Get God-level Talent at the Start of Online Games

Chapter 1130 Capture the dragon seal, the pursuit of the blood dragon!

"Ding~ Congratulations on killing the lv180 Tier 4 Rampage Dragon King: Liga, you have gained 150 billion experience points! Dragon Clan Prestige +200! [Ghost King Order Killing Points +1w! Dragon Soul Points +1w!"


A beam of golden light fell from the top of his head.

Zhang Yi, who has not turned on experience stacking, has been upgraded!

The rich experience given by a 180-level fourth-order Dragon Emperor directly increased Zhang Yi's level from 40% at level 168 to 52% at level 169!

As much as 1 level up!

Accompanied by a whimper.

Before the beam of light ejected from the blood dragon's mouth arrived, the violent dragon emperor's blood bar was emptied by Zhang Yi, and his huge body crashed to the ground.

Next to its corpse, there are piles of gold coins, top-quality equipment, and high-level skill books.

The coin pile is relatively small.

Because when I submitted the Giant Ant quest two days ago, I used the memory retrieval function of the Heart of Memory to temporarily retrieve the [hundred-fold money talent.

And this memory retrieval function has a three-day cooling time, and now it is not time to retrieve a hundred times the money.

Look at the piles of loot.

Don't wait for Zhang Yi to pick it up.

A roar of "roar".

The huge blood dragon has already flown over!

"Boom" with a loud noise.

The blood dragon sits directly on the land ahead.

The deafening roar of "roar" forced Zhang Yi to take a few steps back involuntarily!

Such a powerful sense of oppression!

I saw this blood-colored dragon, blood was still flowing from its body, and even its eyes were constantly gushing blood!

There is no ID display on the top of its head, but a powerful breath exuding from the whole body is shocking!

Zhang Yi, who used the god-level exploration technique to see the data of this blood dragon, was even more shocked.

At the rear, Yi Ye Guzhou led the group of monsters and rushed over: "Senior, let's go together!"

"do not come!"

Zhang Yi repeatedly stopped: "Get out!"

The voice just fell.

The blood dragon stared at Zhang Yi with sullen eyes, spread its wings, and instantly scattered countless blood blades!

Whoa whoa whoa!

The Dragon Blood Knight quickly rushed to Zhang Yi, protected Zhang Yi with a shield, and blocked Zhang Yi's attack with a wide coverage.

Countless blood blades continued to hit the dragon blood knight who turned on [giant transformation, doubled in size.

Juhua 30% damage-free, plus 40% master guardian dragon soul.

Under the protection of a total of 70% of injury-free, the dragon blood knight's head is still continuously jumping up to more than 60 million damage!

Under the continuous heavy damage of the continuous blood blade, the blood bar of the Dragon Blood Knight dropped rapidly!

Under the protection of the Dragon Blood Knight.

Zhang Yi picked up the scepter of bathing fire and prepared to cast a spell to attack the blood dragon, trying to use the blood-sucking effect of the blood-devouring dragon soul to heal the dragon blood knight.

But right now.

The blood dragon then opened its bloody mouth and spit out a cloud of crimson dragon flames.

Long Yan did not directly burn the Dragon Blood Knight and Zhang Yi.

Instead, it indirectly strengthens the blood blades, so that the blood blades that fly out of the wings are strengthened by the dragon flames, and they turn into burning fire blades, and continue to shoot!

After gaining the enhancement of Dragon Flame, the damage of these flaming blades increased to more than 90 million!

The Dragon Blood Knight's blood volume of 760 million could not resist such an attack.

The Dragon Blood Shield was quickly broken, and the Dragon Blood Knight was instantly killed!

Not even Zhang Yi had a chance to make a move!

As the Dragon Blood Knight turned into light and disappeared before his eyes.

I thought that the next target of the blood dragon was Zhang Yi.

Unexpectedly, it actually pulled away and flew into the violent abyss behind it!

"Dragon Seal!"

As if he had received a prompt from the system, Yi Ye Guzhou pointed to the violent abyss: "The dragon seal is inside!"

Zhang Yi pointed at the corpse of the violent dragon emperor, and said to a lonely boat: "I'll give you the things, and go out immediately after picking them up!"

After finishing speaking, Zhang Yi rode the minibus and jumped into the violent abyss!

Yi Ye Guzhou hurriedly ran to the corpse of the violent dragon emperor and swept all the spoils into his pocket.

Then, he did not escape.

Instead, they came to the edge of the abyss and cast spells to smash the air. Those violent dead dragons trying to fly into the abyss to hinder Zhang Yi!


A bright beam of "Boom" exploded from the violent abyss.

Immediately afterwards, Zhang Yi and Babu "flyed" out of the abyss at the same time and fell to the ground.

And at this moment, Zhang Yi, who just went in full of blood, now only has less than a quarter of his blood left!

A lonely boat was stunned.

But he found out: Zhang Yi had a square crystal in his hand!

"Dragon Seal!"

The ultimate treasure of the Longdu map, the Dragon Seal, was actually taken by Zhang Yi!

However, it was too late to get excited.

at the same time.

A roar of "roar".

The blood dragon also flew out.

Compared to before entering the abyss, the blood dragon at this moment has become extremely violent.

As soon as he flew out, he took Zhang Yi directly!

Obviously, it was because Zhang Yi robbed its most important thing: the dragon seal!

That's right, this blood dragon came for the dragon seal!

Zhang Yi hurriedly cast a spell, using the ice dragon soul combined with the freezing technique to freeze the blood dragon.

But the freezing effect is only 3 seconds.

At this time, Yi Ye Guzhou used his identity as the opener of the Dragon Capital to open the channel for exiting God's Domain in advance.

Then he led the biochemical tyrannosaurus and the black blood king snake and rushed to the frozen blood dragon:

"Senior, you withdraw first, I will hold it!"

While speaking, a lonely boat passed by Zhang Yi and approached the blood dragon.

It was too late to even stop Zhang Yi.

The blood dragon quickly broke out of control from the frozen state.

It happened to be attacked by the black blood king snake and the biochemical tyrannosaurus, plus the attack of a single leaf boat, and was suddenly shot to the ground!

Taking this opportunity, Zhang Yi grabbed Long Xi, pulled away and followed the passage that Yi Ye Guzhou had just opened, and left God's Domain.

Because Zhang Yi knows: staying is also a dead end.

With his current strength and Yi Ye Lone Boat, it is absolutely impossible for him to be the opponent of this blood dragon.

Yi Ye Guzhou has already made plans to sacrifice himself to create an escape opportunity for Zhang Yi.

Zhang Yi can't live up to Yi Ye Guzhou's good intentions in vain!

Zhang Yi just left God's Domain.

In the realm of the gods, a beam of white light lit up, and a lonely boat sacrificed heroically...

Outside the realm of the gods, Longdu.

Huang Wuji, Juggernaut and Xing Tian Yiqi Juechen, they still don't know what happened in God's Domain.

They are still leisurely brushing the violent black dragon in the Dragon Capital, collecting the violent power for Zhang Yi and the two in the God's Domain.

Obviously, the blood dragon is not the realm of the gods that just entered from the entrance of Longdu, but: it has already sneaked into the realm of the gods!

A prerequisite for entering the realm of the gods is a person of dragon blood.

The blood dragon was already at the level of the Dragon Emperor, and entering God's Domain was like returning to his own home.

In fact, it has been lurking in the realm of the gods for a long time!

At this time, Zhang Yi was riding a minibus, opened the passage, and flew out from the city master's mansion in Longdu!

Seeing this, the Juggernauts and the others, who were brushing the violent black dragon outside, asked with a smile:

"How is it, the mission is done?"

Only to hear Zhang Yi hurriedly say: "Everyone is looking for a place to hide!"

Everyone was stunned and didn't respond.

In the air, there was a sudden "crashing" rain of blood.

next moment.

Accompanied by a deafening roar of "roar".

A huge blood dragon flew out of the city lord's mansion along the passage that Zhang Yi came out of!

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