after the meeting.

Huang Wuji, Juggernaut, Yi Ye Guzhou and the others walked with Zhang Yi on the streets of Purgatory City.

At this time, Huang Wuji didn't understand: "Can these defense towers really resist the ghost army?"

"After all, the defense function of this temporary defense tower is definitely not as high as that of the second-level main city. Why don't we start defense directly in Purgatory City, but choose to build a defense tower?"

"That's a good question!"

Zhang Yi said: "Because the purgatory city is too big, the preparations we will do next cannot cover the entire purgatory city."

"But the tower is small and can go into a full defensive stance."

"Prepare for the next step?" Juggernaut asked: "What else do you need to prepare?"

"These defensive towers alone can't stop the invading army of the ghost clan."

Zhang Yi said: "If you inject some element spar, it will be different."

"This is the last step we need to prepare before facing the ghost clan."

Under the introduction of Zhang Yi, everyone learned.

It turns out that there is also a mysterious prop that can be used to restrain ghosts in the world of Apocalypse: element spar!

However, the element spar can only be used with buildings, and cannot be used directly against ghosts.

Sprinkling the city wall with salt water can prevent ghost wizards from directly penetrating the city wall.

If you get the element spar enhancement, the defense power of the building against the ghosts will be stronger!

Even through different types of element spar, it can also bring offensive effects to buildings!

Hearing what Zhang Yi said, everyone immediately became interested: "Where can I get this element spar?"

"Elemental spar, guarded by goblins."

Zhang Yi said: "This is the product of the goblin kingdom."

Lin Xi was puzzled: "Goblin? What is that?"

"I know! Goblin living underground!" The Sword Saint raised his hand and shouted.

As a result, everyone was staring blankly.

Unexpectedly, Zhang Yi followed: "Yes, goblins are underground goblins."

Everyone was shocked: "Do you want to be so sloppy..."

"Because goblins live underground all the year round, it is difficult for ordinary people to see them under normal circumstances."

In fact, goblins can also be understood as a race in the apocalypse world!

However, this race is really too weak, and it is incomparable with the human race, the demon race, the alien race, the dragon race, and the ghost race.

They have lived underground for generations to produce elemental spar, and then sell the elemental spar to other races to earn some food for a living.

Every player's main city has a goblin's territory underground.

But finding them is not about digging into the ground.

Because they live thousands of meters underground, ordinary digging can't dig that deep.

They all have special underground passages leading to the Goblin Kingdom!

Naturally, the reason why Zhang Yi knew this was from the memory of his previous life.

In the past and future generations, some players found the main city built by combining elemental spar when building the main city. When the ghost clan invaded during the Ghost Festival, it had a surprisingly super defensive effect on the ghost clan!

But elemental spar is very scarce.

In order to snatch the element spar, the players of the major families even broke out battles repeatedly!

At this time, Yi Ye Guzhou said to Zhang Yi, "Senior, do you know where the passage to the Goblin Kingdom is? I'll take someone to the Goblin Kingdom to buy element spar!"

Zhang Yi shook his head: "I don't know either."

"However, we don't have to look for it deliberately. When the time comes, the goblins will deliver the element spar to each main city."

"There is such a good thing?" Everyone was astonished.

Through Zhang Yi's description, this is understood.

It turned out: In addition to being weak, goblins have a special ability, that is, to predict disasters!

This year is the first year of the ghost race's invasion, and the major races are completely unaware that the ghost race is about to attack.

But the goblins have foreseen the imminent danger!

Just like: God closes a door for you, and will definitely open a window for you.

And they foretell: Elemental spar can be used against incoming enemies!

Therefore, every year, the goblins bring the element spar to the main city of the three major races three days before the arrival of the Ghost Festival. They want to help the three races fight against the ghost clan, and they also exchange the element spar for some food.

This is also the reason why Zhang Yi didn't go to the Goblin Kingdom in advance and reserve the element spar in advance.

A pity: those goblins can't speak.

For at least the first three years, the three major races will not realize that the elemental spar produced by the little goblins can be used to effectively fight against the powerful ghosts!

Therefore, according to the historical progress, in the past few years, every year, every year in the major cities, ugly-looking goblins with a dirt bag on their backs will be driven by players and NPCs directly.

Zhang Yi looked at the time and said, "The goblin should appear in the city the day after tomorrow or the day after tomorrow, and then all of you should pay attention."

Huang Wuji, Sword Saint, Yi Ye Guzhou, they all agreed: "Understood!"

At the same time, Zhang Yi also forwarded the news of the goblin and the elemental spar to the Dragon Clan Immortals in Liuguang City.

On the side of Liuguang City, although there will no longer be a crisis of ghost invasion.

But goblins also appear on time.

In the future, when a city is created on the first-level main city, a large amount of elemental spar is needed to make the city have the absolute power to defend against ghosts.

So it is necessary to collect elemental spar in advance!

So, for the next two days, nothing happened until the goblin appeared.

Zhang Yi is nothing more than brushing monsters, practicing and leveling, and teasing the minibus.

The intimacy of the minibus seems to be stuck at 99%, and it can't go up!

This is a real headache.

In addition, Zhang Yi stayed with Lin Ruo and Lin Yi sisters every day.

After watching their sisters meet again, their relationship is getting better and better, and there is a hint of hesitation in my heart.

During this time, Zhang Yi deliberately contacted Lin Ruo several times through various opportunities, and used the heart of memory to copy Lin Ruo's memory.

It was found that her memory was pure and she didn't have any bad intentions!

Could it be because Zhang Yi tampered with some of the history of this life, so that Lin Ruo won't get worse in this life?

Zhang Yi still can't believe this, the woman who lied to him for seven years in the last life!

It's always better to be on guard.

But even if it was to take revenge on Lin Ruo, Zhang Yi had to wait until after she helped Fatty get through the crisis of death in his previous life!

In the torment and waiting, I spent two days like this.

The time comes to the twelfth day of the seventh month of the lunar calendar.

That night, Zhang Yi was farming monsters and leveling alone in a level 190 advanced wild area outside the city.

Suddenly I received a private message from the Sword Saint: "Boss, the goblin you mentioned seems to have appeared!"

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