Get God-level Talent at the Start of Online Games

Chapter 1176 There are many organs and heavy losses!

Giants as high as level 180 are already difficult to deal with for Jiange players whose average level is less than level 165.

In addition, there is the continuous invasion of the poisonous mist.

This made the players of the sword pavilion in the poisonous fog completely defeated by the giants who suddenly came out!

A level 180 giant with an attack power of 30 million.

It is easy to inflict heavy damage to Jiange players with 50 to 60 million skill damage!

These sword pavilion players, who generally only have three or four hundred million health, have to withstand the poisoning damage of thirty or forty million per second, while also resisting the attacks of giant warriors.

After all, it is unable to withstand the double blow of the enemy.

In the front line, more and more sword pavilion warriors and knight players were killed by giant warriors!

Those giant warriors let out a long howl like a beast, as if they were showing off their power!

I saw: In the poisonous fog, an elite giant warrior captain in silver armor stepped on a knight of the sword pavilion and roared: "Our giants are now different from what they used to be. Humans, you can't think about it again. Keep bullying us!"

"In the future, you humans will eventually become slaves to our giants!"


The giant warrior captain "swiped" an axe down and directly split the head of the sword pavilion knight under his feet in half!

A 64.5 million damage, clearing the health bar.

The sword pavilion warrior twitched twice in the pool of blood, then turned into a white light and flew away.

The captain of the giant warrior pointed at the sword pavilion player who was eroded by the poisonous mist and screamed: "With this invincible combat power, you dare to invade the territory of my giant clan? Courting death!"

The voice did not fall.

"Pfft" a sharp sword penetrated the chest of the giant warrior captain!

A damage as high as 170 million, only destroyed one-third of its blood!

The next moment, the ghost swordsman Xing Tian, ​​dressed in black armor and exuding a dark aura, appeared in front of the giant warrior captain!

"Little ants, courting death!"

With astonishing strength, the captain of the giant warrior shook Xingtian back.

Lifting the big axe, he was about to cut it down at Xingtian.

With a loud noise of "锵", the sudden thunder knight rode Juechen and blocked Xingtian's attack with his shield.


-5.2 billion times the damage!

Yiqi Juechen, who started to counterattack hundreds of times, directly counterattacked, killing the captain of the giant warrior with a total blood volume of only 5 billion in one strike!

The captain of the giant warrior fell to the ground before he could react.

Xing Tian said angrily: "Anyway, you give people a chance to pretend to be forced."

Yiqi Juechen nodded: "Okay, pay attention next time."

The two had just finished speaking.


A giant dragon leaped overhead.

Zhang Yi jumped from the air on a minibus.

next moment.

Boom boom boom!

Countless fire dragons descended from the sky and bombarded the giant warriors in the poisonous mist.

Under the strengthening of the master-level fire-bathing dragon soul.

One after another, a huge amount of damage as high as eight or nine hundred million madly swallowed the blood of those giant warriors.

Immediately after.


A fiery dragon flame fell from the sky.

Level 10 Hell Dragon Flame, with a 450% True Damage Coefficient, exploded a huge amount of white true damage of 1.68 billion directly on those giant warriors!

In the blink of an eye, dozens of giant warriors within a large area were all killed!

This scene only caught Xing Tian and Yiqi Juechen, who had not had time to prepare for battle, by surprise.

The two of them said in unison: "Good guy, let him pretend to be finished!"

At this time, everyone was pleased to discover:

As the giant warrior squad was killed.

The green poisonous mist in the dark passage also dissipated instantly!

It seems that killing these giant warriors is the key to eliminating the poisonous fog!

So, Sword Saint immediately passed the news to Huang Wuji and Yi Ye Guzhou.

Zhang Yi and the others continued to move forward.

But I didn't expect that such blockades as just now would continue.

On the way to the giants headquarters, there are always all kinds of traps in the secret passage, as well as the blocking of giant soldiers!

The core of the giant's combat power is the trap.

All kinds of traps can always bring unexpected trauma to Zhang Yi and the others!

Coupled with the blocking of those giant soldiers.

Along the way, the Jiange army suffered heavy casualties.

However, in fact, the damage on the side of the sword pavilion is considered good.

Because on their side, there are also Zhang Yi, Xing Tian, ​​Yiqi Juechen and Fatty, four hidden professionals.

On the other hand, on the side of the royal family and the resurrected, the casualties were heavier.

It was only when the three major clans were divided into three groups, all the way through thorns and obstacles, and finally arrived at the giant clan headquarters.

The 300,000 players in Jiange, one-fifth of the road was worn down, and only less than 250,000 people arrived at the headquarters!

As for the royal family and the resurrected, the casualty ratio has reached one-third!

Only 200,000 people from the royal family arrived at the headquarters.

The resurrected people killed as many as 200,000 in the middle! Only 500,000 people finally arrived at their destination!

The three major families formed an encirclement outside the capital of the giants' headquarters.

In a temporary battle group consisting of only Zhang Yi, Yi Ye Guzhou, Huang Wuji, and Juggernaut, Juggernaut couldn't help but pour out: "I really underestimate these giants, they are traps, and they play really slippery!"

Huang Wuji: "This time the loss is huge, and I have nearly 100,000 people hanging here."

One Leaf Lonely Boat: "I have 200,000 hanging here..."

Only then did Zhang Yi know the difficulty of this god-level hidden mission!

At this time, according to the news sent by those players who died and returned to Purgatory City: the three passages on the ground leading to the underground have all been closed!

In other words: the power of the three major families will only become less and less, and they can no longer ask for foreign aid!

In the next battle, Zhang Yi and the others still have 950,000 people!

And visual inspection of the giants headquarters, their strength is at least one million upwards!

The two sides were evenly matched in numbers.

Next, it depends on the individual combat power, which is stronger or weaker!

At this time, Sword Saint Aite Yiye Guzhou said in the group: "Can't you summon the seventh-order dragon emperor? Come to the seventh-order dragon emperor, and directly destroy this giant clan's lair in one fell swoop!"

One Leaf Guzhou does have two chances to summon the seventh-order Dragon Emperor.

He was also planning to do this, but was stopped by Zhang Yi: "The opportunity to summon the seventh-order Dragon Emperor is rare, so don't waste it unless you have to."

"This opportunity will be used to deal with the ghost clan."

Huang Wuji said: "It's just a giant clan, and using the seventh-order Dragon Emperor is too talented. We can do it ourselves."

"Okay, then it's up to us!"

Close the dialog.

The Sword Saint standing in front of the Jiange army, waved his sword and gave an order: "Brothers, kill with me!"

Huang Wuji and Yi Ye Guzhou also gave orders one after another.

next moment.

Millions of players from the three major clans, with overwhelming momentum, surrounded the giant clan headquarters!


Accompanied by a deafening dragon cry.

The fourth-order Dragon Emperor Babu, carrying Zhang Yi, leaped through the air and took the giant headquarter capital!

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