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Chapter 1109 Emergency meeting, life and death!

At this time, the archer killed the darkness, and the assassin killed the shadow, and locked a lonely boat.

When ready to move on.

The Killing Angel seemed to have noticed something suddenly, and waved for the two to stop.

Then, the killing angel looked at a lonely boat and said:

"This time, just to give you a warning: here I am."

"Next, within three days, I will make your life worse than death, just wait!"


Seems to be summoned by the Killing Angel.

Accompanied by the sound of "roar".

A huge black dragon suddenly fell from the sky into the blazing forest.

Immediately afterwards, Killing Angel, Killing Darkness, and Killing Shadow, riding the black dragon, took off and flew away from the blazing forest!

After a while, in all directions, countless resurrected players poured into the blazing forest and came to the side of a lonely boat!

It turned out that the three of them had just noticed that a large number of enemies were approaching, so they retreated!

As long as the three Angels of Slaughter were evacuated, Yi Ye Guzhou couldn't help heaving a sigh of relief.

At this time, the resurrected man who had just witnessed the strength of the three people and noticed the fear in the captain's heart: Demon, asked Yi Ye Guzhou in an incredible way:

"Captain, who are they?"

He raised his head and looked at the black dragon that was far away in the air.

Yi Ye Guzhou said solemnly, "The future natural enemy of our resurrection."

When the army of resurrected people poured into the blazing forest, the three players who started with the word "kill" had already escaped from the blazing forest on the black dragon.

Soon, combat losses were counted:

A total of 107 people died tonight, including two resurrected officials, the elite team's resurrected: Wang, and the resurrected: Tian.

And they were all killed by those three people, and there were no other helpers!

With only the strength of three people, a group of 100 who killed the resurrected so easily!

"Their strength is too strong!"

The resurrected man: Mo, who witnessed the battle just now, couldn't help but ask Yi Ye Guzhou: "I have never seen these people before, why did they attack us?"

At this time, another resurrection player said thoughtfully:

"Captain, remember that you have often mentioned to us before: let's level up, improve our combat effectiveness, and say that we may face a powerful enemy in the future."

"Is this powerful enemy talking about them?"

"Yes." Yi Ye Guzhou said: "They are [killers."

After a pause, Yi Ye Guzhou instructed the resurrected: "Send my password, all the officials of the resurrected, the conference room is concentrated, and the emergency meeting!"

"Yes!" Resurrection: Demon can sense the seriousness of this situation and dare not neglect.

One Leaf Lone Boat directly uses the Town Return Scroll to return to the city.

Ten minutes later, a large group of people gathered in a conference room in the city that was specially rented by the resurrected.

The resurrected, with three teams.

The home team is level 10, with a captain, 4 deputy teams, and 8 elites.

Both sub-teams are level 8, each with 1 captain, 3 sub-teams, and 6 elites.

That is, the three teams add up, a total of 33 officials!

They all came to the conference room now and sat around a long table.

This is the first time they have been resurrected for such a large-scale emergency meeting, and it is still the middle of the night.

Therefore, at this moment, everyone in the conference room is puzzled and has a lot of discussion.

See everyone has arrived.

One Leaf Lonely Boat, sitting in the main position, opened his mouth and said:

"All of you are the confidants of my resurrected family, so calling everyone here is to announce an important event related to the survival of our resurrected!"

As soon as these words came out, everyone didn't take it seriously:

"Our reincarnators are so strong now, and we just reconciled with the royal family and the sword pavilion two days ago. Now, captain, you have a good relationship with the great god Yinuo Qingcheng. What can threaten the survival of our reincarnations?"

"That's right, Captain, don't be joking, haha!"

A lonely boat's eyes are like torches:

"The enemy this time is from other major cities."

"Everyone must know that I came from Purgatory City a month ago. Before that, I actually moved from other main cities."

"Before I came to Purgatory City, the main city I was in was the main city of the alien race: Silver Moon City."

"The enemy this time is from Silvermoon City. They are called [Slayers, who used to be the top families on the Silvermoon City side."

"Now they have come to Purgatory City, and they have already fought against our resurrection tonight, destroying our 100-member regiment."

I heard what Yi Ye Guzhou said.

A soldier of the Second Resurrection Team, the deputy captain level, asked: "Why are they coming to Purgatory City, and why are they attacking us?"

The voice just fell.

Don't wait for a lonely boat to speak.

Another person, the captain of the third team of the resurrected [Resurrected: Promise said: "It must be because we are too jealous of our resurrected development, want to suppress us, want to dominate our purgatory city!"

"Or it's for the dragon blood of our captain!"

Hearing this, others were excited:

"Damn, dare to touch our resurrected brothers! We have to give them some color to see!"

"Dare to covet the dragon blood of our captain? Purgatory City is also a place where they can come and go wild?"

At this time, Yi Ye Guzhou said: "As far as I know, the slayers are powerful and allied with the dark dragon clan. They serve the dark dragon clan, so they can also get the help of the dark dragon clan, and their strength is not trivial."

"No wonder I saw the three of them run away on a black dragon just now!"

Resurrected: The devil became angry and said, "If they hadn't run fast, they would have died miserably!"

"It's actually a traitor with the dark dragon clan!"

"No matter how powerful he is, no matter who he has to help, brothers, let's defend our homeland together, and no one can threaten our resurrected ones!"

Everyone responded, united as one, and the fire against the slayers was ignited in their hearts together!

At the same time of gratification, Yi Ye Guzhou felt a little uneasy in his heart.

The meeting ended soon, and the officials of the resurrected people also left the conference room one after another.

In the end, only a lonely boat was left alone.

At this moment, two familiar figures walked in.

Yi Ye Guzhou looked up and found that it was Zhang Yi and Xing Tian!

"You...are you not drunk?"

"When you got the news to leave, you woke up."

Xing Tian came to Yi Ye Guzhou and sat down, and said, "I saw you running out in a hurry at that time. We were afraid of danger, so we followed."

Yi Ye Guzhou was stunned for a moment and said, "Then... did you also go to the Raging Fire Forest?"

"You are running too fast." Xing Tian said, "When we went, we only saw a black dragon flying away."

At this time, Zhang Yi saw that there was no one else in the conference room.

Then he said to Yi Ye Guzhou: "The origin of the Slaughter family should not be so simple, right?"

"You should have known long ago that they will find Purgatory City one day."

One Leaf Guzhou was stunned again.

Suddenly he blamed himself: "It's all mine, all these faults are caused by me..."

"The fault that I committed at the beginning should be borne by myself, and I should not be on the resurrection!"

Xing Tian asked, "What's going on? You can tell us so we can help you."

Yi Ye Guzhou looked up at Zhang Yi and Xing Tian, ​​and hesitated for a while.

Don't hide any more, reveal everything you know...

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