This data is true!

Take a look at the entire purgatory city.

Even a super ghost swordsman like Xingtian, who possesses the ghost sword and the super artifact Fengshen ring, only has an attack power of more than 16 million!

At this stage, the average attack power of ordinary 160-level mages and assassin-type output professional players is only about 10 million.

And Zhang Yi's attack power has reached 42 million!

Even the defensive power is higher than the average player's attack power!

And this scary 1.5 billion blood volume.

The total HP of Thunder Knight Yiqi Juechen is only in the early 1 billion!

This data is used to deal with ghost clan, get it right!

Even if it is a level 200 ghost king, Zhang Yi has full confidence that he can handle it!

Because Zhang Yi is only level 175 now, but his data is more than level 200!

This set of slayer suits is well-deserved the strongest equipment in Purgatory City!

Zhang Yi looked up at the night sky.

It was found that the moon was already quite round, and the color was a little reddish.

It's also an alternative reminder, but no player will notice it.

Then, Zhang Yi also found a hotel and rested.

One night is fleeting.

In the blink of an eye, it was the next morning.

Today's task is to inject elemental spar into the defense tower.

To be precise, this is the day's task today.

So, Zhang Yi, Huang Wuji, Juggernaut, a lonely boat, and the soldiers were divided into four paths.

South, East and Northwest, each is responsible for one side.

Zhang Yi is in charge of the North Gate.

A total of 14 defense towers were built outside the north gate of Purgatory City.

Each defensive tower reaches 20 meters high!

On the outer wall, countless mechanical arrow crossbows are installed, and there are automatic energy cannons on the top.

At this time, Zhang Yi came to one of the defense towers.

Take a red offensive elemental spar from the bag: fire spar.

Put the fire spar on top of the tower.


The fire spar melted into a little red streamer and merged into the defense tower!

Until one minute later, the defense tower completely absorbed the energy of the fire spar and completely swallowed the spar.

The defense tower began to flash red shimmers, and then everything returned to normal.

Just on the outer wall of the defense tower, a red fire mark was left.

It looks the same as before.

However, Zhang Yi knows that only in battle can this defensive tower show its power after being strengthened by fire spar!

Elemental spar is used to strengthen buildings, and depending on the type of spar, the building can obtain different defense and attack bonus effects.

And the building that is strengthened by the element spar will be magnified ten times for the strengthening effect of the ghost monster!

The size of a defensive tower, strengthened with an elemental spar, is just right.

The energy of the spar is not much and not much, just enough to strengthen a whole defense tower!

Then, Zhang Yi followed suit and consumed an element spar on each of the other defense towers.

Five different crystals are used interspersed with gold, wood, water, fire and soil.

Soon, all 14 defense towers were enhanced with elemental spar!

You're done!

Zhang Yi and Xing Tian were standing on a defensive tower.

I saw passers-by and players passing by around the defense tower, and there was a lot of discussion:

"I don't understand, what's the use of them building these towers so much? Is it true that some ghosts will attack Purgatory City?"

"But then again, today is half July, the Ghost Festival! Maybe there will be a large group of monsters and ghosts coming out tonight!"

"Go, people are naive and you are naive. The system doesn't have any reminders. Is it possible that Yinuo Qingcheng has the ability to predict the future?"

As for the three major families, there is also the news about the invasion of the ghost clan that Zhang Yi had released in the city several days ago.

Of the 50 million players in the city, at least 90% don't care.

The remaining 10% of the players did not believe Zhang Yi and the others, but even if they did, they didn't know how to guard against this ghost clan.

They can only follow Zhang Yi's advice: buy a lot of damage-increasing magic scrolls from the store, and then soak the magic scrolls in the resurrection spring water.

On this day, Zhang Yi and the core figures of the three major families had nothing else to do, so they circled around the defense tower.

See where there is still room for improvement, and improve it.

Xing Tian leaned against the city gate at the north gate of Purgatory City, looking at the defensive towers outside the city that they had built with painstaking efforts and had gone through hardships to destroy the giants.

Zhang Yi asked: "How many levels of ghost monsters can these defense towers resist?"

"Level 200." Zhang Yi's answer was shocking.

Around the second-level main city, the level of any monster will not exceed level 200.

Unless it is very special, such as the seventh-order dragon emperor summoned by a single boat driving the dragon bloodline authority.

That is to say, even the most elite level 200 ghosts of the ghost clan cannot break through the blocking of the defensive tower!

"Is our defense tower really that powerful?" A royal official beside him had some unbelievable questions.

Zhang Yi said: "It's not that the defense tower is powerful, it's the element spar."

So Zhang Yi sent a message to Huang Wuji, Juggernaut and the others.

Knowing that on their side, all the defense towers have been strengthened with spar!

Everything is ready.

Next, just wait for the night to come, and the army of ghosts strikes!

In the past, every year when the Ghost Festival came, Zhang Yi would be afraid.

But this time, Zhang Yi was inexplicably expecting a little...

By the afternoon.

Under Zhang Yi's instructions.

The three major families, with millions of players, each prepared a large amount of high-grade red and blue potions, as well as injury-increasing scrolls soaked in spring water.

All equipment repaired.

Then, all of them open a room in the city to sleep, and save their stamina for the fight against the ghosts tonight!

Before I knew it, it was six o'clock in the evening.

On this winter day with short days and long nights, it gets dark earlier.

At about six o'clock, it was already dark.

Darkness enveloped the earth.

There was not a single cloud in the sky, and the moon was bright.

Everything looked very peaceful.

As everyone knows, this is the calm before the storm!

Inside and outside the city, countless players are bragging:

"Have you seen it? I'll just say that the three major families are alarmist? How can there be any ghosts invading?"

"Yeah, I also said that the ghost clan invaded tonight, and I didn't see a ghost shadow!"

When people are talking.

The underground outside Purgatory City suddenly seeped out bursts of black gas!

In the sky, the full moon also began to glow red!

Standing on top of a defensive tower at the North Gate, Xingtian drew his sword and stood up: "They are coming!"

The atmosphere became inexplicably tense.

But he heard Zhang Yi say, "Not yet."

"Then this black air..."

"This is a trick of the ghost clan."

Said, Zhang Yi, who seemed to have seen through everything, walked down from the defensive tower.

I can only see: the black gas that can be seen everywhere on the ground will erode the surrounding area of ​​Purgatory City!

Only these defensive towers are unstained from the mud.

Those black gas bypassed the defense tower, and it seemed that they did not dare to approach the defense tower!

It is precisely because the defense tower is sheltered by the element spar!

The Purgatory City is sheltered by the main city's energy core.

At this time, Zhang Yi deliberately walked into those black qi.

After being corroded by the black gas, I only heard a system prompt fall in my ears:

"Ding~ You are affected by [Breath of Battle, and in the breath of battle, your monster killing income will increase by 30%!"

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