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Chapter 1123 New Resident: Qingshui City

Killer 100,000 players gathered in the Resurrection Spring, so lively!

Some scattered players around were overjoyed when they saw this scene.

There was a lot of discussion:

"Yo, isn't this the killer's person? What's wrong with them, collectively soaking in the Resurrection Spring?"

"Looks like they are all missing one or two pieces of equipment, is this being done by someone? All of them are back!"

"Who did it? I just want to say that it's beautiful! Let them only bully us loose people in the wild, and finally get their retribution!"

The Slaughter Angel who just came out of the Resurrection Spring, with blue veins on his face, became angry with shame:

"Yinuo Qingcheng, this bastard! Dare to betray me!"

"Blame we don't know this guy so well!"

Killing Darkness on the side said: "The people who helped us kill the resurrected these two days are all acting!"

"These two days have been a real guy. This guy is really big! In order to achieve his goals, it can be said that he will do anything to achieve his goals!"

Killing Shadow said: "We were ambushed tonight, our 100,000 brothers were wiped out, and Lord Abby was also repelled. What should we do next?"

The Killing Angel had no choice but to take out a magic scroll given by Abby from the bag and contact Abby through the scroll:

"Lord Abike, it was my incompetence that exposed your location and caused you to be ambushed..."

Seeing that the other party did not respond.

Killing Angel then took out the last scroll and used:

"Sir, you can choose a new time to come over, and I will pick you up. This time it is guaranteed to be foolproof!"

However, the two pieces of news in the past have fallen into disrepair.

For a long time, there is no reply!

The Killing Angel then tried to summon the giant dragon, and sure enough, even the giant dragon could not be summoned now!

Before Abbick authorized the killing of the angels, the ability to kill the dark and the shadows, and to be able to summon the blood-sucking dragon.

But now this ability has expired.

Killing Angel only felt his heart sink: "Lord Abby must blame us and no longer cooperate with us..."

Killing Darkness and Killing Shadow are also furious:

"It's all to blame for this bastard, Yinuo Qingcheng! We have to find a way to take revenge on Yinuo Qingcheng and let him know the fate of those who betrayed our slaughter!"

Having said that, he has died twice in Zhang Yi's hands so far, and each time is a killing shadow of a one-shot kill, but he still has lingering fears: "But he is too strong! We can't deal with him at all."

"Where is the strength? I only see that his damage is very high!" Killing Darkness disagreed: "He is also a crispy beastmaster himself, as long as he has the opportunity to approach him, he will definitely kill him!"

Killing Shadow is still more cautious: "Although our reinforcements have all arrived, but now we have no help from Abike and the Blood Dragon Legion, it is not easy to deal with the resurrected on our own."

"We have to think of a surefire way to deal with Yinuo Qingcheng and solve him before we can deal with the resurrected!"

Looking at the purgatory city loose players who were bullied by him before and now eyeing him.

Killing Angel said: "We should go out first, we can't stay in Purgatory City."

At this time, a younger brother came to report:

The four gates of Purgatory City have been blocked by a large number of players!

Those people are obviously players who have been bullied by the Killers in the wild in the past two days!

Before, it was because the slayers were rarely in the city. They were looking for a station outside the city, so that the players in Purgatory City wanted revenge and didn't know where to find them.

And now.

The Killer Family was annihilated by revenge, and the news that nearly 100,000 people were resurrected in the Resurrection Spring has quickly spread in Purgatory City.

Therefore, those players who had been oppressed by the Killers formed their own teams and quickly blocked the four entrances and exits of Purgatory City.

As long as the players of the Killer Family leave the city, they will kill them directly!

Killing Darkness and Killing Shadow have begun to panic.

Only the Slaughter Angel was unhurried: "Let the brothers find a hotel to rest first, and when their defenses are relaxed in the middle of the night, kill them!"

So, under the orders of the killing angel.

The 160,000 Killer players who were teleported to Purgatory City later tonight gathered with the 100,000 players who had arrived with Killing Angel two days ago.

260,000 people, each settled in the city.

The players in Purgatory City are also persistent.

Even though they knew that the players of the Killer family were resting in the city, they did not withdraw.

There are four city gates in the south, south and northwest, each gate is guarded by tens of thousands of players!

But they're also affected by fatigue, and they're also exhausted.

At twelve o'clock in the evening, the night was quiet.

Some of the more persistent players set up tents at the city gate.

But more people choose to go back to the city and find a hotel to sleep in.

Because they thought that the players of the Killer were resting, and it was impossible to leave the city in the middle of the night.

Just at this time, the city of Purgatory was silent, the streets and alleys were empty, and everything was silent.

The Killer family quietly gathers the whole army!

Then, follow the most lax defense of the North Gate, and kill it!

The sudden arrival of the army of slayer players left the thousands of scattered players stationed at the north gate unable to prepare.

accompanied by fierce fighting.

Soon, the group of loose players were beheaded.

The army of 260,000 players of the Killer quickly walked out of the city along the north gate.

Only when other players in the city heard the news and rushed over, the players of the Killer had already run out of Purgatory City and fled...

The Killing Angels and the others who evacuated Purgatory City began to search for a station outside the city.

The original station [Luoyan City] is obviously no longer available.

Because they took Zhang Yi to Luoyan City before, to prevent Zhang Yi from taking someone to kill him one day.

So the people of the Killer family chose a new location.

Still aiming for a livable ghost town.

In the end, they found [Qingshui City.

This is an empty city without wild monsters, and the preservation is relatively well-preserved, making it very suitable for living!

Soon, the army settled in Qingshui City.

Everyone started to set up tents to rest.

As for Killing Angel, Killing Shadow and Killing Darkness, they discussed countermeasures.

Killing Darkness regretted a little: "Shouldn't we come to Purgatory City?"

"I miss the days when we dominated Silvermoon City before. Why do we have to come to this Purgatory City to find guilt?"

Slaughter Angel snorted coldly: "That villain stole my dragon's blood scroll and stole the treasure, I will definitely deal with him myself!"

Killing Shadow sighed: "As soon as we come, let's be safe. Even if we want to go back now, we must not die for a month, and we can go back at least a month later."

"We still think about how to survive in Purgatory City."

While talking.

Suddenly someone came to report: "Captain, someone is asking to see you! Already outside the city."

Killing Angel was shocked: "Who? How did he find this place?"

The younger brother replied: "It seems to be... a resurrected person!"

The three Angels of Slaughter stood up in response: "Yeah, they dare to catch up to the door!"

Saying that, the three copied the guy and led a group of brothers to the outside of Qingshui City.

I really saw a group of players guarding outside the city.

More than a thousand people.

Each of them wore a red cloak on their backs.

This is a unique fashion for the resurrected family!

The leader was a middle-aged 162-level warrior man with dark skin and black armor.

ID is called Avengers!

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