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Chapter 1098 Could this be the legendary dog ​​licking?

Last night, Huang Wuji and Lin Xi were rescued in the land of judgment. In fact, Zhang Yi should not have completely changed history.

Or that he changed a little.

It is to prevent the dissolution of the royal family.

If Zhang Yi did not appear, Huang Wuji rescued Lin Xi and several officials of his royal family by disbanding the royal family.

This is not a big problem, the big deal is to re-create the royal family later and start all over again.

With the strength of the royal family and the sword pavilion, not the resurrected ones can easily defeat them.

Moreover, it is impossible for ordinary people to have the props that Viana said: can abolish the dragon bloodline.

Therefore, the reason for the disappearance of the last royal family and the sword pavilion should not be destroyed by the resurrected ones.

And the reason for the disappearance of the resurrected is not that it was destroyed by the royal family and the sword pavilion.

Just as Zhang Yi guessed: A disaster that Purgatory City is about to bring will wipe out these three major families at the same time!

As for what this disaster is, Zhang Yi has no way to guess for the time being.

Now, Zhang Yi just wants to learn the secret about Lin Ruo from Yi Ye Guzhou!

Exactly at this time.

A figure walked into the restaurant and went straight to Zhang Yi and the others.

I saw that the man was a young archer.

He wears gray mail and a red cloak on his back.

When he came to Zhang Yi, he took out an item from his bag and traded it to Zhang Yi.

"Ding~ You got the player [Reviver: Gift of Blood: [Ghost Suit +1!"

Zhang Yi looked at the resurrected player: "What do you mean?"

"My captain asked me to send it to you."

The resurrected: Blood said: "He also asked me to tell you that I apologize for what happened last night in the Necronomicon and the place of judgment the night before. I hope you can forgive our mistakes."

Hearing this, the Sword Saint on the side said disdainfully, "Yo, is it good?"

"Just say it if you want to hug your thighs, bribing this thing doesn't work,"

Zhang Yi glanced at the [Ghost Suit] that was sent directly to his bag, and found that it was a complete set of Beastmaster suits!

160-level 31-star suit!


You know, even 30-star equipment is very rare in the market now.

31-star suits are even more valuable.

This ghost suit has a guaranteed valuation of 50 to 60 million gold coins!

This lonely boat is so generous!

However, Zhang Yi, who was already wearing a 35-star blood-soaked suit, did not like this 31-star outfit at all.

Actually returned the priceless ghost suit to the resurrected: blood.

"Let your captain come and apologize to me in person."

"This..." Resurrection: Blood followed the equipment returned by Zhang Yi, hesitating.

Just then, another familiar figure came over.

The man was wearing a black robe with a red cloak on his back.

He looks very young, but he is full of arrogance, showing the demeanor of a king!

He is a lonely boat!

Quietly came to a vacant seat at the table, and Yi Ye Guzhou bowed deeply to Zhang Yi:

"Sorry, I apologize for the trouble the resurrection has caused you during this time. I hope you can forgive us and we will no longer fight."

The attitude of this apology is very sincere, making Huang Wuji and Sword Saint Ruoxi think that this is a trap!

"What's the meaning?"

The swordsman asked Yi Ye Guzhou: "Don't you want to dig a foot in the wall?"

"I am sincere." Yi Ye Guzhou said: "It was not my intention to target your royal family and Jiange before, but the vice-captain of our team who acted his own way and made his own opinions."

"Now he has left our team, and I have issued a wanted order for him."

Huang Wuji and Juggernaut naturally couldn't forgive and believe him by relying on Yi Ye Guzhou's few words.

But at this time, Zhang Yi said, "Okay, let's reconcile."

"Really?" Yi Ye Guzhou's line of defense seemed to be broken in an instant, and happily ran to Zhang Yi's side like a child.

"Yinuo Qingcheng, God, I have admired you for a long time!"

Yo, he's actually a little fanboy!

"So, you played against me last night, completely ignorant?" Zhang Yi asked.


Yi Ye Guzhou said: "I want to know that you are a promise, and I will definitely not do anything with you!"

"You are my idol!"

As a top family leader of 600,000 people, Yi Ye Guzhou's identity and status are also admired by thousands of people in Purgatory City.

At this moment, this little fanboy's general performance in front of Zhang Yi can't help but surprise people.

Yi Ye Guzhou then said to Zhang Yi, "The first I heard about your ID was when it was announced on the full server."

"Later I heard that you summoned the Bright Dragon King to fight the seventh-order Dark Dragon King, and I was fortunate to see the video recorded by others. You have become my idol, and my ID is imitated from you!"

Zhang Yi thought for a while and asked, "What was your previous ID?"

"The fallen leaves return to their roots."

Fallen leaves go back to their roots!

Yi Ye Guzhou's answer shocked Zhang Yi's heart.

This is the ID of Yi Ye Guzhou that Zhang Yi knew in his last life!

It turned out that the reason why One Leaf Lone Boat changed its name was because of myself


Because the previous life [Yinuo Qingcheng] did not have the current reputation, did not appear in all announcements, and did not summon the feat of the seventh-order dragon emperor, which is unknown.

Therefore, Yi Ye Guzhou did not have this kind of worship for Zhang Yi, nor did he change his name for the sake of [Yinuo Qingcheng, so when he met Zhang Yi in the last life, his ID was called [Leaving Leaves Returning to the Roots!

Good guy, it turned out to be a butterfly effect caused by himself!

Zhang Yi nodded, then stretched out his hand to Yi Ye Guzhou: "Happy reconciliation."

Yi Ye Guzhou reached out and shook it: "Senior, please advise!"

Others sitting at the same table felt unbelievable when they saw this scene.

The two families who were still fighting to the death yesterday, is this reconciled? ?

However, they have no right to interfere with the decision made by Zhang Yi.

On the side of One Leaf Guzhou, I felt a little bit of embarrassment...

Because... Zhang Yi kept holding his hand!

And he was staring at himself.

"Pre... Senior..."

After about 5 seconds, Zhang Yi let go.

Yi Ye Guzhou breathed a sigh of relief, and then sent a friend request to Zhang Yi.

Without a word, Zhang Yi agreed to Yiye Guzhou's friend request.

In the Resurrection: Bloody Hand, Zhang Yi took the ghost suit that Zhang Yi had just returned, and handed it to Zhang Yi: "Senior, this is a gift for you, my heart!"

"no need."

Zhang Yi said, "I can't use it."

Yi Ye Guzhou glanced at the blood bathing suit on Zhang Yi's body.

Although his low-level exploration technique can't tell what quality this is, but through the gloss, it is obvious that it is extraordinary, and the quality is definitely several grades higher than this 31-star ghost suit!

A lonely boat is a little embarrassing.

Zhang Yi then said a word of thanks to ease the embarrassment.

Yi Ye Guzhou then said to Zhang Yi, "Senior, if you need anything in the future, you can just tell me!"

The purpose of reconciliation was achieved.

Yi Ye Guzhou went to settle the bill for Zhang Yi and the others on their own, then said goodbye to Zhang Yi and the others, and left the restaurant.

Several people at the table fell into sluggishness.

The magician royal family and the hero widened their eyes and sighed:

"Could this be... the legendary dog ​​licking?"

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