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Chapter 1057 Level 8 Prestige Mall

It turned out that what Zhang Yi was interested in was the candle dragon, which came from [Dark Dragon Emperor: The treasure bestowed by Iguno, the heart of memory!

Originally, Zhang Yi was already disheartened, and he didn't expect to be able to reveal his memory before permanently obliterating Mu Chen.

I didn't expect the last chance to explode!

Of course, it is also possible that a permanent death is required before the Heart of Memory can be released.

At this time, Zhang Yi looked at Mu Chen, who was kneeling on the ground, there was no chance of resurrection, and he was about to pass away.

At this moment, Mu Chen, although he was full of unwillingness, still had to accept his fate of being defeated by Zhang Yi again.

Looking at Zhang Yi unwillingly, Mu Chen said resentfully, "Yinuo is all over the city!"

"You are bound to escape the fate of death, just wait!"

Zhang Yi said lightly: "Unfortunately, no matter what my fate is, you will never have a chance to see it."

After speaking, under the attention of the Dragon Clan and Zhang Yi, Mu Chen's body turned into a little starlight and drifted away!

At this moment, Zhang Yi felt a sense of relief.

The revenge that died in the hands of Mu Chen in the last life has finally been avenged!

He finally killed Mu Chen with his own hands!

The dog man has been eliminated, and the next dog woman remains: Ruoxi!

Of course, it was Ruoxi who betrayed and killed Zhang Yi with Mu Chen in the previous life.

Instead of Ruoxi who is currently in charge of the [Royal Family, this is the real Ruoxi's younger sister.

Not only Zhang Yi.

The surrounding dragon clan, as well as many loose players who just came out of the Resurrection Spring, saw that the culprit, the culprit, Zhulong, who was in trouble with the ghost clan and led the ghost clan to invade Liuguang City, finally died permanently.

Everyone is excited!

Because of the candle dragon, it has troubled Liuguang City for too long.

The ghost clan was brought by the candle dragon.

The Skeleton King also invaded Liuguang City twice because of the candle dragon, which brought huge disasters and losses to Liuguang City.

His death seems to restore peace to the entire main city from the dire straits!

There were cheers and cheers all around.

Zhang Yi walked to the place where Mu Chen died and disappeared.

On his waist, he picked up the red gem that exploded from his last death.

A 255-level 255-star super artifact... the heart of memory!

Zhang Yi was a little excited.

And at the moment of touching the heart of memory.

A memory that did not belong to Zhang Yi emerged in Zhang Yi's mind.

This memory records all of Mu Chen's experiences in the next five years, including the scene where he was killed by Zhang Yi five years later!

This is Mu Chen's memory for the next five years.

Derived from the talent of [Heart of Memory [Memory Copy, as long as you hold the Heart of Memory in your hand, you can control the copied memories through the Heart of Memory!

This memory has no effect on Zhang Yi.

And the most valuable is the ability of the [Heart of Memory [Memory Extraction].

Memory extraction can extract anyone's talent or skills.

What Heart of Memory is currently extracting is a god-level talent [Double Blade Flow, which allows the owner to use two weapons at the same time, and can enjoy the attribute bonuses of both weapons at the same time!

This talent is very good, it can greatly increase Zhang Yi's attack power.

However, Zhang Yi suddenly had a whim, and a bug appeared in his mind that could be created by using the super artifact, the Heart of Memory...

Put this aside for now.

Before, it was because he was forced to kill Mu Chen.

Now that Mu Chen is dead, Zhang Yi finally has time to check out the biggest gains he has just gained from killing the Ghost King Blood Banquet and the Extreme Ice Dragon King:

[Supernatural appraiser (orange): The title holder will have four opportunities to use the title ability every day, and the success rate of identifying equipment is 50%! A single equipment can be increased by one star at most through appraisal (the equipment that can be grown is judged according to the equipment setting).

The number of uses per day has been increased from 3 to 4.

The success rate also increased from 30% to 50%!

Yes, very strong!

And the upgrade of the orange super god laboratory to red is not low.

Need to consume 500,000 reputation points for the three races of human race, alien race, and demon race!

Although Zhang Yi's current reputation is enough to upgrade.

However, Zhang Yi's reputation was originally intended to be reserved to upgrade the dragon bloodline from level 9 to level 10.

After hesitating, Zhang Yi plans to upgrade his title first!

Because now, Zhang Yi has been able to enter the main city of the ghost clan as a dragon soul master, and does not need a dragon clan camp.

Therefore, the matter of joining the dragon camp can be pushed back.

Upgrade your title early to enjoy the benefits of the title in advance!

As a result, Zhang Yi consumed a total of 1.5 million reputation points from the three major races.

"Ding~ Congratulations on your title [Super God Appraiser's quality has been upgraded from orange to red!"

To reach the highest level of gold, players need to increase the character level by 10!

This upgrade task is not too difficult, it is mainly time-consuming.

Zhang Yi is now level 161, that is, reaching level 171, he can complete this task.

According to the current upgrade speed, it will take at least two months for Zhang Yi to reach 171!

Unless you can kill a few more five-star ghost kings during the period, super bosses like the fifth-order dragon emperor can upgrade faster.


But even with the current red quality, Zhang Yi felt very satisfied.

The red super god appraiser can be used 5 times a day, with a 70% chance of increasing the quality of a piece of equipment by 1 star, and each piece of equipment can be improved by up to 2 stars!

Zhang Yi already has a full set of level 155 29 star fire skull suit.

And this is from 28 stars, strengthened to 29 stars by the super god appraiser.

Because the previous title ability can only improve the quality of a piece of equipment by up to 1 star.

Now, the red super god appraiser has been able to improve a single piece of equipment by two stars!

Today, I was busy asking for help from the Dragon Clan, and came back to fight the Ghost Clan. Until now, Zhang Yi almost forgot to use the title ability.

Just in time for the upgrade.

Zhang Yi used the title ability five times, and with a success rate of 70%, he succeeded three times during the period, and upgraded the three parts of the Fire Skull Ring, Fire Skull Necklace and Fire Skull Boots from 29 stars to 30 stars!

Exhausted today, waiting for tomorrow!

At this time, Zhang Yi had an unexpected harvest:

The prestige mall level has been upgraded from level 1 to level 8 at once!

Prestige mall system, automatically upgrade by consuming prestige.

It is only used to upgrade the reputation consumption of the dragon bloodline, but it is not counted in it.

So until just now, Zhang Yi's Prestige Mall was still at level 1.

There is nothing good in the Level 1 Prestige Mall, and Zhang Yi never noticed it.

Unexpectedly, the 1.5 million reputation consumed by the title upgrade just now was counted in the upgrade experience.

This made Zhang Yi's Prestige Mall reach level 8 at once!

It is only 2 levels away from the full level of 10!

The 8th-level prestige mall has opened the purchase of the highest star equipment that players have acquired so far!

Among them, also includes the set of equipment!

That is to say: The most advanced equipment Zhang Yi has obtained so far is the 165-level 31-star [Ghost King's Helmet.

In the prestige mall, 31 star equipment boxes have appeared!

31-star random equipment box, you can randomly open a piece of 31-star quality equipment, and the level depends on the level of the opener. Priced at 70,000 reputation.

31-star designated parts and professional equipment boxes, priced at 100,000 reputation.

In addition, Zhang Yi has the privilege of opening the prestige mall, and you can get a 20% discount when purchasing items in the prestige mall!

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