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Chapter 1166 The Golden Book: A Bite of Tears!

"The Weeping Blood Dragon Emperor appeared in the place where the dragon camp was assessed?"

Hearing what Zhang Yi said, everyone was surprised.

Juggernaut suddenly thought: "Is it possible that at the beginning of this weeping blood dragon emperor, the system defined it as the hostile target of the assessment, so it came to the purgatory city?"

Zhang Yi denied: "The third-order dragon emperor can understand. If you build a sixth-order dragon emperor, the pass rate of the examiners is basically zero. This is not a system setting, but the bloody dragon emperor entered by himself."

Huang Wuji said incredulously: "The place where the dragon camp is assessed, can it enter such a sacred place?"

"The place of assessment does not distinguish between darkness and light."

Yi Ye Guzhou said: "It shouldn't be able to enter the assessment site, so we were ambushed by it at the last dragon temple."

At this time, Zhang Yi thought deeply and feared: "The Blood-Weeping Dragon Emperor said a word, it said that it has been waiting for us there for a long time."

Hearing this, Yiqi Juechen said thoughtfully: "So, it has already made an ambush in the assessment site?"

After a moment of silence, Zhang Yi understood:

"Some time ago, we all thought that it left Purgatory City, but in fact it just entered the place where the dragon race was assessed!"

Last time in Longdu, the Bloody Dragon Emperor didn't show up, apparently because it knew that Zhang Yi had the support of the adjudicator Fat Dun'er, and he already had the strength to fight against it.

So it didn't come out to die.

Deliberately entered the place where the Dragon Clan was assessed and ambushed, waiting for Zhang Yi and Yi Ye Guzhou to enter, and then attacking them!

Because the Weeping Blood Dragon King knows that only those with full-level dragon blood can enter the examination site.

The adjudicator will not appear in the assessment ground.

The most important thing is: Zhang Yi and the others cannot use the dragon power in the assessment area!

In this way, in the assessment site, the Weeping Blood Dragon Emperor thought that killing Zhang Yi and Yi Ye Guzhou would be as easy as pinching two ants.

At that time, it can re-extract the dragon seal absorbed by him from the corpse of Yi Ye Guzhou!

This is the ultimate purpose of the Weeping Blood Dragon Emperor!

It's just that it didn't expect that it would not be able to lose rice by catching chickens this time.

Failing to ambush Zhang Yi and the others, but instead ruined his own life and was killed by a lonely boat!

At this time.

Huang Wuji looked at Yi Ye Guzhou thoughtfully: "So, you were killed by the Weeping Blood Dragon Emperor?"

"Well." Yi Ye Guzhou said: "I used the summoning power of the dragon bloodline and perished with it."

The crowd suddenly realized.

He was also very happy: "So, the Weeping Blood Dragon Emperor was killed by you!"

Zhang Yi pointed to Yi Ye Guzhou and said, "Just look at his level and you'll know."

I can see that Yi Ye Liaozhou's level has risen from level 163 before entering the assessment site to level 166!

"Good guy!"

The swordsman sighed: "A sixth-order dragon emperor will directly let you upgrade to 3 levels!"

And Huang Wuji said: "Weeping Blood Dragon Sovereign has such high experience, other things that exploded should also be of great value, right?"

The spoils of the 180-level sixth-order Dragon Emperor are naturally worthy of everyone's expectations.

Zhang Yi immediately opened his backpack and took out the things that had burst into tears.

This time, it really exploded!

Gold coins or something can be ignored.

The most valuable ones are a golden skill book, a 35 star god treasure chest, three pieces of equipment, and a sixth-order dragon crystal!

The book is the Assassin's [Weeping Blood Strike.

Although it is a single-target skill, its damage and effects explode.

Weeping Blood Blow: Deals 275% ATK of damage to a single target, and converts 100% of this damage into its own HP!

Skill Specialization: Weeping Blood (permanently increases the skill holder's blood-sucking effect by 25%)!

Weeping blood is the life-saving skill of an assassin!

The damage factor has exceeded the Master's Golden Fireball!

The most important thing is: the cooldown of this skill is only 7 seconds!

Skill specialization is also perverted, directly increasing the blood sucking by 25%!

If this specialization is combined with the Soul Reaper talent, it can stack up to 45% of the lifesteal!

At that time, when dealing with the Light and Shadow Dragon King, if the Soul Reaper had this skill, it would be fine to let him fight the damage directly!

However, the right to distribute the spoils is on Ye Guzhou.

Zhang Yike has no right to distribute by himself.

A Lonely Boat is of course also very clear.

Zhang Yi handed all the spoils to him and sent him backward.

Without hesitation, he gave Zhang Yi the [Blood Weeping Strike!

Zhang Yi was not polite.

Because in the audience, no assassin can exert the power of this skill more than Soul Reaper!

And the equipment that Crying Blood Dragon Emperor burst out, although only three pieces.

Each piece is a one-of-a-kind masterpiece!

All 175-180 level dragon quasi-artifacts!

Level 175 36-star Quasi-Artifact Warrior/Knight Armor: Weeping Blood Armor. Has the ability to recover blood from a hit.

Level 175 36-star quasi-artifact archer weapon: Weeping Blood Bow. Has a blood-sucking effect.

Level 175 36-star quasi-artifact priest ring: The Ring of Weeping Blood. Has the ability to transform wounds into healing.

It's a pity that these three pieces of equipment are all too high in level!

full root

No one can use this.

Except for Zhang Yi, of course.

Although Zhang Yi's level is only 172.

But the [God-defying Fate-changing Skill that he possesses can lower the level of equipment used by him and the Warcraft Group by 5!

So this time, Zhang Yi got a big benefit.

Three pieces of equipment, two of which, the Weeping Blood Armor and Weeping Blood Bow, belong to Zhang Yi!

Because the Dragon Blood Knight and the Undead Crossbowman can use it.

Of course, Zhang Yi didn't intend to take it alone.

He thought: No need to strengthen God-level talent.

As for these two pieces of equipment, just spend a little more money to buy strengthening stones, strengthen them to full level through the hands of others, and then use them for Dragon Blood Knights and Undead Crossbowmen.

This way, the equipment will not be automatically bound.

When the other people's levels come up later, let the Dragonblood Knight and the undead crossbowman replace the equipment and use it for them.

So as not to put these top-quality equipment on the shelf, wasted.

As for a priest ring, it can only be put on hold for now.

35 Star God's treasure chests belong to One Leaf Lone Boat.

He opened a 166-level 35-star semi-artifact from it.

On Zhang Yi's side, he handed the Weeping Blood Armor and Weeping Blood Bow to Xingtian, and asked him to help them strengthen them to full level before replacing them with the Dragonblood Knight and the Undead Crossbowman.

Then, Zhang Yi used the ability of the golden super-god appraiser to biochemically transform the two pieces of equipment into 39-star dragon quasi-artifacts!

These two pieces of equipment are replaced, which is incredible.

Dragon blood knights with dragon blood can get another 20% attribute bonus when using dragon equipment.

A full-level enhanced 39-star quasi-artifact Weeping Blood Battle Armor is replaced on the body, and the blood volume directly rises from 1 billion to 2.2 billion!

The well-deserved first tank of Purgatory City!

Even the one riding Juechen is ashamed!

And the undead crossbowmen, after replacing the 39-star quasi-artifact Weeping Blood Bow, the attack power also increased from 12 million to 19 million!

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