Get God-level Talent at the Start of Online Games

Chapter 1136 Underground Dark Lair

After Zhang Yi received the task.

Yiqi Juechen also came out of the challenge space.

This kind of battle also has a relatively big advantage for Yiqi Juechen.

Once every ten minutes, a hundred-fold counter-injury with a lasting effect of only a few seconds is opened.

Let the vampire bat leader hit twice, one ride Juechen will lose 50 million, and the 5 billion counter-damage will be able to instantly kill the bat leader!

Therefore, he also received the [Aeolus' commissioned task from the city lord Mo Dan.

Because only those who receive the quest are eligible to enter the [Underground Dark Lair.

Xingtian will be slower.

Because he doesn't have any talent or skills that greatly increase damage.

You can only use 60 to 70 million damage to wear down the blood of the vampire bat leader with one sword and one sword.

The 5 billion blood of the bat leader is enough for him to slowly grind...

Taking advantage of this time, Zhang Yi opened the map and learned about the mission location:

Underground dark lair, level 181-185 hidden map!

Just looking at the level, it's really high.

It has surpassed the level of the most advanced monster that Zhang Yi has ever encountered so far!


For Zhang Yi, this is more challenging.

Because monsters below level 180 are too weak.

So, after two minutes, Xing Tian completed the challenge and received the task.

The three of them left the City Lord's Mansion and set off for the [Underground Dark Lair!

Because only one person can obtain the final reward of the task, plus Zhang Yi and the other three, there is no problem in clearing the underground dark lair.

Therefore, they did not call Yi Ye Guzhou Huang Wuji and the others.

Zhang Yi summoned the minibus, rode the dragon and led Xingtian and Juechen. It took ten minutes to travel to the west of Purgatory City, a secluded valley!

According to the map guide, the entrance to the underground dark lair is in this valley.

However, on the map, there is no precise indication of where the entrance is.

Located in the huge valley, several people began to look for the entrance.

After a while, they found a lake.

I saw a group of crows fleeing into the lake.

puff puff~

There is no trace.

"It seems to be the entrance."

Saying that, Yiqi Juechen jumped into the lake.

"Puff", there was no movement.

It looks like an entrance!

Zhang Yi and Xing Tian did not hesitate and jumped into the lake.

Look around.

The three appeared in an extremely dark lair!

"Ding~ Welcome to the hidden map [Underground Dark Lair! Please feel free to explore in the Underground Dark Lair and find the runestones to complete the mission!"

"Every time you exit the underground dark lair map, please use [Save the scroll archive, exit the underground dark lair after completing the archive, and the next time you enter it will directly use the archive location as the starting point!"

"By killing the monsters in the underground dark lair, there is a very small chance to drop the [Save Scroll!"

Follow the system prompts to settle.

The three moved forward along the dark and damp cave.

Yiqi Juechen walked in front with a spear and shield in hand.

After punishment.

Zhang Yi was caught in the middle.

After a while, a group of bats flew from the depths of the nest!

"Be careful!"

Yiqi Juechen lifted the shield to block the impact of the group of bats!

Vampire bat, level 181 ordinary monster!

Zhang Yi summons the Dragon Blood Knight.

Let Dragonblood Knight and Yiqi Juechen resist the group of vampire bats in the front row at the same time.

Then summon undead crossbowmen and soul reapers.

Raise the staff and attack!

Xing Tian's body bloomed with a breath of darkness, holding the ghost sword in his hand, and smashed into the bat swarm.

Zhang Yi raised the damage of 500 to 600 million in his hands, frantically harvesting vampire bats.

In a short while, the group of vampire bats were killed!

Pick up the loot and move on.

In the blink of an eye, a few more vampire bats flew out...

The three of them overcame obstacles all the way.

Kill batch after batch of vampire bats.

On the way, you can occasionally see some items that fell after the player died.

Because the players who received this quest were not only Zhang Yi and the others.

There are hundreds of players in the entire Purgatory City who have received quests!

In exploring the underground dark lair, many players died at the hands of vampire bats.

After all, monsters with more than 180 levels are too high for those players who are only in their early 160s!

It's hard to say.

But it's not difficult, it's not difficult.

Because this map is very monotonous, there is only one kind of monster in it: vampire bats.

It is nothing more than that the deeper the exploration progress, the higher the level of the vampire bat.

This lair is deep.

Obviously not all can get through in a while.

Fortunately, this map has a more user-friendly setting: it can be archived!

If you die in the middle and have an archive in advance, you can start exploring directly at the archive location next time!

According to map statistics: The current underground dark lair, the player with the highest exploration progress

, and only 65%!

And the exploration time has been one week!

According to their progress, it would take more than ten days to fully explore the entire lair!

Visually, they can reach 65% of the progress, and they should have died several times in the process.

However, for the final reward of this legendary hidden quest, after one or two failures, I will not give up easily, come back and continue to explore!

There will be many forks along the way.

Every fork can lead to the end.

Following Zhang Yi and the others while killing the bat, they moved forward.

The system shows that the exploration progress is slowly reaching 1%, 2%, 4%...

From ten in the morning until six in the evening.

The exploration progress of the three has reached 18%!

Much faster than normal players.

At present, even if Purgatory City is the fastest strategy group, the progress in one day is only 10% at most!

As for Zhang Yi and the others, the progress has reached 18% in less than a day.

However, it still takes a few days to complete the entire dark lair!

During this period, by hunting vampire bats, Zhang Yi and the three of them each obtained a [Preservation Scroll.

This scroll, each player can only carry at most one on his body.

It can only be re-carried after use.

Look at the time, it's six o'clock in the evening.

Yiqi Juechen checked the progress of the map strategy and said, "Currently, the first echelon's strategy has reached 70%. At our current speed, it may be difficult to get ahead of them and complete the mission."

"Then let's work harder."

Zhang Yi said: "I'll go back to the city to have a meal in a while, take a break, and replenish some fatigue, and come back to brush at night."

So decided.

The three crushed [Save the scroll.

"Ding~ The archive has been completed, the player leaves the underground dark lair, and the next time they enter the underground dark lair map, they will be refreshed from the current location!"

The next moment, the three of them crushed the City Return Scroll and returned to Purgatory City.

Just got back to town.

Zhang Yi suddenly received a private message from Juggernaut: "Brother, the Lin Ruo you asked me to find before has appeared!"

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