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Chapter 1120 The Teleportation Array Appears!

A few days ago, the Slaughter Angel gave priority to leading 100,000 Slaughter players to Purgatory City.

At the same time, he also applied to Abby, the Weeping Blood Dragon King, and brought a thousand weeping blood dragons!

It was with the help of these thousand blood-soaked dragons that they were able to do evil in the area of ​​Purgatory City in the past two days.

These weeping blood dragons have reached level 175!

Explain that their master, the level of the weeping blood dragon emperor will not be lower than level 175.

At this moment, this thousand-headed weeping blood dragon has entered the Temple of the Undead together with the players of the Killer Family!

In the Sanctuary of the Undead, there are ghost-like monsters floating everywhere on the land and in the low sky.

Under the order of the Killing Angel, after the players of the Killer Family poured into the Temple of the Undead, they began to hunt those undead monsters!

However, the level of these undead is as high as level 175, and the data is very huge, which is not easy to deal with.

In the Killer Family, most players can only cause 10 to 20 million damage to these undead.

For the undead with more than 2 billion blood, it is not a big threat at all.

On the contrary, the 50,000,000-60 million damage that these undead can bring at their fingertips is not something that these players with 100 to 200 million blood can bear.

Not long after the battle began, casualties appeared on the field.

One after another white light, one after another.

Fortunately, the Killer has a big advantage: there are many people!

Their 100,000 troops are already here.

Almost all four or five people joined forces to hunt down an undead at the same time.

In addition, there are thousands of weeping blood dragons to help.

Although the level of those weeping blood dragons is the same as the undead, they are also level 175.

However, the data of dragon monsters of the same level is 20% higher than that of ordinary monsters!

In fact, a level 175 dragon can already reach the level of an ordinary monster around level 178!

I can only see it in the Temple of the Dead.

Countless warriors, knights and players engage in hand-to-hand combat with the undead on the land.

The mage shooter is a long-range attack on the undead in the air!

A huge dark blood dragon leaped through the air.

Accompanied by a sound of dragon chirping.

Thousands of scorching dragon flames fell at the same time, burning in the undead group.

A large amount of damage of 70 to 80 million, madly swallowing the blood of those undead!

And these weeping blood dragons all have a talent for bleeding, and the targets hit by their attacks will enter a continuous bleeding state!

Coupled with this talent, the damage of the Weeping Blood Dragon is really extremely high!

at the same time.


A dragon chirping.

The fourth-order Dragon Emperor Babu, which is more powerful than these ordinary weeping blood dragons, rolled over the dragon group.

Those weeping blood dragons watched and spread out to make way.

Zhang Yi rides on the back of the dragon, assists the killer player, and casts a spell to kill the undead on the ground!

On land, Xing Tian and Yiqi Juechen were also cooperating with the Killer players to kill the undead.

100,000 players went all out, and in a short while, all the undead in the Temple of the Undead were killed!

When the battle was over, the killing angel in the middle of the crowd took back the long sword and said:

"The undead here have a three-hour death refresh time, and they won't come out and make trouble in a short time."

"Next, wait for Lord Abby!"

Zhang Yi also settled down in the Temple of the Dead.

Looking at the fourth-order dragon emperor Babu guarding Zhang Yi, the black armored archer killed the darkness and sighed: "Good guy! You, the dragon emperor of the bright dragon family, can't let Lord Abby see it for a while, otherwise, I'm afraid it's going to kill it!"

Zhang Yi smiled: "Thank you for reminding me."

After speaking, Zhang Yi returned the minibus to the mount space.

The time was fixed at 8:30 in the evening, and there was still half an hour before the agreed time with Abby.

At the same time, the slayer's reinforcements have also successively arrived in Purgatory City from Silvermoon City through the teleportation array!

Killing Shadow reports to Killing Angel:

"It is expected that within half an hour, the brothers of our slayers will all arrive at Purgatory City."

"However, in the last month, there has been nearly 10% wear and tear, that is, 10% of people have suffered casualties within a month."

"The total number of people who finally reached Purgatory City should only be 270,000!"

Hearing this, Killing Angel waved his hand: "It's not a big problem."

"There is an army of 100,000 blood dragons under the seat of Lord Abby! The 100,000 blood dragon army alone can pacify the resurrected!"

So, a group of people stayed in the Temple of the Dead, quietly waiting for the arrival of nine o'clock.

By the way, taking advantage of this gap, Killing Angel mobilized 750 million team funds and distributed Zhang Yi and the three of them today's wages!

at the same time.

What all Slayer players don't know is:

At this moment, around the Temple of the Undead, all in the darkness are the resurrected, the ambush of the three families of the royal family and the sword pavilion!

From the time the Killer players entered the Temple of the Undead, they have blocked the entire Temple!

Next, just wait for the Blood Dragon Emperor Abiq to appear and lead the Blood Dragon Legion to appear, and they will surround them and annihilate the Blood Dragon Legion and the Killers in one fell swoop!

Under everyone's attention, nine o'clock finally arrived!

at this time.

In the center of the Temple of the Undead, a purple aurora suddenly appeared!

The aurora gradually enlarged, reaching the sky!

The teleportation array has appeared!


Accompanied by a burst of dragon chirping.

I saw countless blood-red weeping dragons leaping out of the purple light teleportation array!

In all directions, the players of the Killer Family surrendered to Ziguang:

"Congratulations, Mr. Abby!"

I saw those giant dragons one after another, still rushing out of the teleportation array!

In the blink of an eye, a large group of level 175 weeping blood dragons appeared in the sky above the Temple of the Undead!

They are like a flock of crows, densely packed.

In the Temple of the Undead, the Slaughter Angel and his gang watched these giant dragons gushing out with excitement.

Because for them, this is their most powerful reinforcement!

However, at this moment, an assassin player suddenly hurried from behind the crowd, and hurriedly reported the news to the killing angel:

"No, Captain, there is an enemy attack!"

Killing Angel didn't care: "Are there any loose people attracted nearby? Don't worry about them, just kill them!"


The messenger went on to say: "It's the resurrected people, and there are many!"

Then someone came to report from the other side: "Captain, I found a large number of players from the royal family and the sword pavilion outside, we are surrounded!"

Only then did the Killing Angel realize the seriousness of the situation.

"Why are they here?"

In the voice of the speech, I have seen all directions, outside the Temple of the Undead, and white light has been constantly lit up!

Apparently there's been a fight outside!

"Damn! Did someone leak the news to them?"

Killing Shadow was shocked.

The killing angel hurriedly ordered: "Kill them out! Don't let them in!"

With that said, the Slaughter Angel stood up with his sword drawn, ready to lead the troops to attack in person.

Just then, a scream came from behind.

When the Killing Angel turned around, he saw several white lights lit up.

Zhang Yi, who was burning with flames, walked slowly towards him on the white light!

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