Get God-level Talent at the Start of Online Games

Chapter 1091 The strength is suppressed, and the strong gather!


There was a dragon chirping in the air.

In the sky, several violent black dragons leaped in the same direction!

And in that direction, there was a fierce fight!

Those who can enter the Dragon Capital are only those with dragon blood, or those who are authorized.

The visitor can only be a lonely boat.

Follow the direction of the sound source.

After a while, when I came to a lair formed by a keel, I saw a large group of players in front of them, fighting with the violent black dragon!

They are the resurrected players!

However, there was no lonely boat in sight.

It was only a dark-skinned middle-aged black armored warrior man [The Avengers, who led Mo about forty or fifty resurrected players into the Dragon Capital.

Obviously, they were all authorized by One Leaf Guzhou.

Seeing the Avengers, Huang Wuji couldn't help but be furious.

Because last night it was he who kidnapped Ruoxi and the officials of the royal family, which almost caused irreversible consequences for the royal family.

In front of Huang Wuji, he permanently wiped out a core member of the royal family in the land of judgment!

Without further ado, Huang Wuji started directly.


The long sword lit up, and Huang Wuji charged forward with the sword straight!

Juggernaut is naturally aware of Huang Wuji's anger towards the Avengers.

Without saying a word, he followed Huang Wuji and killed him.

Seeing that the two of them couldn't stop them, they went straight to the front.

Xing Tian couldn't help but sighed: "One Leaf Lone Boat has not yet appeared, and they attacked so rashly, they would only scare the snake."

At this time, Zhang Yi, who had already checked the level, equipment, and data of the resurrected players through the god-level exploration technique, said:

"These people are the core members of the resurrected people, and their strength is not bad."

"The two of them, I'm afraid they can't handle it."

Hearing this, Xing Tian and Yiqi Juechen stood up in response.

Zhang Yi also rushed over.

the other side.

The Avengers and a group of younger brothers are dealing with the black dragon.

The sudden appearance of the enemy made them bewildered.

Looking at two familiar figures approaching quickly not far away.

A member of the elite of the resurrected team [Resurrected: Jian is shocked and said:

" did they enter the Dragon Capital?!"

"It must be that human race beastmaster!"

The Avengers immediately understood: "Last night, the human beastmaster who helped their royal family and Jiange deal with us, also has dragon blood, and he can enter the Dragon Capital."

"He authorized them to come in!"

Around, those resurrected players who had seen the powerful human beastmaster last night, all of them were terrified:

"Deputy...deputy team, then let's withdraw quickly! They must be here for revenge!"

Seeing that there were only two of them, the Avengers disagreed:

"Retreat! They should act separately. Now there are only Huang Wuji and Juggernaut."

"The two of them can beat so many of us?"

"Brothers, kill me!"

With the order of the Avengers.

Dozens of resurrected players around, divided two by three and five, and quickly dealt with the few black dragons around them.

Then, copying the guy, he also rushed towards Huang Wuji and Juggernaut who were approaching the past!

A battle can't help but explode!

The strength of Huang Wuji and Juggernaut is beyond doubt.

It's just that, as Zhang Yi said just now, these are the core members of the resurrected people, and their combat power is not weak at all.

After all, those who can be authorized by Yi Ye Guzhou to enter the Dragon Capital must be the strongest players in their resurrection!

Huang Wuji and Juggernaut, before they approached the past, were shot by dozens of mage shooters from the resurrected in a round of long-range shooting.

Through the ultimate move, although most of the attacks have been dodged.

The rest also consumes one-third of the blood of the two of them!

With the remaining two-thirds of the blood.

Huang Wuji and Juggernaut rushed into the crowd of resurrected people, gave full play to the melee advantages of the warrior profession, and slaughtered the Quartet in the crowd!

The defense of the resurrected player is much lower than that of the 176-level Furious Black Dragon.

Huang Wuji and Juggernaut each dealt 50 million damage with one hand, and they turned into white light one after another in a scream of misery!

As the second-in-command of the resurrected.

The 163-level warrior avenger, holding a black sword, rushed over.


A sword energy was released.

Taking advantage of Huang Wuji's chance to dodge the sword attack, he launched a charge slash to approach the past.

Huang Wuji parried the sword of "Washing".

Between the lights and flints, the two faced off at close range, both with killing intent on their faces.

"Move my brother of the royal family, you are courting death!"

The Avenger sneered: "Just the two of you, want to fight with me?"

Having said that, the avenger suddenly opened Huang Wuji with a sword, and he was suddenly repelled by Huang Wuji with an extremely fast hand speed!

At the same time, Huang Wuji was also repelled by a round of concentrated fire by several senior archers behind the Avengers!

Taking advantage of the situation, the Avengers approached again, and with a sword, slashed the indefensible Huang Wuji to the ground!

Around, there are a large number of players in the resurrection

Want to outflank over.

at this time.


Above the head, a red dragon shadow appeared.

The next moment, a stream of light penetrated the dragon shadow and landed between Huang Wuji and Juggernaut.


A fire dragon broke out of the ground and rolled around!

In an instant, more than half of the resurrected players in the audience were swallowed by the fire dragon.

A huge amount of damage between 500 million and 600 million hits the enemies within the range.

Whoa whoa whoa!

Dozens of white lights shot up into the sky.

Looking at the area swept away by the fire dragon, apart from the Avengers, Huang Wuji and Juggernaut, there is not a single living person left!

And the Avengers, there is still 1 point of blood left.

Obviously, he was protected by the attacker's blood lock.

Because keeping him, it still works for Zhang Yi.

Seems to have realized something.

The Avengers turned around suddenly.

All I saw was a beastmaster who was burning with fire, standing not far away.

The red streamer that combined with the master-level fire-bathing dragon soul just now was released by him!

In front of Zhang Yi.

This group of resurrected players seems to have no fighting power.

The remaining dozens of resurrected players were stunned when they saw the human race beastmaster who killed them last night reappeared!

"Yeah, it's you again!"

He didn't know that he was protected by the blood lock, and he survived. He thought that he was an avenger whose data was so powerful that he would not be killed in seconds. He looked at Zhang Yi with wide eyes, and his eyes were full of anger.

But he also knows that now is not the time to take revenge on this human race beastmaster.

Because the damage of the other party is too high, with such a small number of people, it is more than enough to deal with people like Huang Wuji Juggernaut.

But to deal with a pervert who raises his hand with hundreds of millions of injuries, it is not enough to put him between his teeth!

A good man does not suffer immediate losses.

While staring at Zhang Yi, the Avengers ordered: "Withdraw!"

It's just that the prey locked by Zhang Yi still has the possibility of escaping.

Don't wait for the resurrected players to retreat.

Xing Tian and Yiqi Juechen passed by Zhang Yi and quickly killed them!

The remaining dozens of players of the resurrection cannot escape the pursuit of the ghost swordsman and the thunder knight.

wow wow...


The breath of darkness, and the power of thunder, run through the audience!

In the screams of screams, the resurrected players died in darkness and lightning!

In the blink of an eye, as the core members of the resurrected, they were all killed one by one!

The only remaining avenger, as soon as he turned around, was slashed to the ground with a sword by Xing Tian who appeared behind him at an unknown time!

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