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Chapter 1089 Authorized entry: Dragon Capital!

After clearing the sin value outside the city, everyone returned to the city.

In Purgatory City, a high-end restaurant.

Zhang Yi, Huang Wuji, and Juggernaut sat around a table in a private room.

One to two to go.

On Huang Wuji and Juggernaut, Zhang Yi figured out the current situation in Purgatory City.

Before the rise of the resurrected, their royal family and Jiange were the leading forces in Purgatory City.

And the resurrected, by using various means to recruit the relatively small-scale clan forces in Purgatory City, in less than a month, they have rapidly developed into a super clan that now has 600,000+ people!

Now, Zhang Yi can basically conclude that the resurrection is the key to destroying the royal family and the sword pavilion in the previous life!

Therefore, as long as the resurrection is destroyed, the tragic history of the previous life can be changed!

"However, the resurrected ones are so powerful, it is not easy to destroy them!"

On the table, the vice captain of the royal family, a level 162 magician royal family, said with great concern.

At this time, the swordsman patted the table and said, "It's a big deal, we will directly confront them!"

"The combination of your royal family and our sword pavilion has nearly 500,000 people, but it's only a hundred thousand less than them. Besides, our people's overall combat power is stronger than them!"

In the voice of the words, the swordsman glanced at Zhang Yi and Xingtian: "What's more, with your help now, it will be no problem to destroy the resurrected!"

The voice just fell.

Zhang Yi suddenly said: "According to your description just now, there is no need for this."

"You said: The people of Purgatory City believe in the Dragon Clan, and most of them joined the Resurgents because the leader of the Reincarnator, Yi Ye Guzhou, is a dragon blood person."

"So, capture the thief first and capture the king, we only need to solve a lonely boat. Without this belief, the resurrected people will be self-defeating."

Take Zhang Yi's words.

Huang Wuji said: "But Yi Ye Guzhou, whose whereabouts are uncertain, rarely appears in the public area, and some of his usual activities are very secretive."

"The resurrection has been born a month ago. Up to now, we have only met him in the Dragon King Palace copy the night before. It's not easy to find him."

Don't wait for Zhang Yi to say something.

The magician royal family, Jue Se, who was on the side, said:

"But I heard that he started to conquer a dragon hidden map half a month ago. It is estimated that it is too difficult, and he has not broken through that place until now."

"The possibility of meeting a lonely boat there will be even greater!"

At this time, Yiqi Juechen said, "Then why didn't you go to that place to stay before?"

"Because we can't get in!"

The archer royal family and hero said distressedly: "That is the hidden map of the dragon family. Ordinary players can't enter it. Only people related to the dragon family can enter, or get the authorization of the dragon family blood and the dragon camp."

"One Leaf Guzhou entered the hidden map by virtue of his identity as a dragon bloodline, and his entourage was also authorized by One Leaf Guzhou."

Speaking of which.

Everyone sitting around the table suddenly looked at Zhang Yi in unison.

Zhang Yi thought thoughtfully: "Where is the dragon map?"

"It should be located within [Dragon Capital."

Huang Wuji said: "This map has been open for a long time, but it is only because people of dragon blood or those authorized by the dragon can enter, and others cannot enter, so all along, except for their resurrected people, no one has been able to enter. Inquiries."

Zhang Yi opened the map and checked it out. Sure enough, he found this place called [Dragon City] somewhere in the west of Purgatory City.

That's a place as high as level 175-180!

After determining the goal, I plan to go to Longdu tomorrow to see what happens.

According to Huang Wuji and the others: This hidden map of the dragon family [Dragon Capital has been open for half a month, and for the past half month, Yi Ye Guzhou has been trying to break through this map.

In addition, this map actually has a restriction that only people of dragon blood can enter.

Obviously, in this hidden map, there are things that are extremely important to those of the dragon race!

After dinner, it was late at night.

Find a hotel and rest for the night.

In the early morning of the next day, Zhang Yi, Huang Wuji, Juggernaut and Xingtian Yiqi Juechen set off for the [Dragon Capital].

I didn't bring Ruoxi, because she had no chance to be resurrected now. For this kind of action, it's better to keep her to be safe.

In addition, this time, it was just for inquiries. In order to avoid panicking, only five people went there, and even Zhang Yi did not ride a minibus there.

A group of five people quietly came to the [Dragon Capital] in the west of Purgatory City.

Look around.

It was a city that looked very lonely.

The surrounding city walls have been completely damaged, and the buildings in the city can be directly seen, which are very dilapidated.

Scattered around are some high-level wild maps of level 170-175.

No one has dared to farm monsters on such an advanced map.

So there is silence both inside and outside the city.

Vaguely, you can hear the sound of dragons coming from within the dragon capital.

Zhang Yi and the others came outside the city gate.

Sure enough, Xing Tian took a step towards the city gate and was immediately blocked by an invisible force.

and got the prompt:

"Ding~ Those who have not obtained the authorization of the dragon family cannot enter!"

Even if there is no obstruction from the city gate, Xingtian and the others will not be able to enter Longdu.

When Zhang Yi approached the city gate, he received a different prompt:

"Ding ~ Dragon bloodline/Dragon family hidden professional, allowed to enter! You have obtained the authorization ability, and you can authorize up to 99 players to enter [Dragon City!"

Zhang Yi understood.

The next moment, Xing Tian, ​​Huang Wuji and the others all received system prompts:

"Ding~ You have been authorized by the Dragon Bloodline/Dragon Hidden Professional [Yinuo Qingcheng], you can freely enter and exit [Dragon City] within 72 hours, and you need to re-authorize when it is out of date!"

Hear this tip.

Huang Wuji and Juggernaut looked at Zhang Yi with astonished eyes at the same time.


"Good guy, not only do you have a dragon bloodline, but you also have a hidden dragon occupation?"

"No wonder the fighting power is so fierce. Last night, one person killed hundreds of resurrected people!"

in speech.

Several people who were authorized entered Longdu with Zhang Yi one after another.

Zhang Yi has been to the Dragon Clan map, or the Dragon Clan hidden map Zhang Yi a lot.

However, similar to the hidden map of the dragon race that only those of the dragon race or the dragon camp can enter, except for the core domain of the dragon race, [Longyuan City, Zhang Yi is the first time to encounter it!

After all, Longyuan City is not in the form of a copy or wild map, it is the main city of the Dragon Clan.

And this Dragon City is a wild map of the dragon family that provides players with monster upgrades!

It seems that there should be no small opportunities for the dragon race hidden in the dragon capital.

Enter Longdu.

A powerful deterrent from the dragon race swept from all around!

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