed all the enemies in a large area.

Taking advantage of the short break, everyone's eyes finally noticed the spoils.

The corpses of the Ghost King Blood Banquet and the Extreme Ice Dragon King were lying quietly on the street.

Around them, they are full of various items such as equipment, gold coins, skill books, etc.

The trophies of the five-star ghost king and the fifth-order dragon emperor could not help but make people drool.

It's just that the scattered players around them only dare to look from a distance and not to approach.

Because in a sense, they felt that the spoils belonged to Jon the Dragon Warrior.

Both were killed by Jon.

Even the people of the Dragon Clan did not dare to act rashly on these spoils.

At this time, Jon, who had already killed thousands of enemies, wiped the blade in his hand and walked over to the corpses of the Ghost King Blood Banquet and the Extreme Ice Dragon King Qi Yi.

Then they said to the Dragon Clan Immortal Xingtian on the other side: "I don't need these things either. If you like them, take them."

Long Xingxia and the others, who had been waiting for this sentence for a long time, immediately ran to pick up the spoils!

Before, the three-star ghost King Kidd could explode 31-star equipment.

This five-star ghost king also has a fifth-order dragon emperor explosion, and its value is immeasurable!

Just as the dragons did not destroy them to clean up the spoils.

Yiqi Juechen suddenly noticed a question: "Where's the captain?"

Everyone looked around, and sure enough, there was no sign of Zhang Yi!

"Isn't it just here?"

The scavenger was a little puzzled: "The last blow of the ghost dragon just now was taken by the captain!"

Just when people were in doubt.

the other side.

The Resurrection Spring in the city.

After being instantly killed by the dragon warrior Jon and resurrected in the spring, the candle dragon learned that the ghost king blood banquet and the extreme ice dragon emperor Qi Yi had both died in battle.

Knowing that the situation is over, this invasion will end in a big defeat.

In order to save his life, Zhulong plans to escape by himself first!

"Yinuo is all over the city! I'm bound to make a comeback, and I'll settle the account with you!"

A roar.

Zhulong was about to run away, but was targeted by a group of players!

These players were all killed by skeleton warriors and were just resurrected in the Resurrection Spring.

It seemed to them that the candle dragon also came out of the Resurrection Spring, and was alone at the moment.

One by one, immediately picked up the guy:

"Brothers! Don't let Zhulong go, kill him! Kill all his chances of resurrection and let him die permanently!"

Having said that, those players swarmed up because they still had the chance to be resurrected!

Zhulong held two swords in his hands, and his eyes were wild with killing intent: "Looking for death!"


A powerful cross sword light blasted out from Zhulong's hands, smashing the two warrior players who approached in front of him to the ground!

Immediately afterwards, the candle dragon launched a charge.

While avoiding a round of long-range concentrated fire attacks from the surrounding mage shooters, he quickly rushed to the two warrior players who had just climbed up from the ground and pierced their chests with two swords.


Two black auras exploded from the two warrior players, and one after another, 20 million damages, kept jumping from their heads.

In the blink of an eye, the two were killed!

This time, the two players who died in the hands of Torch Dragon, who had a ghost bloodline, did not have their bodies refreshed!

Before the surrounding players approached, they were continuously released by the two circular swords from the candle dragon.

Gas, to overturn to the ground!

Looking at the players around him who were easily defeated by him, Zhulong sneered: "Beyond your own power!"

After finishing speaking, I don't intend to entangle with them.

The candle dragon is ready to flee.

Before taking two steps, he suddenly stopped!

I saw a figure walking slowly in front of the candle dragon, on the street.

Zhulong looked at the man, and a trace of fear appeared in his eyes unconsciously!

This person is Zhang Yi.

It turned out that Zhang Yi came to the Resurrection Spring immediately after killing Qi Yi, the Dragon King of Extreme Ice!

Because he knew: The candle dragon must still have a chance to be resurrected, and he has not completely died!

Fortunately, these loose players just now held the candle dragon.

Otherwise, before Zhang Yi arrives, I am afraid that Zhulong would have already run away.

Seeing Zhang Yi approaching with a scepter of bathing fire in his hand.

Zhulong clenched his swords tightly and stared at Zhang Yi with blazing eyes.

"If you don't have the help of those bright dragons, your Liuguang City will be finished!"

Hearing this, Zhang Yi said, "You are too confident."

Zhulong snorted coldly: "This time you are lucky, next time, I will kill you myself!"

"Do you think you have a next time?"


Turn on [Flame Body.

A raging fire bloomed on Zhang Yi.

"Like you said before, this account between us should really be settled, Mu Chen."

At this time, Zhulong looked at Zhang Yi in confusion: "I don't understand, why are you killing me in the future?"

Zhang Yi was startled.

Respond quickly.

It seems that even though Zhulong, that is, Mu Chen, controls the memories of the next five years and knows that he will die at the hands of Zhang Yi in five years, he still does not know the real cause of his death!

That is to say, according to the progress of history, Zhang Yi in this life, after meeting Mu Chen in the future, could not help but directly kill Mu Chen.

But he didn't tell Mu Chen that it was because of Mu Chen's betrayal in his previous life, Zhang Yi's revenge in this life!

Realizing this, Zhang Yi said to Mu Chen, who was wearing a candle dragon skin, "Speaking of which, I should thank you."

"Thank me for what?" Mu Chen was confused.

Zhang Yi smiled: "Everything I have now is given by you!"

"In the last life, if you hadn't killed me, how could I have been reborn with the dragon bloodline, step by step, to this day?"

After hearing this, Mu Chen was stunned.

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