Get God-level Talent at the Start of Online Games

Chapter 1104 5 minutes to complete the challenge

Use Babu to get close to the raging black dragons in the air and attack them with your sword.

Then, Xing Tian did not entangle with them, but after attracting hatred, he changed his next target.

In a short while, Xingtian attracted more than 20 violent black dragons!

Yi Ye Guzhou stared at this scene, and his expression couldn't help but be a little nervous.

Because even he has never tried to kill so many monsters in one group!

All I could see was that a large black dragon was chasing Xing Tian and leaping to the land.

At this time, Yiqi Juechen, who had long been prepared on land, opened the taunt, attracting all the hatred of those black dragons to himself.

At the same time, Yiqi Juechen turned on talent enhancement, and upgraded from ten times the damage to a hundred times in a short period of time.

Boom boom boom!

Those violent black dragons locked on Yiqi Juechen and launched a long-distance [Rage energy wave attack.

Yiqi Juechen deliberately didn't dodge, turned on the [Thunder Shield, and endured the concentrated fire attack of more than 20 black light-blasting balls.

The Thunder Knight's super defensive power, combined with the protection of the [Thunder Shield (a high-value shield based on the percentage of HP), jumped over his head to inflict more than 30 million damage.

The shield was broken, and he still had more than half of his health remaining!

at the same time.

sizzle sizzle...

Thunder and lightning overflowed among the dragons.

The more than 20 violent black dragons were injured hundreds of times.

More than 3 billion huge counter-injury, directly kill them all!

Accompanied by a whimper.

Before and after are just the blink of an eye.

More than 20 violent black dragons all fell to the ground!

Then, Xing Tian took out the spell and faced the corpses of those black dragons.

Immediately, countless red lights flew out from those corpses and were absorbed by the spell.

On Yi Ye Guzhou's side, seeing the power of fury suddenly soaring from 0 to 92, the whole person was stunned.

At this time, Xing Tian said, "Leave us the matter of collecting the power of rage, you can just go in and carry out the task with confidence."

Zhang Yi made an ok gesture: "You try to hold on, I'll make a quick decision."

With that said, Zhang Yi and Yi Ye Guzhou followed the light curtain and entered the Divine Realm at the same time.

And Xingtian, Yiqi Juechen, Huang Wuji and Juggernaut, hunted the violent black dragon in Longdu!

The 3-4 points of violent power that a violent black dragon can obtain can allow Zhang Yi and Yi Ye Guzhou to survive in God's Domain for 1.5-2 seconds.

Yiqi Juechen's 100-fold counter-damage has a ten-minute cooldown. Under normal circumstances, 10-fold counter-damage cannot directly kill the Black Dragon in seconds.

Calculated, every 10 seconds on average, they can solve 5 black dragons together, and cumulatively, the two people in God's Domain can survive for 7.5-10 seconds.

Using the 92 points of violent power just brushed to make up for the difference has already allowed Zhang Yi and Yi Ye Guzhou to survive in the God's Domain for a long time!

So, Zhang Yi followed a lonely boat and directly entered the fourth domain of the God's Domain: the sea of ​​death and fire!

"Ding~ You have entered the fourth domain of God's Domain: Sea of ​​Death! The system detects that you have entered with your teammates, and consumes 2 points of violent power every second. When the power of berserk is insufficient, you and your teammates will automatically exit the sea of ​​death and fire. The task has been released. : [Hellfire, please complete the task as soon as possible!"

Dropped by the system prompt.

Yi Ye Guzhou was surprised to find:

Because of the increase in the number of people, the difficulty of the task has increased significantly!

Hellfire, single-player entry requires players to kill 100 furious fire dragons and collect 100 fire seeds within 30 minutes!

Now, when two people enter, they need to kill 200 Raging Fire Dragons and collect 200 fire seeds within 30 minutes!

"Damn! This task is really not intended to be given to anyone!"

In front of his idol, Yi Ye Guzhou couldn't help but complain.

After speaking, Yi Ye Guzhou looked at Zhang Yi.

Zhang Yi was silent for 5 seconds.

Then he opened his mouth and said something that Yi Ye Guzhou didn't know how to respond to: "Is this small task that stuck you for a week?"

small task...


Yi Ye Guzhou was about to say something.

Zhang Yi has already raised the staff: "My kill, is it yours?"

"Forget it!" Yi Ye Guzhou nodded.

"Okay, let's start then."


Zhang Yi directly turned on his full firepower and added it to the maximum firepower.


The flame is burning, the body of the flame, the Burning Heaven Art, and the God-killing spell are all activated!

Dragon blood knights, undead crossbowmen, and soul reapers are all dispatched.

Activate the professional power of the master-level dragon soul master, and consume 60 points of dragon soul to summon two level 165 elite dragons.


Accompanied by a loud roar.

Zhang Yi rode on the fourth-order Dragon Emperor Babu and took two giant dragons into the sky.

After a while, magic energy overflowed in the sky.

A large group of black dragons fell from the sky with residual blood in the wailing sound.

Just wait for those black dragons to land.

The Soul Reaper charged at lightning speed, dashing over and traversing freely among the dragons.

The Dragonblood Knight followed closely behind.

The undead crossbowmen shoot arrows in the rear.

At this time, two hot dragon flames in the air, plus a fire rain poured down

down, and instantly engulfed a large group of black dragons that fell to the ground.

Two or three billion, or even five or six billion explosion damage, frantically swallowed the blood of the black dragon.

In the blink of an eye, this group of 180-level violent fire dragons with 2 billion HP fell to the ground, motionless.

On the side of a lonely boat, there is no chance to even make a move.

In just a short while, he collected 13 fire seeds!

When a lonely boat is sluggish.

The three-headed dragon flew overhead and flew into the sky again.

After a while, another large group of black dragons fell...

Yi Ye Lone Boat, who had recovered from the shock, was not idle either.

Because the black blood king snake was killed by the Avengers in the battle just now, it has not been resurrected.

He summoned the biochemical tyrannosaurus, cooperated with the biochemical tyrannosaurus, and also launched a hunt for those violent fire dragons!

It lacks the power of the Black Blood King Snake.

With just a single boat and a biochemical tyrannosaurus, the time to kill a violent fire dragon has been extended from 10 seconds to about 15 seconds.

And every time Yi Ye Guzhou killed a violent fire dragon.

On Zhang Yi's side, he has already killed a group of fire dragons!

The surprise is beyond words to describe.

Fighting a lonely boat is doubting life all the way!

He knew that Yinuo Qingcheng was strong, but he didn't expect him to be so powerful!

I thought that before that, my strength was able to win the Purgatory City.

I never thought that I was nothing compared to Zhang Yi!


Under Zhang Yi's crazy hunting.

A task that originally needed to be completed within half an hour.

Zhang Yi and Yi Ye Guzhou completed it within 5 minutes!

Kill 150 Furious Fire Dragons in total and collect 150 Fire Seeds.

A pleasant reminder sounded from Yi Ye Guzhou's ear——

"Ding~ Congratulations on completing the challenge mission of [The Fourth Domain of God's Domain: Dead Fire Sea] [Hell's Fire!"

"The Fifth Domain of God's Domain: The Land of Frost and Frost has been opened, please prepare to challenge the fifth domain!"

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