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Chapter 1069 The only mission: Lord of the Demons

The resurrected.

The name of this team made Zhang Yi feel a little familiar.

It seems that the last life is in the later life, and it is also a famous strong family!

In this case, the possibility of the royal family and the sword pavilion being planted in the hands of this resurrection is very high!

The relationship between Zhang Yi and the royal family and Jiange is unusual.

I spent some time in Purgatory City in order to find the parts of the [Sun and Moon Astrolabe.

During that time, these two families helped Zhang Yi a lot.

Zhang Yi naturally couldn't watch them being destroyed by the resurrected!

So Zhang Yi blamed the Sword Saint: "Why didn't you tell me earlier?"

The swordsman spoke directly and sighed: "It's useless to tell you! The current scale of the resurrected people has reached 600,000! We have opened two teams!"

"What, don't you look down on me?"

All the crises in Liuguang City have been lifted.

The candle dragon is gone.

The ghosts were also uprooted.

Zhang Yi has nothing to remember here.

It happened to be in Purgatory City, and Lin Ruo had not yet been found.

So Zhang Yi said to the Sword Saint, "I'll go to your purgatory city and wait for me."

Close chat.

It seemed that something suddenly came to mind.

Zhang Yi opened a panel to check and found:

Sure enough, at present, he is still in a state where he cannot move the main city!

According to the relocation conditions of the secondary main city: the player must not die within one month.

And when he was performing the task of changing the profession of the Dragon Soul Master, Zhang Yi died in the Kunlun Mountains at the hands of the Ice and Snow Dragon Emperor Qianya.

28 days have passed since now!

On a 30-day January basis.

It will take two days for Zhang Yi to move to the main city!

It just so happened that there are still some unresolved matters here in Liuguang City.

For example, the tenth floor of the Town Demon Tower has not yet been tackled.

It just took these two days to pass through the town magic tower.

As for the royal family and the sword pavilion, there should be no problem for two days~

If so.

It seems that the progress of conquering the tenth floor of the Town Demon Tower has to be accelerated.

Originally, it was planned to wait for some members of the dragon race to finish the ninth floor, and then conquer the tenth floor together, so that everyone can benefit.

But according to their attack speed, it would take at least ten days and a half months to finish the ninth floor.

Now Zhang Yi can't wait that long.

After ten days and a half months before going to Purgatory City, I'm afraid it will be too late, and the royal family is probably all destroyed by the [Resurrected!

So Zhang Yi made a plan:

Starting tomorrow, we will attack the tenth floor of the Demonic Pagoda alone!

Because the 1 million reputation rewarded by the first pass of the Town Demon Tower is too important to Zhang Yi!

Anyway, after the first kill of the boss on the tenth floor of the Demon Tower, it will be refreshed again after a certain period of time.

It's amazing, that is, if you kill after refreshing, the reward is far less than the first kill.

The next morning.

When Zhang Yi was having breakfast in the breakfast room, he told the dragon people the news.

Everyone looked worried.

"It is conservatively estimated that the guard boss of the Town Demon Tower has about 34 stars, brother, are you crazy..." The scavenger was incredible.

The dragons sitting around the table are immortal, and they are also worried: "Yes, boss, think twice! No matter how strong your strength is, how can you single out such a big boss!"

"A month ago, the 33-star boss Skeleton King almost exploded the city of Light, and the entire city couldn't beat it..."

"Yes! Captain, wait for us!"

Everyone, every word you say, every word I say, is discouraging Zhang Yi.

Of course they weren't afraid that Zhang Yi would explode the boss and steal the profits.

But really worried about Zhang Yi's safety.

Zhang Yi waved his hand: "Don't worry, it's fine."

Seeing Zhang Yi's confident appearance, King Glory suddenly thought: "Brother Cheng, can you ask for your mentor's help?"

"A grandmaster-level dragon soul master riding a sixth-order dragon emperor, I'm afraid a 40-star BOSS is no problem!"

"I think too much." Zhang Yi said: "In this case, the player tutor will not interfere."

In this battle, Zhang Yi can only rely on himself.

After breakfast, Zhang Yi began to prepare.

A dozen of advanced red and blue potions.

I feel that after having [Blood-devouring Dragon Soul, the red potion should not be used.

However, be prepared.

Equipment durability has been restored.

Checked the Halong soul value: 50,000 points!


Ready to go!

Arrive at the Town Demon Tower with the dragon army.

Zhang Yi was alone and went straight to the tenth floor.

Others, according to their current progress, go to the corresponding floor.

"Ding~ Welcome to [Magic Town Tower, your current location is the tenth floor of Devil Town Tower! This floor is the last floor of Devil Town Tower, monsters are powerful, and your damage will be reduced by 50%, please pay attention to safety !"

The system prompts down.

With a beam of white light, Zhang Yi appeared on a huge ancient battlefield!

Each floor of the Demon Town Tower is equivalent to a different world.

just not

After the tenth floor, the depressing atmosphere was obviously much deeper than the previous floors.

There are clouds in the sky.

The earth was dark.

On the ground, the bones of giant beasts can be seen everywhere!

"Ding~ Congratulations, as the first player to enter the tenth floor of the Demon Town Tower, you have received the only mission on the tenth floor of the Town Demon Tower [Master of the Demons!"

My dear, the task on the tenth floor is actually the only one!

Zhang Yi casually opened the task list:

[The Lord of Demons (only):

Difficulty factor: 135w

Description: Twenty-five years ago, the lord of the demons: Kaiser led the army of demons and tried to invade the human territory Liuguang City, but was defeated by the warrior god: Tianyi, one of the seven war gods of the human race.

Later, the people of Liuguang City jointly built the Demon Suppression Tower, and sealed all the Demon Lord and his army of monsters in the tower.

Among them, Kaiser, the lord of demons, is imprisoned on the tenth floor of the topmost floor. Players are asked to arouse Kaiser's anger by hunting Kaiser's subordinates, make them appear, and kill them.

Time limit: 3 days...

1.35 million difficulty!

Compared with the 700,000-difficult ninth-level task, the difficulty factor has almost doubled!

It seems that this guy called [The Lord of the Demons: Kaiser is indeed a big character!

According to the task prompt, we know that you need to force the boss to appear by killing the ordinary monsters in the tenth floor.

So, without further ado, Zhang Yi went straight into a fighting stance!

The guarding monster on the tenth floor is already a level 180 [Heavenly Prison Demon!

It's not the same as the previous nine floors.

The monsters on the first nine floors were all transformed by Kaiser, the lord of the demons, using the power of the demons.

And the tenth-layer Heavenly Prison Familiar is the main army directly under the Lord of Heavenly Demons!

They have human form, wear black armor, have wings on their backs, and can fly!

With bows and arrows as weapons, it has a rare talent for increasing damage.

Coupled with good attack power, it is definitely a nightmare for melee professional players!

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