Get God-level Talent at the Start of Online Games

Chapter 1064 Seeing the candle dragon again

Look up.

Those "people" floating in the air are all corpses.

And the god-level exploration technique shows: their identities are all players!

Zhang Yi understood:

These are all players belonging to Liuguang City, those players who have no chance of resurrection, and then die permanently!

Apocalypse is no longer a game.

This is the end times.

In this world, every minute, every second, players are dying.

And those players who fall into permanent death without the chance of resurrection will all be teleported to the main city of the ghost clan.

On the Ghost Festival, when the ghosts are strong, these corpses will "resurrect from the dead", transform into unconscious ghost monsters, and invade the Apocalypse!

Zhang Yi also finally found the answer to the question of why ghost monsters suffer so many casualties every year, but the number only increases in the second year!

It turns out that their number is increasing every year!

To be precise, it is adding every minute and every second!

When the Ghost Festival comes, ghosts invade these corpses, and they will "resurrection"!

At that time, the system would determine the ghost king, ordinary ghost soldiers, and ghost clan banned soldiers based on the strength of the corpses before they died.

Look at these corpses.

Zhang Yi was filled with emotion.

It turns out that players in the world of Apocalypse will die permanently, and will eventually face such an ending!

Even Zhang Yi saw the shadows of several acquaintances in these corpses floating in the air:

Night marchers and end-time madmen!

Those who used to be the enemies of the Dragon Clan, many of whom were killed by Zhang Yi himself!

At this time, Zhang Yi raised the staff in his hand and prepared to destroy these corpses so that they could not transform into ghost monsters and invade Liuguang City on the Ghost Festival.

But Weiana said: "Doing this will cure the symptoms but not the root cause."

"Destroy these, and then, there will be people who will die, the corpses will be sent here, and then they will become ghost servants."

"We have to figure out a way to close this teleportation point forever."

"At least, let's destroy these first." Zhang Yi said: "There are still more than two months until the Ghost Festival. If we don't take advantage of the fact that they are not yet able to fight, they will become more difficult to deal with. ."

With that said, Zhang Yi waved his staff to cast spells.


A fireball strikes a corpse.

That corpse turned into ashes!

These corpses are now the scum of one-shot kills.

Zhang Yi summoned the undead crossbowmen to harvest these corpses frantically.

Viana hesitated for a moment and followed.

During the process, Zhang Yi discovered a rather special corpse: Candle Dragon!

Although the candle dragon has the blood of the ghost family, but his identity is a player after all!

And it was Zhang Yi who was a player who caused his permanent death.

Therefore, after the death of the candle dragon, it was also teleported here!

A candle dragon, whose equipment was almost exploded, floated in the air, with his eyes closed and motionless.

Zhang Yi did not hesitate, and a magic ball destroyed it.

at this time.


At the same time as the candle dragon's body turned into ashes, something fell to the ground.

Zhang Yi picked it up around his waist and found that it was a black token with the words "Jun's Landing" engraved on it!

"This is the Guard Token!"

Viana, who was on the side, recognized the token at a glance.

This token is useless to Zhang Yi and Wei Yana.

Because they do not have the blood of the ghost clan, and they cannot control the ghost clan monsters in the city of King's Landing through the city's defense token.

Zhang Yi doesn't even plan to enter the ghost camp in the future!

Although the corpse in the air is broken when touched, it is very easy to destroy.

It took the two of them several hours to destroy all the corpses in the huge space!

After all, it has been nearly half a year since the opening of Liuguang City.

In the past six months, there have been at least one million players who have died permanently!

If not destroy them now.

When the Ghost Festival arrives in two months, what Liuguang City is about to face is the invasion of at least a million ghost tribes!

After destroying all the corpses, Zhang Yi and Wei Yana withdrew from this space.

Go back to the blood pool in King's Landing.

Zhang Yi took out the King's Landing City Defense Token, shattered it with a spell, and then threw the fragments into the blood pool.

However, at this moment, the mountain suddenly shook, and the entire King's Landing City began to shake!

At the same time, a system prompt fell in the air—

"Ding~ Please note: Due to the destruction of the King's Landing City Guard Token, the King's Landing City is about to collapse, please evacuate the King's Landing City map as soon as possible!"


Accompanied by a loud dragon roar.

The surrounding temperature dropped suddenly, and snow and ice fell in the air.

A giant dragon covered in snow-white leaped down from the sky!

Under the summons of Weiyana, the sixth-order ice and snow dragon emperor Xia sat in the city and leaned down.

As soon as Weiana and Zhang Yi rode on the back of the dragon, Qianya immediately took off with the two of them.

Just took off not long ago.

Boom boom boom!

On the land, the huge King's Landing City collapsed into a pile of ruins!

Then, it turned into ashes and drifted away.

King's Landing, no longer exists!

The Ice Dragon Emperor Qianya carried Weiana and Zhang Yi, penetrated the portal, and left this ghost map: Ghost World!

I just returned to the entrance of the ghost clan, that is, in Linyuan City, one of the courtyard halls in a courtyard.

Behind him, the entrance transformed from the wall immediately disappeared.

Previously, the mechanism that opened this entrance was a Guanyin statue leaning against the wall.

Now that Zhang Yi touches the Guanyin statue again, there is no vision.

The connection port of the ghost clan on the side of Liuguang City was completely destroyed.

At this time, as if I heard a movement, a group of people ran in outside the courtyard.

It is Han Yarou, the dragons will not destroy them!

It turned out that since Zhang Yi and Wei Yana entered the ghost world, they have been guarding here to prevent abnormal situations from happening.

See Zhang Yi come out.

Everyone hurriedly asked: "How is the situation?"

Zhang Yi glanced at the wall that could no longer be transformed into a portal, and said:

"The main city of the ghost clan has been destroyed, and Liuguang City will not be deterred by the ghost clan in the future."

Hearing this, the crowd rejoiced:


Xing Tian was not too happy: "But this does not mean that the threat we received has been lifted forever."

Xing Tian looked at Zhang Yi and said, "Remember you once said that there is a ghost connection near each player's main city."

"The connection port on the side of Liuguang City is closed, but the other main cities still exist."

"And when we go to the first-level main city, we will still be attacked by ghosts from the first-level main city."

That's the truth.

Zhang Yidao: "But at least we have control over how to close the ghost clan connection."

"How to close?" Everyone asked.

"Enter the main city of the ghost clan, find the defense token, and destroy the token." Zhang Yi said.

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