Get God-level Talent at the Start of Online Games

Chapter 1154 Golden super god appraiser!

Before I knew it, today was the 20th.

There are only ten days left until the dragon faction assessment starts on the 1st of every month.

And after the dragon faction assessment, it will be the Ghost Festival after a while.

During this period, Zhang Yi still has a lot of things to do.

The first is to use the killer to lure the Weeping Blood Dragon King, kill the Weeping Blood Dragon King, and unseal the Dragon Seal, so that a lonely boat can absorb the power of the Dragon Seal and quickly raise the dragon bloodline level to level 10.

In this way, on the 1st of next month, Yi Ye Guzhou will be able to participate in the Dragon Clan faction assessment with Zhang Yi.

If you are lucky enough to pass the test once, join the dragon camp.

Also, as a member of the dragon camp, start the trial of the gods and gain the power of the gods!

If these two tests and trials can be successfully completed.

Zhang Yi's strength will be improved unprecedentedly.

At that time, I am afraid that Zhang Yi will be able to destroy the entire ghost clan that is about to descend on this side of Purgatory City with one hand!

In addition, Zhang Yi can quickly usher in two waves of benefits:

Current level 170 25%.

Immediately at level 171, you can upgrade the quality of the title Super God Appraiser from red to gold!

Secondly, Zhang Yi's mount, Dragon Emperor Babu, has reached 97% intimacy.

As long as you reach 100% intimacy, you can be promoted to the fifth-order Dragon Emperor!

When the minibus is upgraded to the fifth-order Dragon Emperor, a promotion challenge will be opened. If the challenge is completed, he will be able to obtain an exclusive title and gain attack ability!

The only thing that makes Zhang Yi anxious is that as the intimacy gets higher and higher, the speed at which it continues to rise is getting slower and slower!

Even if Zhang Yi feeds him fish and meat every day, and sleeps with him at night, the increase in intimacy has only increased by 1% in two or three days!

However, this can also reflect the value of his upcoming promotion.

If it is too easy to rise to the fifth rank, it will be cheap.

In the morning, Zhang Yi completed the supply at the pharmacy in the city.

Today's task is to go out of the city to level up.

Because Fengshen has promised Zhang Yi: as a reward for Zhang Yi to get runestones for him in the dark lair, he is willing to stay in Purgatory City for another week.

That is to say: Zhang Yi has ample time for a week to wait for the appearance of the Weeping Blood Dragon Emperor!

Just came out of the pharmacy and joined Fatty, Xingtian and the others.

"Ding dong", Zhang Yi received a friend request.

Open the list and find that it is an application sent by Killing Angel!

As expected.

Zhang Yi agreed to the other party's application.

Killing Angel immediately sent a message: "Thank you for withdrawing all the warrants against our Killer family."

"You're welcome."

Zhang Yi deliberately hesitated, and then replied, "Give you a chance to reform."

"If there is any news about the Blood-Weeping Dragon Emperor, tell me immediately, my goal is it, not you."

Killing Angel immediately responded: "Okay!"

After closing the dialogue, Zhang Yi followed the crowd out of the city.

If it is on the side of Liuguang City, Zhang Yi can find the opportunity map anywhere.

But Purgatory City is really not a place that Zhang Yi is familiar with.

The dark lair has been cleared, and the only golden dark skill has been exchanged, so there is no need to brush again.

Zhang Yi and everyone from the three major families painted pictures on an ordinary level 180 map.

Too advanced monsters, Zhang Yi can also deal with them.

With Zhang Yi's current strength, it would not be too much of a problem to kill level 190 monsters.

Just not necessary.

Because it is too high-level strange, brushing is slow.

It is better to quickly brush low-level monsters, and the income is high.

The speed of spawning monsters is fast, Zhang Yi collects dragon soul points, and it is also faster to upgrade the professional level of dragon soul masters.

It is not easy for a master-level dragon soul master to rise to the grandmaster level.

Zhang Yi's current upgrade progress is only 50%.

In the absence of rare quests, or hidden quests to perform.

Zhang Yi and the players of the three major families are on the level 180 [Skull Ridge], and it takes a week for a brush.

in between.

Zhang Yi has two relatively big gains.

1: The level reaches level 171, and the quality of the title of the super god appraiser is upgraded from red to gold!

2: The occupation level is upgraded to the master level!

Golden Super God Appraiser: 5 chances per day, 100% chance to increase the star rating of a piece of equipment, and a maximum of 3 stars for a single piece of equipment!

Grandmaster-level Dragon Soul Master: New Dragon Soul Forbidden Curse Dragon Soul, Grandmaster-level Forbidden Curse Dragon Soul, when used on the enemy, the enemy's recovery effect will be reduced by 90%!

This dragon soul is very useful when dealing with a big boss with a strong blood recovery ability like the Blood-Crying Dragon Emperor.

The last time I dealt with the Weeping Blood Dragon Emperor, before Fengshen appeared.

Fatty controlled the Weeping Blood Dragon King, and Zhang Yi couldn't deal with it, because its blood recovery ability was too strong!

The damage done by Zhang Yi is not as fast as that of the Weeping Blood Dragon Emperor!

And with this Forbidden Curse Dragon Soul, if you encounter the Weeping Blood Dragon Emperor again, even if there is no Fengshen, Zhang Yi and Fatty will be able to defeat it!

In addition, all controlled dragon souls have been upgraded to the master level.

Lord-level dragons can be summoned, each summoning consumes 50 dragon soul points, up to three dragons can be summoned, and each dragon consumes 2 dragon soul points per second.

The lord-level dragon inherits 125% of all attributes of the dragon soul master, and the damage coefficient of the skill dragon flame is increased to 125%!

Grandmaster-level dragon soul masters can receive 8,000 dragon soul points every day, and each time they kill ordinary monsters, they will get 20 dragon soul points.

Upgrading to a god-level dragon soul master requires 3 million experience. (For every 1 point of dragon soul consumed, 1 point of experience is automatically obtained)

Through the golden super god appraiser, Zhang Yi has strengthened his 35-star semi-artifact blood bathing suit to 36 stars.

The 36-star giant ant suit on the Dragon Blood Knight has also been enhanced to 37 stars!

The improvement in overall strength is still relatively large.

And recently, the Killer family has indeed settled down a lot.

They are no longer evil, but grow wretched in the wild.

Occasionally, they will also send some equipment and skill books they made to the three major families.

In the eyes of Huang Wuji and the others, they thought that the slaughterers had really changed their minds, and they were waiting for the one-month cooling time to pass, and they would leave Purgatory City and return to Silvermoon City.

In fact, only Zhang Yi and the others understand: Killer, this is waiting for an opportunity for revenge!

this evening.

just finished dinner.

Zhang Yi and Fatty were walking in the city.

The Sword Saint asked: "Why is there no movement from the Weeping Blood Dragon Emperor?"

"It's waiting for Fengshen to leave."

Zhang Yi said: "It can detect the aura of the Demon God. As long as the Fengshen is still in Purgatory City, it will not dare to act rashly."

Juggernaut nodded: "Then are we going to wait like this?"

Zhang Yi said: "No wait."

"The time is ripe now, ready to take down the Weeping Blood Dragon Emperor."

Juggernaut, who had passed a week in peace, suddenly became excited: "Are you finally going to start action?"

After a pause, the swordsman continued: "What should I do this time, just like last time, first find a way to lure the Weeping Blood Dragon Emperor out, and then we ask Fengshen for help?"

Zhang Yi shook his head: "This time, it's not Fengshen."

"On our own."

With that said, Zhang Yi took out the sound transmission stone that Fengshen once gave him.


Swing the staff and cast spells to shatter the sound transmission stone.

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