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Chapter 1102 Map loopholes, ambush in the dragon capital

Whoosh whoosh!

Countless sharp arrows suddenly flew from the city lord's mansion.

One Leaf Guzhou reacted astonishingly, and quickly launched a flash to avoid the attack!

The next moment, I saw a group of warrior players rushing out from the city lord's mansion, and the leader was a 163-level warrior: Avengers!

And those players are all resurrected people!

They are all elders of the resurrected, who followed the avengers, and are now expelled from the resurrected!

Seeing them, Yi Ye Guzhou couldn't help but be surprised: "How did you enter the Dragon Capital without authorization?"

The Avenger laughed: "Because I also got the dragon blood!"

One Leaf Guzhou naturally knew that this was fake.

Seeing the group of people in front of them, they were all people who had been authorized by One Leaf Guzhou before.

He also suddenly understood:

They should have taken advantage of the map loopholes in Longdu!

They must have used the identity of the authorized person to enter the Dragon Capital before Yi Ye Guzhou lifted their authorization.

Then when Yi Ye Guzhou lifted their authorization, they were already in the Dragon Capital.

\u0026n, lurking in Longdu, the purpose is to ambush a lonely boat!

Obviously, the 100-member group that Yi Ye Liaozhou brought into Longdu did not expect that there would still be an ambush of the enemy here, and when caught off guard, it was destroyed by the Avengers!

At this time, the Avenger stared at Yi Ye Liaozhou with gnashing eyes and said viciously:

"You stinky stinky boy who took my team and issued a wanted order for the labor and management? If the labor and management will screw your head off and kick it as a ball, I will not be a human being!"

Yi Ye Guzhou didn't care: "It's all your fault, not to mention the resurrected ones, who have been developed by me to the present, what does it have to do with you? From the beginning to the end, your only people are those around you now."

"The 600,000 resurrected people are all developed by me!"

"You fart!"

The Avengers became angry: "Without me, do you think you are where you are today? Without me, you are just a fart!"

No more nonsense, the Avengers immediately ordered: "Brothers, blast him!"

The voice just fell.

All around, dozens of high-level warriors and knight players rushed towards a lonely boat!

A single leaf of Guzhou's staff waved, and a stream of ice and snow fell from the sky.

The magician's big move is ice and snow.

Combining the venom splash of the Black Blood King Snake and the flame attack of the Biochemical Tyrannosaurus, it instantly knocked down a large area of ​​enemies trying to approach!

One Leaf Guzhou's strength is not something they can match.

By temporarily repelling them, Yi Ye Guzhou hurriedly took medicine to recover.

Because he was just forced to teleport out of God's Domain, at this moment his blood volume is only 30%!

However this time.

A dozen ice-blue orbs flew out from behind!

One Leaf Lone Boat, who was recovering, tried his best to dodge most of the attacks, but was still hit by a small portion of the magic ball!

The magician is proud to control the skill Freeze, depending on the quality, there is a 50%-80% chance to freeze the target for 1 second.

The single leaf boat that was attacked triggered the freeze and was immediately frozen!

It turned out that after the avengers led a sneak attack to destroy the subordinates of Yiye Guzhou in Longdu, they had already set up an ambush inside and outside the city lord's mansion, waiting for Yiye Guzhou to come out of the God's Domain and caught him off guard!

A lonely boat was frozen.

His two magical beasts are trying their best to protect the master, blocking the enemy's attack for Yi Ye Guzhou, and at the same time counterattacking the enemy.

However, it's like a lonely boat.

Just experienced the battle in God's Domain, and both the Black Blood King Snake and the Biochemical Tyrannosaurus have only about 30% of their blood.

There are few blue bars left.

In this state, they are no match for the Avengers and dozens of players under him!

In a short while, the black blood king snake with 30% of the blood was killed by the concentrated fire.

Under the Avengers, the archers and magicians deliberately successively used [Ice Arrow and [Freeze], two skills with hard control, to bring continuous continuous control to One Leaf Boat and the Biochemical Tyrannosaurus.

Under the fierce artillery fire, in the blink of an eye, Yi Ye Guzhou and the Biochemical Tyrannosaurus were both beaten with only a trace of blood!

The target continued to target the biochemical tyrannosaurus with residual blood and a lonely boat, and a smug smile appeared in the eyes of the avengers:

"Stinky boy, fight with me, you are too tender!"

After finishing speaking, the Avenger rushed to Yi Ye Liaozhou, which was besieged by everyone, with his sword, ready to solve him by himself.

at this time.

Boom boom boom!

Around Yi Ye Guzhou's body, three fire dragons rushed out from the ground, and devoured the three players around him.

The astonishing damage of up to 590 million directly killed the three of them.

At the same time, the place where the three people died and disappeared formed three circular fire formations with a diameter of 50 meters.

Make a large group of players in the fire formation, under a 310 million burning (the double burning of Hellfire and Burning Heaven Jue), and 220 million bleeding (blooded suit bleeding) damage, dozens of damages per second. Dao of white light against the screams, soaring into the sky!

The players in the three areas were instantly emptied!

Immediately afterwards, I saw a red-robed human race beastmaster man walking slowly from not far away.

Zhang Yi is here!

Turn around and look.

When you see that the comer is the same person before

When the force group destroyed thousands of his subordinates, and when the first person in the purgatory city, Yinuo fell, the Avengers were stunned.

He never imagined that Zhang Yi would come to Longdu at this time!

Seeing Zhang Yi, the first thought of the Avengers was to run!

But he didn't want to miss this opportunity to kill Yi Ye Guzhou.

Even though he knew that Yi Ye Guzhou still had a chance to be resurrected.

Even if it was just to kill him once to relieve the hatred in his heart, he would be happy!

So, the Avengers locked on the lonely boat of silk and blood and launched an attack!

However, Zhang Yi, who has a 220% attack speed bonus, completes spell casting several times faster than the Avengers.

The golden fireball technique arrived first.


The golden fireball technique, which was strengthened by the master-level fire-bathing dragon soul, fell on the Avengers.

In an instant, a huge amount of damage exploded above his head——

-1.4 billion! Crit!


The avenger whose spell was interrupted fell to his knees and immediately disappeared into white light.

Not even a chance to struggle.

In front of the surrounding players who can generally only hit 20 to 30 million output at this stage.

Zhang Yi's 1.4 billion damage is enough to make them doubt life.

The audience fell into a dead silence.

Every Avenger's subordinate present looked at Zhang Yi as if he had seen a ghost.

After killing the Avengers in seconds, Zhang Yi put down his staff.

Seeing this scene, those people thought that Zhang Yi was disdainful to start with them and planned to let them go.

They fled one by one.

who ever thought.

A black shadow sprang out from the darkness, piercing through the fleeing crowd like lightning, and harvesting them one by one with damage as high as 80 to 90 million!

There was only a muffled groan from all around, followed by one after another of white light.

Only when Zhang Yi walked to Yi Ye Guzhou's side.

For four weeks, there was no one alive.

There is only a level 160 Soul Reaper in a 33-star demon-suppressing suit, holding a blood-stained dagger, standing in the darkness.

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