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Chapter 1159 Dragon Clan Faction Assessment

It is not easy to join the dragon camp.

Zhang Yi only remembers the last life, for eight years, although there are thousands of dragon bloodline people in the world of Apocalypse, but among them, there are only three dragon campers!

Dragon bloodlines rely on prestige to level up, and there is no other difficulty.

In the later stage, the basic dragon blood can reach the full level.

Every time the dragon faction assessment is opened, there are countless full-level dragon blood people participating in the assessment, and they are all ruthlessly eliminated!

From Viana, Zhang Yi learned that:

It turned out that the dragon faction assessment was divided into three stages: primary, intermediate and advanced.

You must pass all three stages before you can be recognized by the Dragon Clan and officially enter the Dragon Clan camp!

Moreover, the difficulty of each level of assessment is a huge improvement compared to the previous level!

The rules are cruel and the difficulty is huge.

Of course, this can also reflect the value and rarity of the dragon campers!

At the same time, it was also doomed that Zhang Yi could not pass the assessment at one time and join the Guangming Dragon Clan.

Even if each stage is successfully passed, it will take at least three months!

It seems that the wish to join the dragon camp and become a god before the Ghost Festival is impossible to achieve.

However, in no hurry.

After all, looking at it now, I am afraid that there are no more than dozens of players with dragon blood in Tianqi!

Others don't even have blood, and Zhang Yi has already qualified to participate in the dragon camp assessment. What else is there to be dissatisfied with?

So, before the arrival of the first of next month.

At the end of this month, Zhang Yi, Yi Ye Liaozhou and the others will conquer the Dragon Capital day and night, hunt and kill violent black dragons frantically, and use the power of darkness in their bodies to speed up the reduction of the Dragon Seal's seal.

All together.

Finally, on the last day of the end of the month, I successfully collected enough power of darkness to completely release the seal of Longxi!

Kill the Rampage Black Dragon in large numbers.

Xingtian, Yiqi Juechen and their level also reached level 165.

Zhang Yi's level was stagnant at level 172.

The seal of the dragon seal, which was lifted, radiated light again.

Inside Longdu.

Zhang Yi handed the complete dragon seal to Yi Ye Guzhou.

"Senior..." Yi Ye Guzhou seemed a little guilty, embarrassed to accept Long Xi.

"This thing can only be used to upgrade the bloodline level. Mine is already full level, so it's useless to me." Zhang Yi said casually.

Yi Ye Guzhou took the dragon seal from Zhang Yi: "Thank you, senior!"


In the spotlight.

A lonely boat opens the dragon seal.


Bursts of golden streamers overflowed from the dragon seal and floated into the body of a lonely boat.

Under the shower of golden streamers, Yi Ye Guzhou thoroughly enjoyed it for ten seconds.


A strong strong aura bloomed from Yi Ye Guzhou's body, forcing the surrounding people to step back a few steps!

"What a powerful force!"

Aside, Juggernaut and the others cast envious glances at Yi Ye Guzhou:

"This is the full-level dragon bloodline?"

"It's amazing, if only I had dragon blood too!"

The smile on Yi Ye Guzhou's face was fleeting.

Because the price of using the Dragon Seal to raise the level of the dragon bloodline to full level in advance is to make up for the prestige he needs to go from level 4 blood to level 10 within three years!

That's right, the role of the dragon seal is to advance the level of the dragon bloodline person to the full level in advance, but it does not exempt the prestige consumption required for the upgrade.

The good thing is that you can pay in installments.

From level 4 dragon blood to level 10, the system requires a total of 3 million reputation points for each of the three races, human, alien, and demon, for a total of 9 million reputation points.

A Lonely Boat must repay the prestige loan of 250,000 per month within three years!

Zhang Yi patted Yi Ye Guzhou on the shoulder and said gloatingly, "How about a lot of prestige loans in a month? I'll have to earn prestige in the future."

A Lonely Boat is a little bitter.

Then he said to Zhang Yi, "Thank you senior for your accomplishment!"

In fact, there is one thing that Yi Ye Guzhou has never understood:

"Senior...why are you trying so hard to help me?"

As a result, Zhang Yi said something that made Yi Ye Guzhou puzzled: "Don't leave without saying goodbye this time."

Yi Ye Guzhou looked confused, but responded, "Senior who won't know..."


Zhang Yi looked up at Yuekong, and said, "Tomorrow at ten o'clock in the morning, we will start the Dragon Clan faction assessment. Have a good rest tonight and get ready."

After finishing speaking, Zhang Yi crushed the scroll of returning to the city and returned to Purgatory City first.

Just wait until Zhang Yi just left Longdu.

Yi Ye Guzhou asked Xing Tian, ​​who was familiar with Zhang Yi: "Senior just said goodbye without saying goodbye... What do you mean?"

Xing Tian said angrily: "Probably told you not to get the benefit, so forget about him in the future."

Yi Ye Guzhou took it seriously: "Senior is my idol and benefactor, of course I won't betray my promise!"

Back in Purgatory City, Zhang Yi began to prepare for tomorrow's faction assessment.

100,000 dragon soul points are obviously enough, even if Zhang Yi summoned three lord dragons throughout the assessment process.


In addition, Zhang Yi went to the blacksmith shop to repair the durability of his equipment.

Then he replenished a large amount of advanced red and blue potions in the pharmacy.

Among them, the blue potion is mostly.

Because the Grandmaster-level [Blood-devouring Dragon Soul has a 90% blood-sucking effect, it can bring Zhang Yi a powerful battery life that is better than the advanced red potion!

In the end, Zhang Yi bought a few low-level gain magic scrolls that might be used in battle.

In this way, all preparations are made.

Regarding the content of the assessment, even Weiana can't spoil it.

Because each dragon bloodline person faces a different assessment each time.

After finishing the preparations, Zhang Yi found a hotel to rest.

Slept all night.

It wasn't until eight o'clock the next morning that Zhang Yifang woke up full of fatigue.

Just after waking up, Zhang Yi received a system message:

"Ding~ Dear dragon bloodline, since your dragon bloodline level has reached the full level, the system invites you to participate in the dragon faction assessment that opens on the 1st of every month. After passing the assessment, you will be able to join the dragon faction!"

"The dragon faction assessment will start on time at ten o'clock this morning, do you want to sign up to participate?"

"Sign up." Zhang Yi did not hesitate.

Then, he came to a restaurant and joined Yi Ye Guzhou and the others.

"Senior, have you received the registration reminder from the system?" One Leaf Lone Boat asked.

"I received it." Zhang Yi glanced at Ye Guzhou, and could see that he was a little nervous.

Zhang Yi had some expectations.

After breakfast, I waited in the city for more than an hour.

until ten o'clock.


A beam of golden light descended from the sky and shot into the purgatory city!

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